Showing Posts For Makaramoto.4379:

Dyeable undergarments / underwear / hair gear?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Makaramoto.4379


Anet, I wish you respond to this, all you need to do is slip it in with the next patch, so so so many people would be thrilled! If not now, when summer comes around you should release a Summer Bash! Where we get all kinds of swim suits and water emotes or something! I know you guys are probably thinking about it, cause in November when you released Southsun Cove you slipped in dozens of every race at a beach all wearing various swimming gear and ALL DYED DIFFERENT COLORS. Even the Asura have cool little swim suits. If this wasn’t a teaser I don’t know what is… Anyone reading this go and check it out! at [Pride Point Waypoint]. Aney please let us know if your doing this… thanks!


“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” -Charles R. Swindoll

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Makaramoto.4379


Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Profession: Ranger

Armor: Tier 2 Cultural Predatory Leggings

I am an avid lover of mix and matching, and your armor system is even build for us to do this. I love the Norn Cultural pieces but not trying to sound insulting but a extremely amateurish modeling job has slipped its way into the game though the T2 Norn Female Predatory leggings.

Issue 1: The underside of the skirt has a geometric base with sharp edges completely visible when pairing this piece with any coat not fully covering the legs, visible from front and back. The image tells all.

Issue 2: When pairing this with a coat that stays above the waist a horrific texture tear happens below bottom of right leg.

I was super excited to find an armor combo that wasn’t trench coat and pants, but these modeling shortcuts are to large to go unnoticed. Please fix this.


“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” -Charles R. Swindoll

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Makaramoto.4379


Here’s my Thief very proud of her, just finished her armor off today! Completely maxed out, Aesthetically and stat wise! Let me know what you think!
Head: Swindlers Mask
Shoulders: Whipser’s Shoulders
Chest: Nika’s Coat
Gloves: T3 Cultural
Leggings: T3 Cultural
Boots: Nika’s Boots


“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” -Charles R. Swindoll