Showing Posts For Manbaby.3804:
Can’t beat it? Nerf it!
Enemy using it more efficient than you? Nerf it!
People telling you it doesn’t need to be nerfed because it can be countered IF you try and know what to do? Tell them to stop QQ’ing and that they just want “OP” things.
solution: make everyone leader!
Thief that can do this kind of damage is fully glass cannon specced. Should they want to kill people fast, it goes: basilisk>(assassnins signet)>cloak and dagger>steal>backstab. This works pretty well against majority people. However, however. Most players just wait till they get approached by a thief, then they will probably lose (reactions-skill). This is the majority people. Majority people = casual players aka players that are not very good. These players go on this forums and call for nerfs.
On the different side – there are about 10-20% people that are aware of how their class or any class for that matter should be played. So they don’t wait, they pop cd’s, or easily they only dodge. If a thief does this combo, he has cooldowns on all major skills and is left with almost 1/2 of his initiative. What now? The thief will most likely die.
People from the top teams know that thieves are fine as they are. Those are the people that are good. They play other classes and have no problem to counter them 1v1 and kill them.If there are any nerfs to thieves, i want mesmers nerfed, portals, moa need to be nerfed or adjusted. Warrior 100b and their constant dps is also bad. Necromancers are pain, can kill anything, plague needs to go. Then you need to nerf guardians+elementalists, their bunker specs are too strong to be in game.
As a thief (one of professions i play) i am having a blast when I am able to kill rank5 elementalist in about 2 seconds. I am pretty sure he will be mad and probably will go to the forums. On the opposite side, when I meet a rank 30 elementalist, or just one that knows what he is doing, I have absolutely NO chance to kill them. Backstab is just useless in this situation. These players dont go to the forums but rather play and kill more thieves on their own.
There might be needed quite a few adjustments made in regards of ALL classes, not only thief.
I don’t really like to say these type of things again and again either ingame or on forums, so thats all from me.
Indeed. That’s exactly what I wanted to say!
This is soooooo annoying! I can’t see anyone in LA. And I have high end PC and play everthing on max settings with no other problems…
Beating a dead horse… sigh… But in any case, warrior is OP tbh!!!!!!!! and so is mesmer, not to mention ranger! they like go lol ROFL BOOM on me and i’m dead NERF THEM PLZ!!!!! or I will shed lots of QQ tears on their forums complaining about them
Good luck everyone
(My Chararacter’s name in-game is Kroollik on the server Fissure of Woe)
For Ascalon!