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LB did get a huge DPS buff...

in Ranger

Posted by: Maddie Bear.3509

Maddie Bear.3509

So i have been messing around in wvw with the lb both pre and post patch. I have eagle eye traited on a zerkers signet build. Having a lot of fun with it until last night. When roaming i usually pop them a few times from distance, they close gap, and we go at it.

Occasionally I end up behind someone as they run from me and usually have enough range to down them before they get far enough way. On a few occasions last night I had some runners. Normally I smile and chase them down. Wouldn’t you know it, at anything over about 900 + range, all they have to do is repeatedly jump (their backs are to me and they are just running hammering away on the space bar) and I will not land a single blow. IMO since you are going to take back the fury, can we get a buff to projectile speed. Its rather pathetic.

Vampiric Hunter

in Ranger

Posted by: Maddie Bear.3509

Maddie Bear.3509

Thanks for the response. Going to enjoy my LB while its still what it is…

Vampiric Hunter

in Ranger

Posted by: Maddie Bear.3509

Maddie Bear.3509

I’ve been running something like this for awhile in wvw. Mostly just roaming around and catching people off guard. With the new moment of clarity I now run lb-gs/sb and 30/30/10 signet build. I have also been messing around with some other trait mixes. The ones thing I keep coming back to is whether or not the vampiric rune set is actually working. I googled it, and from what I can find it’s very buggy. Anyone have any idea if its WAI?

Edit – Mist always seems to work, but can’t tell if I’m getting the life steal.

(edited by Maddie Bear.3509)

Good PvE damage spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: Maddie Bear.3509

Maddie Bear.3509

I can take the 5 -10 seconds to res someone, while still doing damage. I can be downed and still watch the damage tick away. To say certain builds don’t work, or this one does more damage than that one isn’t always cut and dry.

I don’t know how long your conditions last, but certainly not that much to make up for it. Each bleed ticks 3 times, make it 4 if you get all sorts of bleed extensions…if you stop applying bleeds your DPS is gone, so if you go rez someone by the time you get to that person most of your bleed stacks are gone. I’m not even going into detail about the positioning which is also a big downside to condition rangers, or the fact that in the time spent throwing a trap you would do more damage by using autoattacks. Conditions don’t do “extra damage” overtime, therefor your statement is not correct.

A berseker build will get raw damage instantly, with a condition build you will hit your target and seconds later you will get the damage done…so you are not doing more damage than anyone else while “you go around to rez someone”.

Either way, with 5-15 points in BM you can swap a pet and rez a downed team mate in 1/2 the time you would need by that matter, which is more important than watching a couple of bleeds tick

Also take into account that the build i wrote can also use “slow traps” to assist if needed, the best slow traps are muddy terrain and frost trap, none of them make damage anyways.
Just because you build a ranger with a berseker build doesn’t mean all it does is autoattacks with a shortbow, you can still support your team in many ways.

SB ticks for 3 seconds… Splitblade, Spiked Trap, Sharpening stone, all apply more than 3 seconds. Think Splitblade is 8 or something like that without any buffs. Don’t forget poison and flame damage too. If its a Pug or high level fractal I usually run the 5 in BM for res speed… The tougher fights are not spike fests, otherwise I would agree with you wholeheartedly. I still crit often for about 550 and I’m not even fully spec’ed out. I expect it to get close to 650-700 according to mists testing.

Sharpening stone well before fight- tossing out spike, flame or muddy (before I pull aggro) then launching in a splitblade, poison volley and entangle will wipe a significant amount of health before any mob even gets to you. A few combos avail if you run torch. A few seconds later everything is recharged (minus entagle) and you just repeat… Even without flanking, I can’t get that DPS with beserkers gear and minimal condition damage.

Good PvE damage spec?

in Ranger

Posted by: Maddie Bear.3509

Maddie Bear.3509

To all the people saying I should reroll a warrior, I agree. I already have a 30 warrior, but leveling is such a pain, and I’ve already invested so much time in my Ranger. It would kill me to see all that go to waste.

You should simply ignore the people who tells you to reroll a warrior, even more if the best damage spec they suggest is “traps and shortbow”…that just shows how poorly they play their rangers.

Honestly, the best damage as ranger comes from full berseker (you can mix berseker with some valkyrie pieces if you feel like you need some extra HP at the cost of having less precision).
As for the traits, 15 into BM is a must to keep your pet alive in dungeons thanks to the extra stats for your pet along with the 15/48 seconds swap, 30 into skirmishing is great and 5 into survivality is also a must to gain endurance faster leaving you with another 20 points which i’d put into markmanship for piercing arrows and 10% dmg when full endurance.
As you can see this spec is mainly shortbow/longbow oriented, tho you can switch the longbow with sword/horn in certain situations where you feel going melee is not going to hurt you much. As for pets, you have to use many, i myself use jaguar/hawk a lot, but i switch to devourers if i know the DPS melee pets won’t be able to survive.

I don’t recommend traps/condition builds for PvE and the reason of why not it’s simple, other classes can apply bleeds/burn/poison and since it doesn’t stack (bleed is capped at 25) it will result in a DPS loss for you or your teammates.

I recently started getting my Lvl 80 exotic armor in order. I will end up with a mix of carrion and rabid. I read at length, numerous posts similar to your regarding berserkers being the best. While traps, conditions are obsolete. I run something like 0-30-20-20-0 and do run traps when applicable. As long as I use the right pet and handle them properly, I do not suffer many pet deaths traited at 0. Sometimes I add in some BM. All depends on needs.

First I will not argue that Berserkers and a power/crit LB build will out DpS my build in terms of just standing there firing away. However, there are so many variables, that straight damage (no conditions) could mean less damage. Bleed caps are hardly ever met in my teams. Even if they are, the CC from traps is a huge bonus for my team. If I don’t need the cc or condition damage my skills get changed as needed.

I have never heard anyone talk about the DPS plus’s of condition damage. Once applied, the DPS from conditions continue until they expire. Regardless of what your doing. If I’m res’ing I can watch thousands of damage tick away from the conditions my SB/Axe/Torch or traps applied. While healing I watch hundreds more. While kiting, trapping, running items, throwing rocks, whatever, the damage continues. Traps provide so much CC its not even funny. Even if they aren’t straight damage they allow your team to continue on the offensive. On dungeon/FOTM runs, I have noticed huge differences in team survivability between running a solo DPS build or a build with some utility (traps) and conditions. I can take the 5 -10 seconds to res someone, while still doing damage. I can be downed and still watch the damage tick away. To say certain builds don’t work, or this one does more damage than that one isn’t always cut and dry.

(edited by Maddie Bear.3509)

Ghastly Longbow Bugged Glow [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maddie Bear.3509

Maddie Bear.3509

Also hoping that this gets addressed. As a casual gamer, this took me the better part of two weeks to get. I was pretty excited when I fist purchased it. That didn’t last long…