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This needs to change!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manakar.9208


The only problem I see here is one of social lack. Why aren’t your friends and guild mates helping you with content you desire to do? Or the greater community (the MM of MMO). Just because there aren’t people in the vicinity doesn’t mean there aren’t people to do certain things with. I would think first friends and then guild mates would be of good character and want to help each other out. But if not then the greater community. I help random people all the time when they ask for help. Even those I run into that don’t ask. And I have asked for help and gotten help that way myself a few times and had others willing to help me. With all that said level scaling is foundational to GW2 and isn’t going away. It is like if someone had asked Mother Teresa to denounce God and had expected that she would.

I like playing alts.. My main is where I play with my guild/friends… When I play my alts I dont want to have to ask my guildmates or friends to join me and sometimes I dont want them to join me.. If I want my alt to be apart of my guild/friends then I will turn it into my main..

This needs to change!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manakar.9208


I agree only with the 3rd: one server divided into districts like in GW1 which numbers goes up or down depending on the numbers of players online in that given map at that specific time.

@Barlisk “I would quit if they made it one giant server with WvWvW determined by “factions” or “shards” or anything”
It shouldnt be a problem for you because now people can change servers daily. If adding the same option to the WvW home selecting screen as in suggestion mentioned above in the OP, I think it is the same feature only with a different selecting time. And it pretty arrogant to say that you know the people on your server. It have been scientifically proved that one person can remember an average of 110 names

I never said WvW would be determinded by shard or anything like that anyway.. LOL Obviously he didnt read what I typed. I said picking a server would be for WvW only… I’ll say it one more time.. When you pick a server it would be for WvW only…

This needs to change!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manakar.9208


I am on a high american server.. No matter the time of day the sever says high. I have played at all times of the day (weekends and days off).. From east to west coast its a 3 hour difference.. So if I am playing 6pm to 12am that covers prime time… Its 3pm and my server says high right now.. I log on and there is no one around in a 15 to 25 zone… I could log on anywhere from 6 to 12 and no one will be around.. So what are you talking about? DO I need to join a Full server in order to see people at prime times? A high server is not good enough?

This needs to change!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manakar.9208


When I bring my level 80 to a lvl1-15 zone, I already feel like a demigod at times. So to me it does not need to become even easier.

If they would allow you to go to a zone without being scaled down, imagine the griefers who just plow through your mobs for ‘fun’ or kill off that worldboss in one hit before you can reach it.

Scaling everyone down in lower level areas has probably been one of the best things I have ever seen in an MMO.

Griefers? There is no one around when I play PVE.. My server says High but when I play alts I dont see a soul… So who is going to grief me? Are you trying to say that lvl 80 are all of a sudden going to care about low lvl content just so they can grief people? I wish they would, maybe then the world wouldnt feel completely empty…

This needs to change!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manakar.9208


I want to keep playing this game and maybe down the road buy expansions.. The thing is its getting harder and harder for me to want to log into this game.. One big problem is, I like playing alts but when I do there is no one around to help take down content.. I cant kill group event content or some skill challenges.. Its really annoying.. The world feels dead and boring..

I feel the devs need to make a couple of changes as to how the game works.. Here are some ideas..

1. Stop scaling level for content… Let me be the lvl I am so I can solo this stuff when no one is around. If not completely take away the scaling then at least have a 5 level buffer. If there is a lvl15 group event and I am lvl20 then let me be lvl 20..

2. If you dont want to stop the scaling then have servers be for WvWvW only… Meaning everyone is on the same server for PvE and its broken up into shards (like champions online did it).. And servers only determine WvWvW… You could also shard Spvp… This way the pve and spvp worlds are full with people and you have people at every lvl to do content with..

Doing 1 or 2 of these things will help the game alot I feel… If I keep logging onto alts and have no one to group with I will just stop playing the game…

Guild Wars 2: It's alive!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manakar.9208


I dont need statistics to see that less people are playing the game.. The game is not even 3 months old.. In my guild we had 500 active players with 250 players on at any given time.. Now the guild is lucky to have 20 people on at any given time..

When the game first came out there were hundreds of people in any given zone.. Now you can barely find people to complete events.. Specially boss events.. Chat in each zone is dead.. 1 person will say something and it willl stay like that..

When the game first came out you were stuck in a queue for WvW for hours and got put in overflow every time you loaded into a new zone.. None of that happens now.. I know some fanboys will say its because the devs increased the server caps… Thats just excuses to feel better about a dying game.. Fanboys say it with every MMORPG.. They said it about SWTOR.. And now the game is going f2p and the bioware devs(the founders) are retiring…

There are people like the OP with every MMORPG.. The most craptastic MMO has fanboys when it first releases that defend the game until its dead… They then say the game had so much potential…

The game has less people playing it.. Lets stop with the BS and agree on that much…

Questions about WvWvW and a little rant...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Manakar.9208


Its not going to work it self out.. The devs need to make improvements for it to work out… They need to make improvements to the UI and server caps..

Questions about WvWvW and a little rant...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Manakar.9208


I have some questions about WvWvW and then I want to rant a little about it and the state its in now..

I want to know how the queue works.. Can you only queue for 1 wvwvw map at a time or can you queue for them all at the same time?

How can you coordinate with your guild if more than half of your guild is stuck in a 4 to 7 hour queue for wvwvw? Specially if its your leadership stuck in the queue… (fanboys dont say switch to a low pop server.. Everyone cant switch to a low pop server because there are not enough servers)

Why would they make a 500 person guild cap and then not allow more than half to be in wvwvw at the same time?

Why do people get into WvWvW before others that queue before them?

How does the queue balance work? What I mean is, is it first come first serve (meaning it doesnt try to balance numbers per server) or does it try to cap and balance each server so it trys to have the same amount of people for each server/side..

Ok now for the ranting.. The queue UI for wvwvw is terrible!! You cant tell what you are queued for or how long the wait is going to be or anything.. You cant even cancel a queue.. There shouldnt be a queue in the first place.. I dont like PvE endgame in GW2 and Im not a fan of Spvp so I only have WvWvW that I enjoy.. Yet I cant enjoy it most of the time because im stuck in a long queue… Its hard for me to log into the game because I know I am going to be stuck in a long queue when I do… That is not fun at all.. rant over..

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Manakar.9208


I have to say.. This is the one part of the game I cant stand.. The dungeons and the why the classes play in the dungeons.. I dont enjoy it one bit… Its not just the lack of Holy trinity.. Its the way the dungeons are designed themselves.. Terrible camera angles and everything.. Its an all around horrible experience.. The check points and the respawning over and over to keep trying to kill the mobs.. OMG I HATE IT!!!! Sorry I just had to share that.. Spvp and WvWvW are great (even tho I HATE QUEUE for wvwvw)… But Dungeons.. Holy $@$! …