Showing Posts For Malox.5416:

Racism in Tyria??????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malox.5416


The event happen when I was a Charr. I decided I wanted to buy new armor. So I went to Divinity Reach to buy Cultural Armor, but the vendor didn’t want to sell to me. I think it was because I was a Charr. Glory “I can’t sell to you. Can’t be to careful who you associate with these days.”

I ask you this, Are Charrs and humans not friends? What happen if I wanted to buy the armor for my human friend. I want to just buy it. Also the beanie is to small for my Charr!!!

Charr problems/the struggle is real!!!!Btw I love gw2 and the community!!!!!!

Please be satire. Thanks.

Why don't we have this tool in game ?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malox.5416


Just give me the thing so I can see the numbers. That’s all I want.

Making Jumping puzzle alive again [SOLUTION]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malox.5416


You’re presenting a solution to a problem in a hypothetical future that YOU created. This thread is pointless and your supposed “solution” is only taking away from the game in exchange for personal/material gain.
" disabling mesmer portals while holding token" No…just no.

Lessons learned in GW1, forgotten in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malox.5416


What is going on here? How can most of you sustain yourselves to the point of being able to afford video games?
P.S. Here’s a solution for you all.
Press “H” to open your hero panel (you know, the one with out whom the story wouldn’t exist).
Open the story journal tab(the one that’s about the story that you seem to have so much trouble with).
Play the personal story if you haven’t(it’s the one at the top, just click on the bar that has “My Story” and activate it). If you’re so thirsty for lore play the story path of each dungeon(except Arah) after completing the “Setting the stage” story step.
Once you’re done with that active “Living world season 2” if you’ve played the first season, if not, wait for Anet to add it to the journal.
BUT before you do all that learn to do research.

New Weapon - thief specialize

in Thief

Posted by: Malox.5416


A fast attacking two handed Staff would propably be cool too. Like a melee staff…

Like the pole arm showed off in the trailer? I’d love that!

[SUGGESTION] Instanced Recipes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malox.5416


Can anyone give me a link to where Anet talked about the Legendary crafting changes that are supposedly coming up?