Showing Posts For MadFlea.4596:

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


“The transfer from … to your PayPal account for the amount of x,xx EUR is now complete. The funds are now reflected in your PayPal account balance.”

First time I’ve ever felt (a little) disappointed to receive money into my Paypal account.

It WAS destined for HoT.

The 'retired-gemstore-items'-issue debate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


This generation’s ‘I want it all and I want it right now’ attitude only leads to everyone having the same and looking the same.
Boring and absolutely no correlation to the real world.

Event failed...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


You mean, of course “event fail”. As usual.

Just noticed the weather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


Noticed it too. No idea what it’s been like outside for the past few weeks though ;-)

A few nights of frustration - GW2 NOT a keeper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


@Gilandred – quotes not working but 22 days ago “Demeaning the opinions of others is, well, rather disrespectful. Take your own advice then.” ;-)

I quoted and agreed with what you said. Sorry you find that disrespectful:)

My apologies then. Looking at your posts you seem very pro GW2, therefore I assumed you were referring to my post going nowhere. Sorry! Never assume, MadFlea,never assume!

A few nights of frustration - GW2 NOT a keeper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


@Methesda – I guess it was a bit of a vent ^^ A wall of text for a wall of problems on just an ordinary few nights’ playthrough.

@Gilandred – quotes not working but 22 days ago “Demeaning the opinions of others is, well, rather disrespectful. Take your own advice then.” ;-)

A few nights of frustration - GW2 NOT a keeper

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadFlea.4596


The last week on GW2 has been one mostly of frustration due to broken DE’s, respawn rates, down levelling etc…all things which I believe Anet have been aware of since release, but have (seemingly) done little about.
During the beta when my students asked me what I was playing I would say “GW2!…it’s one to watch!” Now…I tell them it’s one to avoid. Also I truly felt that during the beta the Anet staff ‘cared’ about their player base and tried to address any problems, if not directly then through factual information and ‘sympathetic’ responses on the forums. If you look at the live forums you may notice a shift away from the ‘we care’ attitude with a multitude of ‘critical’ threads closed, an often curt response (softened with a ;-) ) and replies only to such important issues as “My armour isn’t green, it should be green, why isn’t it green?” type game-breaking bugs an attitude that made me have no more to do with Blizz, being one that makes the user feel like “we have your money now. kthxbye.”
I’m sure there were more points than those listed below, but my cat has been playing with my post-its and I’m sure some have been eaten :P
I’m not going to talk about endgame, dungeons, pvp or the multitude of other things which need fixed, but only a few nights of ordinary levelling, where every night there are more than several things that annoy, aggravate and, basically, take the fun out of playing at all.
Levelling my second toon (necro) from 40/50 to 70+. I have always been at the ‘correct’ level (or one less) for the hearts/zones etc. Starting from 40/50 not because there haven’t been problems before this level, but it’s at about this time that the problems hit you and you’ve had enough of forgiving Anet for poor coding/programming/design etc.
Iron Marches – broken DE Defend seige devourer while it assists troops – both shields up (starter NPC and Veteran Giant Devourer) – talk to NPC says ready to go…or similar…go to Veteran…it’s green and no enemies.
POI Desolann (underwater – in a ‘fissure’ between the rocks. Horibble, horrible camera perspective (and graphical errors – green screen/half seeing through walls) get stuck in one underwater passageway that leads nowhere. In fact anytime you’re near a wall, rock, plant the camera is smacking you in the head. Jump puzzles are mostly ‘hard’/no fun to do due to bad camera perspective.
Stop Flame Legion Ritualists before they summon an effigy (Soldier Mesh) – I killed 2 of 3 on my own…was on half health on the third when assisted by other 2 other players…got SILVER completion. I’m sure they got gold :P
I often play in the early hours of the morning so I don’t really expect to be able to complete a group de, however Fireheart Rise the battle of Bulch Crossing, Vidius Castrum wp – having protected the seige attackers previously apparently makes no difference – ridiculous respawn rate – kill the flame legion, destroy the flame turrets attack the gate and turrets and legions have already respawned again.
Another point directly from my post-it notes “Sev: Breach wp conteked protect from waved but none.” This one is obvious…the wine had already kicked in ^^. This game is leading me to drink.
Area ne/n of Vid Castrum wp plains worms have a 3/4 second respawn – with terrible minion AI (attack things 100 metres away) and 2 patrolling Fireguards and multiple (thank you golem) knockdowns from Wurms = dead. 1 silver to travel to nearest uncontested wp. Nearest wp ALWAYS contested as de broken (attacking waves on 7/8…no more arrive).
Track down and kill effigies in Amduat? Point with Grathzion – firstly he is a golem in disguise…he attacks anything except, of course, the effigies. He dies in 2 hits and if you kill effigy while he is down it isn’t credited on event. Also this area has horrible respawns (often instant – kill one it reappears or worse it reappears 2 seconds after you’ve started an attack on another…this is especially true near the vista with the smoke shamens and the embers. 1s 7c to return to wp 200m away.
So by now I was pretty fed up and leveled from 67/68 to 70 something by crafting. Ok I thought, I’ll be ok to continue in this area now, but actually I’m bored of all this I’ll continue my personal story.
Fixing the blame lvl 66 – Unguent Den – downlevelled to 62 against 68 mobs. Ok a challenge. Kite 3 ogres? from cave mouth they kill minions, pull to Asara warning signs (10ft.) and they run back to cave regenerating health return to finish you off 2 hits = dead again. Finally kill 3 outside cave – rush to cave upped to level 70 and 3 outside respawn ontop of 3 in cave…step outside cave downlevelled 62 = dead. 3 tries – a lvl 78 can’t reach a lvl 66 story = gave up and come here to moan
Where is this going? Nowhere really. I’m not saying I’m rage quitting, I’m not saying I don’t expect (a few) bugs. But sadly GW2 is not going to be the game I’ll spend hours on, nor one that I’ll recommend to anyone either.