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Guardian Wrecking Ball

in Guardian

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

a little fun Guardian stacking d":D …because we all know class stacking is OP Muahaha

part 1

part 2

Warning – Inappropriate language here and there d":D

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(edited by Manu Yaj.7946)

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

i think JQ just set’ed a record for holding Home Garrison…….fun match, that bg zerg though…nearly 24/7 cover this week for BG.

[SF]The Menu

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

I dunno about those Sf guys…. always yelling about Jedsus……. :P trolololol

I heard those guys have severe mental issues and refuse to see any doctors…

I blame the Obamacare website and self-medication!

I blame self-medication and the ever so alluring alcohol

[SF]The Menu

11/15 JQ/ SOS/ BG (Gold Season Match 5)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

BTW, for those that kept calling BG the underdog…and saying “Wouhhlll!!! BG WINS! Yay under dogs!” 6 months ago, BG was already decided the strongest server, i even made a post about it. Point is…that zerg…ohh g*d. Fun fights though, i think JQ set a record in T1 for holding a home borderlands garrison!

Story Time: History From the Eye’s of an Ex. JQ“Jade Quarry again stood strong still after I left for and too find higher level gaming in the world of Storm Bluff Isle.”

Chapter I
S ay how long ago has it been since I found a team I can call brothers and sisters that I felt an ever clawing call to surpass the stone hard limits of this world? How long has it been have I felt this pressure from an old enemy that induced me into a trance of a higher, much more elite state of mind? I cannot recall for the life of me even after all the countless battles, but I do recall never feeling the threat of an enemy. Why? Because we have always prevailed, but again here comes a time we can only now but reminisce. They have come…the old enemies from an invading world. I watched as this old enemy of both this world and my old world of SBI plunders all that we have…I remember, Yes I remember. How could I ever forget?

T his feeling of anger yet gladness, Yes! A vast! Me and my band of brothers and sisters have awaited this day. For it was for this sole purpose we have left the falling world of SBI. A Challenge…, but No! Not just any challenge, a challenge that pushes the boundaries of what can be done. The fiery monster of flame & thunder inside of me is starting to awaken again from the slumbers of an easy life in the plentiful lands of Jade Quarry. “Yes”, that is the only word that can be used to describe this indescribable feeling of happiness!

R eason and bicker all you want, but let the enemies from the old worlds gather and amass their might again. Let them I say, for the time of history repeating itself has begun to turn its wheel. Again we face a force from the joining of multiple Worlds, from the days of Hedge of Devari we have stood strong! Even when the power house of “Menace” abandoned Jade Quarry, we have survived and fought our way back from one week in Tier II with just the power of the server. Forever an ever glowing scar on the world of Jade Quarry as a reminder of what we have Overcome!

I remember even when the world of HoD joined hands again and amassed another force of raw brute force and power called Sea of Sorrows. Jade Quarry again stood strong still after I left for and too find higher level gaming in the world of Storm Bluff Isle. With the fall of SBI even I too found the comforts of my mother land. They have changed though; children’s of the past had all but grown up and in so became much more capable. And to show the power and community gained with the combined forces of Jade Quarry. The iron hold of SoS(HoDv2.0) was finally defeated and destroyed, forever but a memory they have become…or so we thought……………….

Chapter 2
K Today! We face a force of unthinkable proportions. The repetition of history has yet started again, our old enemies Hedge of Devari have faded, but their legacy still lives on. For we have not a HoDv3.0, but a SoSv2.0 also known as Black Gate on our door steps. With the joining of Kaineng and Sea of Sorrows, BG has turned into a force of unimaginable power. But! They will not make us afraid for we too have become stronger, you can even say weaker because of the lack of a threat.

E ven now with this new yet old enemy taking everything they have in sight. This brings forth the awakening of the sleeping monster we have inside all of us (well not SoR) and take back what has been forgotten! Not how big our Zerg Ball is!, but the fire we had inside too not be defeated! Too not be looked downed upon. Too make our enemies regret what they have done with just the sound of our footsteps. TOO! Never! Again! Go too TII!!!, but most importantly…beat the kitten out of everything. #YoloSwag

[SF]The Menu

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/10/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

BagGate and Sanctum of Bags at it again! ouH! piece of candy…ouH! piece of candy ouH! piece of candy…ouH! piece of candy ouH! piece of candy…ouH! piece of candy

jkjk, had great fun!!!


[SF]The Menu

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

I remember JQ had EU presence previously, were they guilds or PUGS/random cmders?

