Showing Posts For Malethos.3726:

Issues With Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Malethos.3726


This has been bugged on crystal desert pretty much non stop for weeks. This event needs a serious redesign. AND the shards should be added to all the temple vendors and not just balthazar, this is getting completely ridiculous. Why is it only on this one npc? it makes absolutely no sense. Either fix the dang events, or just add the shards to more vendors. Its already bad enough that it costs so much just for one.

Long Awaited [The Bifrost] since 23/9..

in Crafting

Posted by: Malethos.3726


Congrats! i look forward to having mind eventually. Karma is horrible. Grinding is such a terrible thing. Also, i’m severely disappointed that it is sellable. It should be bind on pickup, or ideally account bound.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malethos.3726


Today we ran Ascalon catacombs explore paths starting with ghost eater. We cleared it in a reasonable amount of time, not speed running it. and with people who had never done it. Everyone got 60 tokens and full reward.

We ran it again a second time, different path with 2 new people and 3 of the same from the first run. The new people got 60 tokens, 2 of the original group got 60 tokens, i got 45. This run was also not a speed run of any kind. We went a 3rd run, again, using the third path that noone has run. The 2 new people from the 2nd run both got 60, I got 30, and the other 2 original people got 60.

We then ran ghost eater again for the 2 newer people. I got 5 tokens, the 2 original people got 15 each, and the newer people got 60. We never dropped group or did any wacky dungeon resetting, just ran each path normally and i was hit with diminished returns immediately without ever clearing most of these paths before, and certainly not multiple times today. These were also the first dungeons i ran in a few days.