Showing Posts For Manachanter.9208:

Why should I have any faith in the TP?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


No point asking support, you’ll just get the “Sorry, we can’t answer questions, it’s not on my script” response after the usual “We can’t restore items or gold” auto-response

(edited by Manachanter.9208)

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Still no response from ArenaNet on the missing items from the BLTP issue? Oh well, back to WoW I guess, my CC company will be getting a nice little charge reversal request….

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


This needs to be on the first page until we get a proper response from the bltc team.

Yup, it’s dropped off the first page once more with no input from ANet, so here’s a bump

Official response is demanded at this stage, not requested.

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


OK, this is quite a hilarious response to my ticket about the missing items and gold from the BLTP outage on 18th/19th:

At this time we’re unable to make these kinds of adjustments to characters — including the refund of any items or gold that may have been lost in the game. I’m sorry that there’s not more that we can do in this case.

If you find a bug, you can do us a favor by submitting the bug report in-game. This will send detailed information about your character and your position directly to our Quality Assurance team.

To submit a bug report in game, simply bring up your “Game Menu” located in the upper left hand corner, and then choose the lifesaver icon for “Support.” From the “Support” menu, you can either click “Report a Bug” or just go directly the Ladybug Icon in the support menu to enter your submission.

Please understand that the Guild Wars Support Team is not a part of the development process. The best way to have your feedback or suggestions for Guild Wars 2 reach someone in development is to post it in a public area such as our Official Forums, Twitter feed, or Facebook page. The more people who view and comment on it, the more likely developers will take notice.

Guild Wars 2 Forums:
Guild Wars 2 Official Twitter feed: #!/guildwars2
Guild Wars 2 Facebook page:

Alternatively, we have set up a number of suggestion lists on our official wiki. More information about how to set up a wiki account and create your suggestion can be located at:

While members of the Development Team are not always able to respond, having suggestions available in a public area helps them gauge the amount of interest for various ideas, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own.


So basically what they are saying is that CSRs have no way to let developers know there’s a possible issue…

COMPLETE CRAP! No proper tech support setup has limits on who a CSR can report issues to, the fact we have to attempt to contact developers in another way is a joke and something I’d expect from a third-rate company who isn’t interested in anything but running away with money. Which I sincerely hope ArenaNet isn’t.

So can one of the AN staff on here start giving a response to this sort of issue?

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


This hasn’t happen to me yet, but I’m quite alarmed at how it is being handled cause it looks like anyone could get bugged out and then have their progress impeded …

Was thinking of going to the gem store with some RL cash, but I think I will hold out until things are ironed out.

You want to pay ArenaNet for an issue that they are unwilling to fix? Honestly, if I had my say, this entire thing would be all over the major MMO sites warning people to not risk using the BLTP until we get a guarantee that all transactions will go through with no loss, and especially to advise people to not put actual money into the system for the same reason.

Fear of using Trading Post. (BLTC)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


TemperHoof: that’s exactly what needs to be done. Unfortunately I feel that the info isn’t even getting to the people capable of investigating the issue and fixing it, it seems that any tickets are being stopped at the CSR level and they are afraid to even involve developers in this. Putting it up on a site like would definitely get some needed attention, maybe one of the developers will read it and start asking questions!

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Yes, an update on this would be nice, no response on my ticket for 3 days now.

So, an official response as to whether the official response is a lie or not would be nice

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


More people are reporting the issue in as well.

I also got the generic response that restoring items isn’t possible, well time to make this public as some people have actual real world transactions involved.

Reddit thread:
The post I put on the Facebook page has been deleted.
A twitter post has been made asking for an update with the #GuildWars2 tag.

If ArenaNet aren’t able to dedicate the resources to make sure ALL transations which take place on the BLTC go through I don’t have faith that their F2P model will work long term.

BLTC Ate My Gold :/

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Please add your comments to the below thread, it’s being compiled for issues like this:

And no, you’re not the only one seeing this issue

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Yeah, same, if ANet can’t promise that items/gold won’t be lost at random times then their entire gem market can’t be trusted either, and that’s what their longterm profit is based on.

Crafting mats price drop.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


The prices didn’t reset with the TP outage, it’s just that the supply greatly increased because people couldn’t sell whatever they had gathered over the period of time. This meant that more people were undercutting than would normally be seen, after a few days the prices will go back to normal.

Please list the total fees applied when selling on the TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


When you list something you pay an extra 5% of the listing price to actually list the item. Then when it sells you are charged 10% of the listing price and you get the rest, you don’t get the initial 5% listing charge back.

So if you have 1 silver in your bag, and want to list an item for 1 silver you will be charged 5 copper to list the item, your money will drop to 95 copper in your bag. When the item sells you will get 90 copper from the pick up tab, meaning your total money will then go up to 1s85c.

So, yes, anyone listing an item for 1c more than the vendor price is losing money.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


On top of that, anyone who has submitted a ticket for their issue, make sure you check the auto-response and then submit an update to get an actual live person to look at it, the auto-response is from the issue at the start of the month and doesn’t seem to have been updated for the issue this week.:

Missing Items
Please be aware that we have been experiencing issues with the Trading Post where some purchases are not visible right away. Please check your account again at a later time if you do not see your item(s) immediately after you make a purchase.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


I have this same problem, happened at same time and I have waited since wed night now to get stuff. I checked the buying tabs and canceled some items there, no luck. Not sure what to do.

I submitted a bug report but it said they wont respond to individual reports. How/When will i get my money/items?

Open a support ticket from though you need to create a separate account (silly idea, why not link to your main?) to open one.

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


I know it doesn’t seem like much but 7.5g represents several nights of causal play time for me and would be a set back if not recovered.

And has an actual dollar value

9/19 TP outage and how it has affected my gameplay today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


I’m also still missing both items and gold from before the outage. Looking over my sold items I see 78 Bolts of Gossamer, 1 Superior Rune of the Centaur, 109 Copper Ore, 1 Superior Rune of the Citadel having sold before/during the outage, the gold from those hasn’t shown up in the pickup tab (6g58 from the Gossamer alone) with at least 192 Gossamer Scraps missing from the Items I’ve Bought list.

Any transaction I place now goes through with no issues whatsoever.

Ticket #120921-004753 has been opened. Honestly, I wouldn’t be as annoyed if it was only ‘virtual gold’ or we were still in beta but I’m currently missing gold and items which have a real world value since RMT is officially in the game. And there’s been NO official communication regarding items still missing nearly 20 hours after the BLTP came back up.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Manachanter.9208


Coming up on 3 hours since I sold items, they are listed in my Transaction log as having sold but there’s no money in the Pick Up tab. This also includes buy orders I have cancelled and that too has not been added. The same thing happened yesterday and the money only became available after midnight UK time. There are also people in my guild who are missing up to 8g for the same reason, and that is over a few days.