Showing Posts For Masharok.9428:

Not liking the new PvP changes

in PvP

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Yea. I would say about 90% of the matches I have been playing have been 3 on 5 or 4 on 5. It really sucks. Granted, I am not playing on the most peak times but still I shouldn’t have to deal with 4v5 every single match.

Paid armor skin restrictions

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Masharok.9428


I didn’t mind it until they removed the PvP locker. I thought that was the coolest thing about GW2 PvP. I honestly don’t even feel like playing it anymore now that all the noob characters I dedicated PvP to look like garbage

Not liking the new PvP changes

in PvP

Posted by: Masharok.9428


I used to enjoy GW2 PvP but now I do not. I actually enjoyed the PvP locker and I had lots of skins unlocked and was liking the look of my characters, but now if I want to keep the skins I had unlocked I have to pay transmutation on the gear and I can’t even store it in the heart of the mists, so if I play PvE and get a gear upgrade I have to either keep the transmuted gear in my inventory or repay the transmutation cost to skin my upgraded gear.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to easily customize my character like back when there was PvP lockers?

Also, why is the team size only 5 now? It says there are 18/20 players on a server and when I join there is only 5v5. Arg…. does anyone actually like these changes and if so, why? Again. I must be missing something.

Typed /deaths for the first time....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masharok.9428


See attachment.


Post Your Build Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Masharok.9428


The idea was to make a build that is up to par with other classes damage and survivability wise. (obviously i failed)

Focusing on criticial hits for damage and using the Knight’s Amulet and Earth magic for survivability.
Fast casting and attunement switching is required for maximum critical hit chance. Use Air attunement for good damage (2nd skill).

a build with which i can actually outlast Guardians which i find pretty amazing because i’m used to the fact that elementalists suck.

Focus is on condition damage dealt by earth attunement (auto-attack + dodge) and healing from Water attunement (healing skills + dodges). (Also the passive signet healing). Since health is really low (12k) i have multiple condition removals to counter this build’s weakness.
Unless you’re getting focused and/or not paying attention it’s rather hard to die.

I used the second build after having touble with D/D set up. Love it so much, often times I only die once or twice per match. Most survivable build I have ever used of all non-heavy armor classes.

Higher rewards for soloing champion mobs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Masharok.9428


If a second player runs up and hits the champion once while you’re fighting it, does that mean you’ve griefed?

No no no, I welcome people to come help me take it down! The problem is almost no one ever does… I don’t think they think it is rewarding enough to help so I end up spend anywhere from 7 to 20 mins killing one mob on something that should be killed in just a couple.

Like the guy above me said I think it could be fixed by offering a better incentive to kill these mobs populating Tyria.

DH v GoM v HoD 18/01

in WvW

Posted by: Masharok.9428


For everyone complaining about the jumping puzzle, it was my experience that a guild called YURI from HoD started the camping, but they only attacked DH. RUDE

Higher rewards for soloing champion mobs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Masharok.9428


I like to challenge myself and many times I will try to take on a champion mob by myself if I come across it. And most of the reward for me comes in being able to defeat it, however, after kiting a mob for 7 mins and often times only receiving a single blue quality item from the drop, the smile tends to fall off my face.

Here I am just suggesting if a player does 100% of the damage on a champion mob maybe you could up the loot table percentages a little bit!

(edited by Masharok.9428)

DH v GoM v HoD 18/01

in WvW

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Wow. GoM and HoD are working together to make sure no one from Darkhaven completes the jumping puzzle. Classy.

What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?

in Ranger

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Fern Hound – Gully
Jungle Stalker – I Might
Lynx – Might Not
Jaguar – Four Ofour (In homage to my Thief, of the same name)
Drake – Chubs
Raven – Blue (Ranger’s named Raven Blue…)
Carrion Devourer – Chick Magnet
Moas – Harmony
Bears – Default
Jellyfish – Juvenile Cake
Shark – Theme Song

I have a cat named Chubs! Cool!

Shortbow or Longbow

in Ranger

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Use both bows when playing glass cannon! Works great in WvW from my experience!

I keep hearing this is the worst class

in Ranger

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Meh. I have not come across a problem with Ranger… in WvW/PvP I think it is actually nice, a lot of people underestimate you and when you are fully geared and know what you are doing you can drop someone extremely fast.

Also, I find I can kite melee classes quite effectively… not sure what people mean when they say it lacks kiting…

Exploits and Glitching

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Explorable dungeons are more or less a grind. No one likes to grind. If there is grinding to be had, people will do whatever they can to get it done and over with. Is it sometimes annoying? Yes. Just make sure before starting to ask if anyone is doing exploits if you don’t want to.

The only way to make people do it right is to find some way to get them their reward without making it feel like a grind. Not an easy thing to do for Anet or any other company without making it too easy, unfortunately

Destroyer short bow skin

in Crafting

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Is it a droppable item at all or is the only way to get one through crafting?

Destroyer short bow skin

in Crafting

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Well, I think I am going to do a custom order for a Knight’s destroyer which is the cheapest I would possibly be able to buy it and then buy a berserker short bow 80 and transmute the skin…. I’ll let you know the final price I pay

Destroyer short bow skin

in Crafting

Posted by: Masharok.9428


I think im starting to figure out that the reason the price is so high is because it looks cool :p o well.

Destroyer short bow skin

in Crafting

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Hey guys, so the destroyer short bow skin is sooooo coool! I don’t have to spend like 40+g just for the skin though. Does anyone know a cheaper way to get that short bow skin without buying the exotic weps?

Update on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Darn, all my money is tied up in the trading post atm :p I hope the market stays the same so I don’t lose all my moneys

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Masharok.9428


Seems to have gotten worse after today’s patch

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Masharok.9428


I heard that a window update could possibly be the issue? Is this the case? Has anyone had any major issues with Windows 8?

Just curious. I am fine with my fps it is just in WvWvW that is is unplayable. Always 10-20 fps no matter if I am in a big battle or not : \