Showing Posts For Macallan.9270:

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


Awesome take your largest most dedicated segment of your population and make them spend and hour or 2 to download a patch they dont care about during their most important and busiest part of the week.


Yes. Clearly they didnt release anything for wvw-and-are-ignoring-us. Clearly.
“Wintersday is coming and along with all the other goodies there will be a few updates to WvW. Some of these changes are the result of forum feedback while others are part of our longer term plans for WvW. Here’s a quick preview of what WvW will get for Wintersday:

Advance notification of new builds
In order to allow WvW players to make good decions about siege placement, assault timing, etc. we’re adding a new build pre-announcement. This will be in the form of a message broadcast to all players some time before the current build expires. Because this notification is tied to one of the final steps in our build process, and those final steps take a variable amount of time, we won’t be able to say exactly when the current build will expire. Instead, the message will provide a window of time in which the new build will become available.

Alt+F4 is no escape
If someone that you’re fighting disconnects during combat (via Alt+F4, killing the client process, etc.) their character will be instantly killed, death penalties will be applied, and XP & loot will be handed out as usual.

No more insta-build walls & gates
Destroyed walls and gates will now rebuild when they reach 10% health rather than on the very first repair. This means that when attackers down a wall or gate defenders won’t be able to instantly rebuild it. Walls and gates which are destroyed can still be damaged if they have any health.

Breakout events
We’ve added a new event type to WvW called Breakout events which trigger when one or more teams have been pushed completely out of a map. They’re designed both to help players break out of severly camped portal keeps and to provide assistance in establishing a foothold in each map. Here’s what designer Matt Witter has to say about them:

Break Out Events are special WvW events that will happen when a team has lost control of all defensive structures, not counting supply camps. An NPC commander will appear in the team’s start area and an event will start that prompts players to gather around. Once enough players are in the commander’s presence he will summon his trusty dolyak to give all allies in the area full supply. He will then lead the charge to the nearby objective and give players protection and assist with building siege to assault the objective with. Those benefits, along with a defensive boon that he applies to all nearby allies, makes the attacking players a force to be reckoned with. Defenders will have their work cut out for them, as once the gate or wall piece is destroyed the commander will move to the tower lord inside and attack anyone in his path.

These changes are just a small part of what the WvW team has been up to lately. As you may have already heard, we’re hard at work on some larger updates that we plan to deliver in February. We’re not quite ready to talk about the details yet but as February gets closer we’ll start to reveal more of our secrets.

Happy Wintersday and we’ll see you on the battlefield!"

No excuses for the slow/non-existent download though.

lmao….how difficult is it to put in a notification? errr, then again they’ve seemed to have failed on culling not once, but twice.

and a npc commander…who will basically take back a tower or keep for you. so this is like….the opposite of the orbs?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


You guys can’t be serious. Go take a jog or something and relax. The game isn’t going anywhere, it just went down for a bit.

It is almost sickening watching people get so upset over a video game.

then go read something else.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


I vote WvW Server independence from PVE servers!! NOWZ!


why in gods name would anyone pve in this game? there’s no end game content, no raids, the dungeons are repetitive…for the world explorer title? for more jumping puzzles?

Original culling behavior has been restored.

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


this does actually bring up a good point. last week, there was an epic battle at stonemist, all 3 servers were there fighting. it would have been magnificent.

however, the battle was as laggy as the karaka event.

so tell me…what sense does it make to create a game that is Server vs. Server vs. Server, with player caps for each server, if anet cannot handle it?

Original culling behavior has been restored.

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


So….the culling system, which did not work adequately, has been put back into place…because the solution you thought would fix it…inadvertantly turned out to be worse.

I guess, thank you for reinstating the inadequate system.

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


broken download? are the anet programmers all the people who blizzard and bioware fired?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


the download isnt even working right, does anet know anything about how to run a mmo?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


hey, i don’t know anything about programming, think i could get a job at anet?

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


it would be one thing if the patch was going to yield something other than a lagging or disconnection event that displeases 99% of the players, but we appear to be in store for more brilliance by anet (i.e. the improved culling, that actually made culling worse)

Fort Aspenwood(NA) recruiting all Timezones

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


For a tier 3 server, TC has way more than enough people in WvW. As it stands now, you guys win on sheer numbers alone.

TC has many hours where we will have at most 10 players on a map. While I understand this to be a convenient reason for the scores to end the way they do, I’m disappointed that you discredit our players abilities and strategies.

WvW Population Caps Are Too High

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


it’s too high, irrelevant to the tiers or server sizes. it’s too high cause whenever you actually have a WvWvW battle, it’s lag lag lag.

seriously, either have the capability to service your game or write a smaller game spec.

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


i dont care if you spawn camp. just dont qq that its a boring week. you cant have it both ways. otherwise, its hypocritical behavior on an epic level.

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


the explanation is quite simple. wvw is intended to be combat pvp style with towers, camps, and keeps as the main objective. afterall, that is the scoring basis. so if spawn camping has reduced wvw to just pvp at a spawn point, then the whole wvw experience is eliminated, ostensibly.

as far as it being strategic, sure it is. and do it by all means. just dont complain if you sit in your 3 hour q to have nothing to do on the map.

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


those who argue its a valid strategy seem to be the same ones qq-ing this week’s been boring. pick one…cause you cant have it both ways.

10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


REALLY REALLY REALLY impressed by EPIC’s participation. Hey, its fair…they’re only manning the ballista.


10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


Oh, here’s an update….they’ve add a ballista to the mix, to complement the arrowcart, mob, and treb fire.


10/26 - Sanctum of Rall / Tarnished Coast / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


Glad to see the server of SoR has continued to fight honorably. A mob, an AC, and treb fire at spawn…lovely


10/12 Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspenwood/Blackgate

in WvW

Posted by: Macallan.9270


For the EB, a few people on TC have indicated that we made a deliberate effort to leave FA alone, as BG will have a harder time owning the map against 2 teams than 1. With that effort made by all of TC, it is disappointing to see FA not understand this dynamic. In reading their posts about their past experience with BG, one would think it quite simple to figure out.