Most of them were Pugs, just like when Waha gets on, it’s like 30-40 [Foo] running around with 60-70 pugs…the Pug Life is hard though with [Foo] they’ll disappear in the middle of a zerg fight and you just watch as a corpse as [Foo] steam rolls who ever BG has left that didn’t die too the Pugs. It’s Fun though because you just want too see Waha die for once, but he never does!

I think [EMP] was our main EU coverage in guild size, but as most people know…yeah. We still have tons of Pugs though, just need a organized guild too lead the map or they leave since a solo Commander can only do so much. Props too the solo commanders though!!!

[SF]The Menu

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

Ohh and [Strike Force] is still hosting and doing “Drunk Fridays” for reset nights, not sure how Jed does it…he might be super human, but literally!!! face rolling your keyboard near the end of the night is too much. I wish i had the tolerance of alcohol of Jedsus!

Join us on the Official Jade Quarry Team Speak for reset nights. We will not provide the alcohol(sadly) , but will provide the entertainment and top class leadership on “Drunk Fridays”

……..ohh and we’ll spam the /map chat for the team-speak info anyways and proper names and requirements too not get banned from team-speak and what not, just be ready on reset nights d":D


[SF]The Menu

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

I really hope anet doesn’t add more PvE content in WvW…the last time we got into a rut like this and had our Endless Numbers of PvE’ers helped out in WvW…..the Grub in EB was an actual threat too the keep… people brought it too the gates and it’ll start attacking the gate doing some massive damage lol! Ohh JQQ!!!, i remember i had too leave for SBI when the PvE’ers played.

Other than that, JQ still have the best Pugs!(Pick Up Group) Any Large/Mid/Small organized guild would fall in love with them! Like, you ask the map too save North camp because you’re busy down south and boom! you got 15+ Pugs going too north too save it, just straight up Pugs! <3

[SF]The Menu

Tier 1: BG/JQ/SoR 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

Story Time: History From the Eye’s of an Ex. JQ“Jade Quarry again stood strong still after I left for and too find higher level gaming in the world of Storm Bluff Isle.”

Chapter I
S ay how long ago has it been since I found a team I can call brothers and sisters that I felt an ever clawing call to surpass the stone hard limits of this world? How long has it been have I felt this pressure from an old enemy that induced me into a trance of a higher, much more elite state of mind? I cannot recall for the life of me even after all the countless battles, but I do recall never feeling the threat of an enemy. Why? Because we have always prevailed, but again here comes a time we can only now but reminisce. They have come…the old enemies from an invading world. I watched as this old enemy of both this world and my old world of SBI plunders all that we have…I remember, Yes I remember. How could I ever forget?

T his feeling of anger yet gladness, Yes! A vast! Me and my band of brothers and sisters have awaited this day. For it was for this sole purpose we have left the falling world of SBI. A Challenge…, but No! Not just any challenge, a challenge that pushes the boundaries of what can be done. The fiery monster of flame & thunder inside of me is starting to awaken again from the slumbers of an easy life in the plentiful lands of Jade Quarry. “Yes”, that is the only word that can be used to describe this indescribable feeling of happiness!

R eason and bicker all you want, but let the enemies from the old worlds gather and amass their might again. Let them I say, for the time of history repeating itself has begun to turn its wheel. Again we face a force from the joining of multiple Worlds, from the days of Hedge of Devari we have stood strong! Even when the power house of “Menace” abandoned Jade Quarry, we have survived and fought our way back from one week in Tier II with just the power of the server. Forever an ever glowing scar on the world of Jade Quarry as a reminder of what we have Overcome!

I remember even when the world of HoD joined hands again and amassed another force of raw brute force and power called Sea of Sorrows. Jade Quarry again stood strong still after I left for and too find higher level gaming in the world of Storm Bluff Isle. With the fall of SBI even I too found the comforts of my mother land. They have changed though; children’s of the past had all but grown up and in so became much more capable. And to show the power and community gained with the combined forces of Jade Quarry. The iron hold of SoS(HoDv2.0) was finally defeated and destroyed, forever but a memory they have become…or so we thought……………….

Chapter 2
K Today! We face a force of unthinkable proportions. The repetition of history has yet started again, our old enemies Hedge of Devari have faded, but their legacy still lives on. For we have not a HoDv3.0, but a SoSv2.0 also known as Black Gate on our door steps. With the joining of Kaineng and Sea of Sorrows, BG has turned into a force of unimaginable power. But! They will not make us afraid for we too have become stronger, you can even say weaker because of the lack of a threat.

