Showing Posts For Marden.6294:
I’m just ticked off that I couldn’t sell the 200+ Support Tokens I had collected. I destroyed them all this morning.
I had no interest in the story, the candidates or the content.
That being said….I thought it was a really great idea to put the decision in the hands of the playerbase. I can’t remember anything similar to this from the other MMO’s I’ve played.
Big kudos to ANet for it, even if I wasn’t personally invested in the choice or outcome.
No. No. No!!! There was never a single mmorpg that dropped loot as terrible as in Guild Wars 2. I know because I’ve personally played nearly all of them. F2P and P2P. Sorry, but you obviously don’t have any sort of vast mmorpg experience that you can use to support yourself here. In every mmorpg I’ve played, I could use some of the items that dropped. In Gw2? I have played over 3000 hours and jar only gotten one armor piece I could use. Sorry, but GW2 takes the cake for the worst drops in a game in the history of ever.
EverQuest says “hi”.
Couldn’t agree more.
I’ve never played a mini-game. I’ve never attempted a dungeon or a fractal (to be honest, I barely even know what a fractal is). I know next to nothing about GW lore and I don’t really care who is Grand Trade Commissar of the Arched Lion Zephyr Something-or-Other.
I stick to open-world and I love it immensely. Dragon Bash was great for this. This content? Not so much.
That being said….I’m happy some people are loving the current LS. I’m not one of them, but A-Net seems to be pretty good about catering to different tastes. A month down the road, I could be singing the praises of the LS. No matter what, I’m not paying a monthly fee so….yeah. I can be patient.
I’ve been playing this since the month of release but haven’t set foot in WvW. Nor do I plan to.
After so much time in RvR/Battlegrounds in DAOC and PvP in WoW, MMO pvp has simply lost any draw for me.
Why would I bother with the endless stream of balance updates / class envy / class imbalance (that plagues pvp in almost any MMO) when I can load up some random FPS and mindlessly shoot other gamers for an hour?
In GW2 in particular, what would I actually gain for competing in WvW? Clearly, nothing that’s required to make me enjoy my time in the game. I’ll stick to open-world events.