Showing Posts For Magma Fyre.6109:

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magma Fyre.6109

Magma Fyre.6109

For your perusal: Jungle Lord Armor skins
Light armor consisting of a loin cloth, a fur cravat (and a fur bra for the ladies), dirt for shoes, an ostentatious signet ring (I’m rich you know), a twig caught in the hair, and idk a bird on the shoulder or a used band-aid or something.
Medium armor is literally the light armor with a greatcoat with the sleeves torn off and some tasteful tattered ends slapped over it.
Heavy armor is a hodge-podged conglomeration of dino parts, leaves, and wreckage that might actually count as armor.

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Magma Fyre.6109

Magma Fyre.6109

The best way to get hero points fast are to get the ones in the HoT maps. Each one is worth ten. Verdant Brink alone will get you pretty far into your spec. People are regularly posting in the map chat looking for parties to run mastery/hero point gathering, and you can train your masteries to unlock fun things like gliding and other quality of life/ease of exploration abilities while running meta events between points.
I put off HoT content until after I had completed my personal story and LWS2, and the necessary running around maps helps you find hero points without the aimless wandering, although it is by no means efficient.
Maps that run off of mobile meta events will often bring you nearby hero points to run back and grab on your way through as well, so doing the Silverwastes, Dry Top and Orr should be fun.