Showing Posts For Markof.1879:
Lets try an other kind of analogy that every one might understand……
you have discovered all the 167 places in maguuma jungle for 25 achievement points .
now they add a new area into the maguuma region not a big one, something like the suncove area with 20 new points 17 of weach are easilly foundable on the map and 3 hidden ones, but one of those points is an old point that they just moved a little.
now to let all the players to get the 35 achievement points you get from discovering all those 187 points they decide to whipe clear your discoveries and let every one discover them again.
no one will loose anything since every point is rediscoverable, each achevement point can be earned again BUT those that took the extra efort and time to find all the original 167 points will be striped of the time they stent to unlock that achivement.
Or better yet lets say they whipe out all the jumping success but let the jumping there to be done again, exept that time you have to buy some objects in order to validate the jumping (no need for it to be gold, it can be karma, laurels, dungeon tokkens whatever) all those that want to compleet them again will have to do them again but pay extra for something they already had done.
even better let say that in order to be fairer with every one, since some people have not crafted yet they take all the craft back to 0 for everyone, like that we all need to craft again every single point to 500, perhaps farming or buying again those T1,T2 etc…. mats might give you an insight to what the Op feel robed of.
So you might not be harmed by the change but at leats you can try the little effort to understand what people are saying and then argue with them that you think that punishing dedicated players for completing content even without incitive and at the same time rewarding lazy less dedicated ones might hurt!
if i may i’d like to bump on this post to share with you my thoughts about guild investments as the beggining of it made me think a lot about that.
since this post is on guild investment into WvW i’ll focus on that but will also extend it a little to the other two aspects of the game sPvP and PVE.
so lets biggin:
What about seeing guilds as meta players ? lets give them achivement points in each of the 3 aspects of the game that they will earn throu the actions of their guild members in those particular fields (quite like the guild points we have now and without replacing them).
lets call those points honnor points for WvW, fame points for PVE and Glory points for sPvP, each time a guild member earn achivement points or guild points into one of those aspects of the game he also earn specific points for the guild.
that was the base, now what to do with those points?
1st lets bring in guild ranking just as we have it for players
2nd …. since those points are going to be used to meter guilds we cant use them so what about bringing in guild resources, one for each aspect once again?
lets say support for WvW, adventure for PVE and renown for sPvP.
guild will be abel to spend those ressources earned with the specific achivement points on the field coresponding to it; tie part of what they can buy to the actual guild “level” but keep part of it free of guild evolution to let small guild invest too.
what could guild buy or better spend their ressources on ? lets focus here on WvW,
the suggestions of the Op are a good start, then we can also think about….
- tagging sentry and spend ressources to improve them just like other flagged points on th map
- make guild pay in ressources to be allowed to tag something (like a rent) for keeps , towers, camp and sentry
- make a guild earn points while she tag something
(tagging a tower will earn your guild honnor points but will cost support points)
- open extra upgrades, either those upgrades are going to be available to buy by anyone once opened or opening them is also buying them
(those extra upgrades could be more guards the extra ones wearing the guild armor, extra weapon slots, extra deffences like moat or spear pits in front of doors, stronger guards, crafting places, etc…..)
- specific buffs like new bannersor tower linked buffs
- new specific siege weapons or siege weapon upgrades (weels, burning shots, wall ram, etc….)
infact you can do whatever you want from that point on since you have the roots to do just that.
At the last encounter with scarlet they both (Hobo and the minestrel) are tied up on the outskirt of the fighting area and if you talk to hobo he says that he thinks the minestrel is acomplice to scarlet !!
One of the options you have is also to make the new loot soul bound (prevent mail sending) and not crafting mat till you actually “refine” it at a crafting place.
like that what ever the way you use to get that mat from the chest you have to send the actual toon that opened the chest back to a crafting place to turn it into a usable crafting mat that is not soulbound.
from there if you want to jump the puzzle again to parck your alt at the top it’s fine since you’ll actually jump it to the top.for the mesmer port problem, not all the jP can be ported to the end, just keep the new rewards for those that cant be ported to!