E ven now with this new yet old enemy taking everything they have in sight. This brings forth the awakening of the sleeping monster we have inside all of us (well not SoR) and take back what has been forgotten! Not how big our Zerg Ball is!, but the fire we had inside too not be defeated! Too not be looked downed upon. Too make our enemies regret what they have done with just the sound of our footsteps. TOO! Never! Again! Go too TII!!!, but most importantly…beat the kitten out of everything. #YoloSwag

[SF]The Menu

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

Great fun in BG BL tonight on reset, got 5 rares and 1 exotic doing havok work instead of ZergvZerg. Gotta give it too Sor though, [FEAR] + [CDS] + [Hel] was a tough bunch with [ICOA] + [LOTD] knocking on hills constantly. That north camp though, [LOTD] had on lock down haha!

It was refreshing too give up hills for a bit so we can just go do stuff away from defense, sadly a lot of the EST members had too call it a night and give the map away instead of losing sleep. I find being serious after 12 am PST isnt’ worth it, hell i don’t know how you EST folks stay up till 9pm PST isn’t it like midnight over there? haha!

But thanks for the fun [CDS] we couldn’t defend your bay from yourself at Outer south bay before we called it a night. Had a blast!

p.s. – JQ had the best NA prime time PPT again this week *boo yah! Props to the EB team!

[SF]The Menu

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

Regardless of them zerging your GvG session, if they want to play that way then so be it. Stop flaming them already and get over it. You guys constantly complaining about them is just as bad as them rolling over your GvG. You talk about “respect” and “manners”, well learn to be the bigger person and move on. Getting on the forums and throwing hissy fits isnt going to do anything, roll them on the field when you see them and maybe they’ll think twice before doing it again.

True statement, I usually don’t post on the GW2 WvW forums, but after reading what “BakaOniiChan.9564” and “Absinth.6917” said “uuuuooohhh!!!”.

We’re not complaining to be honest, just asking them to have at least the integrity to stay on the map if they had the balls too do that because oohhhhh, we brought out the “Hulk” after that with [AGG]. It was just that [Fear] was no where too be found…so we didn’t have any [Fear] too “Smash”(get the “Hulk Smash” refrence? d":D ) which was a tad bit annoying, hell we even fought with BG and [AGG] a few times on the Middle Ruins because we brought out the angry zerg and had a lot of “angry” still, that was fun.

But this is going to be my last post on this thread, so again I ask…why didn’t [FEAR] stay on the freaking map? If anything, have at least enough manners/integrity (for those that don’t know, when i say that i really mean have the “balls”) too ZergvZerg with us after that. We wanted to do what “globe.7238” said that’s all. T-T Ohh well maybe next time, I hope we see each other in-game, bc any [FEAR] I see, lowbie or not, I’m going to run through a zerg and die just too get a hit off of you, maybe even kill you? Just to do it like when we ZergvZerg against J E R I C O and [AGG]

[SF]The Menu

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

Now it just got weird. How does manners fit in with your first lines?. Now it’s just a contradiction of terms.
And poor sportsmanship?. How does that for example fit in with SF leaving SBI to join JQ?. That skewed a little of the sportsmanship to say the least.
Remember, anger is your enemy.

Truth is, i did get a lil angry and my manners drop some bit when i’m angry, but please show others respect or you’ll get none in return, and how does [SF] transferring out of sbi come into sportsmanship? Sorry, but it’s a term used for having integrity and respect for the opposing teams in real life sports and yes, as hard too believe and fabled in legend as it may seem, in video games too.

There’s just a line you don’t cross, when engaging the opposing team. Opposing your own team has a different term not sportsmanship. Get it? It’s called inner strife and it has other names too, but not sportsmanship, that’s for opposing teams.

Again, point is why didn’t [FEAR] stay for what they caused? We were throwing bags at them right? Why did they leave the map? After being bored for so long when they couldn’t find any one too fight?

[SF]The Menu

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Manu Yaj.7946

Manu Yaj.7946

One thing though I wonder, does [TW], [Choo]…hell even [CDS], [Hel] ever wish [FEAR] can hold thier own map with pugs so they can go do productive things with the other maps? Because seriously, you left a lot of SoR behind in BG BL, out maned buff didn’t pop for SoR until they lost bay and [SF] was the only organized offense group for JQ on that map…there was an out-maned buff when we got in BG BL for the GvG, eventually took bay from BG too.

Why can’t your guild do that with what ever you had on the map? Stand on your own for once with what ever SoR you had on the map that wasn’t a major guild instead of leaving because there was no major guild and maybe then, you can spark a memory for us too invite you and yes this is a calling card for you Absinth.6917, i hope you’re not the GM of [FEAR]

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