Showing Posts For Mandras.7638:
The other thing nobody has mentioned: Condition damage is not reduced by Toughness or Armor.
Go for a mix of Toughness and Vitality (when you have a choice), but it’s not crucial at lower levels to have much of either. Dodging is important and having at least 1 skill to remove conditions will come in handy.
Roll whichever class looks interesting, and don’t be surprised if you reroll. Your expectations may be completely off.
I tried Engineer first since I have always enjoyed and specialised in hybrid/weird/utility classes (i.e. enhancement shaman) but by level 10 I knew it was going to be a chore for me. Tried a Guardian on a whim and found it much more enjoyable… with scepter as my main weapon. Never imagined I’d be a heavy armor melee class using a magic stick!
Just to add, you should only check “remember” for a particular network if you trust it more-or-less completely (e.g a home network that you manage and is physically secure). If you do it on, say, a public wifi network that you occasionally visit, it’s convenient but kinda defeats the purpose of the authenticator.
As a relatively new player who also went Guardian first, just pick the skills that sound the best / most interesting to you. If you are an avid map explorer you will have more skillpoints than you can use. If you’re not such a completionist and kind of level quickly, it’s still trivial to grab a few extra skillpoints whenever you need them.
Somewhere in my late 60s levels I noticed that I had 40-something unspent skillpoints and hadn’t bought any skills since unlocking the 2nd elite tier. Went on a spending spree and have almost everything long before level 80.
The Trading Post appears to function like a “browser” within the game. Assets are not cached or cached differently from other game assets; for example, just clicking on the currency exchange tab takes time to load even though certain things like the image of a gold coin / gem or the box around the graph would practically never change.
So no, there’s nothing wrong with your game in particular. Every action in the TP will be noticeably slower than, say, using a skill or opening your inventory.
This feature is practically standard across all MMOs and would be trivial to enable (not even code; I bet it would take all of 30 seconds to add it to the next build). But I’ve come to appreciate that GW2 isn’t a standard MMO. Among other things we’re missing: self nameplate, ping meter, target-of-target, inspecting others…
All are features I considered “necessary” before trying GW2, but now if I had to be honest, I don’t even think about them. Reminds me of a certain computer that shipped without a floppy drive in 1998.
That said, making such features available and optional would do no harm.
Mandras, could you explain what “” means?
Sorry, I meant it as a joke. A real Craigslist personals section might look like (Men looking “4” Women in NY) (real link, may be NSFW).
I’m afraid they haven’t expanded their service to include Tyria yet!
Unfortunately meeting the specs on paper and running the game comfortably are two different things.
Run it in Windows via Boot Camp on the lowest settings you can stomach. And those laptop cooler pads already suggested will help a little in the long term.
One of you uses the keyboard and the other uses the mouse.
Also, wear an eyepatch each.
Try levelling the new thief without using Steal. I haven’t tried it for Steal in particular but that seems to work for most skills.