Or I could push B go to my borderlands and log out, putting me right back at the top of the JP
then make it so that you need two different kind of soulbound unrefined mat to get one rifined not souldbound ascended crafting mat like that the same toon as to go to 2 different JP a day in order to get what you need
How needlessly grindy. Then I would just buy them from the tp from all the botters and hackers rather than waste time on boring puzzles.
T7 mats will be account bound. You won’t be able to wallet them…
Regardless, this is all extending from Markof’s crying over people parking at JP’s. Whichever way it’s done, it wont pose a problem.
Accountbound? Park 7-12 chars at JP chests.
Vendable? Buy them from the TP.One is a timegating method that keeps people playing, the other is a gold sink. Either way players lose and anet wins.
I was not crying, not at all
i was trying to find constructive solutions to what is considered by some to be a problem ( actally 2 problems, parking and teleport) and says that rather than dealing with the forseeable outcome of such problems abuse they prefer to not have the mat drop on jp chests.
as for me i dont see any problems, if people are (find the adjective that suits your taste the most) to level up alts and then park them at some points to only log them for a few minutes a day let them do it.
if you someone doesnt like puzzles as they are now they wont like them with loots , they will just add them to the “chorses” they have to do each day.
as i see it champions are not meant to be run over by a zerg of loot starving franzy people, but that is what some of them have turned out to be so what should we strip champions of their loot too to prevent that turn of event ?
i guess no because if we dont do things because some people are going to abuse the system then better stop playing at all cause whatever system you build, some people are going to abuse it.
They say they are potentially turning those JP into valuable strategic areas and you complain ?
Yes. What exactly would be wrong with turn a Keeps Lord Room into a “valuable strategic area”?
Nothing wrong to that, but i’d say that a keeps lord room is already a valuable strategic area
there are 4 JP in WvW
They are all equally detestable. I would happily trade map completion to get rid of these things. What part of any sort of PvP includes a frigging jumping puzzle.
They say they are potentially turning those JP into valuable strategic areas and you complain ?
they might not be the funiest jumpins around but they are for sure the most dangerous and stressfull ones, and for those quality alone they are worth it.
WvW puzzles are adventures onto themselfs, first you have to get to them and depending on the configuration of the map that alone is a tough thing to do.
Then while you concentrate on jumping you also have to check for unfriendlly incomming players.
as soon as they turn into PvP combat areas they are acrobatic fastpaced and heavilly tactic areas where large numbers doesnt mean that much.
You might not like them but the world is what you make it !
Jumping puzzles (along with mini-dungeons) will be some of the locations that begin rewarding ascended crafting materials once crafting to 500 goes live; this is intended to help make these areas more rewarding and
funeven more annoying to go back to and play.FTFY.
Would anyone care to guess if we’ll be able harvest ascended mats from WvW? I’m sure I already know the answer.
there are 4 JP in WvW
One of the options you have is also to make the new loot soul bound (prevent mail sending) and not crafting mat till you actually “refine” it at a crafting place.
like that what ever the way you use to get that mat from the chest you have to send the actual toon that opened the chest back to a crafting place to turn it into a usable crafting mat that is not soulbound.
from there if you want to jump the puzzle again to parck your alt at the top it’s fine since you’ll actually jump it to the top.for the mesmer port problem, not all the jP can be ported to the end, just keep the new rewards for those that cant be ported to!
Or I could push B go to my borderlands and log out, putting me right back at the top of the JP
then make it so that you need two different kind of soulbound unrefined mat to get one rifined not souldbound ascended crafting mat like that the same toon as to go to 2 different JP a day in order to get what you need
One of the options you have is also to make the new loot soul bound (prevent mail sending) and not crafting mat till you actually “refine” it at a crafting place.
like that what ever the way you use to get that mat from the chest you have to send the actual toon that opened the chest back to a crafting place to turn it into a usable crafting mat that is not soulbound.
from there if you want to jump the puzzle again to parck your alt at the top it’s fine since you’ll actually jump it to the top.
for the mesmer port problem, not all the jP can be ported to the end, just keep the new rewards for those that cant be ported to!