HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mauri.1496
Despicable [ME]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mauri.1496
While I have played the game since launch, I can count the times I have commented in these forums on one hand. However, I do agree with most of the comments here and feel that ArenaNet deserves to hear my opinion.
As mostly a WvW player, I generally only do PVE content in the off hours, when nothing big is happening in the borderlands. Now that’s not to say I don’t do PVE content. I do have map completion on multiple characters, dragon rank (long before it was easy) in sPvP, etc… so I have played my fair share of all of the game types.
For me, there is nowhere near enough content in this “expansion” to justify the price tag. This is especially true when the majority of content that I am interested in is being implemented into the base game that I already own.
That being said, $50 is a ridiculous price for what has been announced and a class I can’t play because I do not have any additional character slots. Unless ArenaNet is able to prove that the value of the content is worth the price, I have absolutely no intentions of ordering HoT and will just continue with the base game.
Those of us that have played this game for years, are looking for quality content and more things to do. At this time, I truly think that ArenaNet has dropped the ball on content here and (as they often do) are focusing way too much on things that players do not actually want. Yes, a new class is kind of cool, but will that be enough to get me to purchase an extremely over-priced expansion? Probably not.
If they aren’t already, I really think that the development team needs to get to work on new dungeons, expanding the new zone even further and bringing the type of content that will make the majority of the player base happy to drop $50 on an expansion. It’s not that $50 is too much to pay for content, it’s that $50 is too much to pay for this particular type of content. There are many free to play games that offer of this type of content without a price tag and seem to be doing just fine. I would be more than happy to give AreaNet my money, if I knew it was worth it. At this point, I am just struggling to see the value.
As a loyal customer and one that truly loves this game, I either need a lot more convincing, or a price tag that is much for in line with the amount of content we are actually getting. From what I have seen so far, even $40 is a bit of a stretch.
1080p live stream tonight in BGBL — 10min delay for obvious reasons —
(edited by Mauri.1496)
Streaming live tonight in EB. Feel free to watch the bag farm.
lawl… tysm in mauri’s sig is a typo…
Yep, it totally was.. I changed it the other night while on auto-run in WvW. Multi-tasking like the best of em… Ooops — Thank’s for catching that!
Better be a 1080p stream, not the poverty 720p mindtrick streams. I’m too lazy to stream. Hell, I’m too lazy to command anymore! Will sub for a shout out! Lol
Is there any other way to stream?
Streaming live tonight from EB –
LOL, [SG] you act like you didn’t die over and over to us (while we were GvG-ing another guild I might add). At worst you were a minor annoyance, not even worth much thought. Give us a call for a GvG when you get relevant in WvW
Respect begets respect.
I’d like to thank [Pro] for the great GvG today, those are the types of fights that I love playing GW2 for. Tip of the hat to you guys.
Another thanks to [Pro] for that GvG – great fun despite some intervals between fights. Some of the best fights we’ve had in a long time. -Manly headnod-
I concur.. many thanks to Joker and his [Pro] crew for some of the best fights we have had in a long time. We had an absolute blast and can’t wait to do it again. /Salute
PM me in game — Neyleah — if you are interested.
Anyone want to GvG [Choo] tonight? Please whisper me in game — Neyleah
No, there is intentionally no sound because of teamspeak conversation.
Choo streaming live tonight!
Come hang with me on my lowbie necro for this fun reset night!
It has definitely been a blast already!
Choo streaming live tonight for reset night!
Running my lowbie, ungeared necro but you’re welcome to watch.
As soon as I hit 80, I’ll toss on all my exotic gear
Good luck out there everyone!
Choo streaming live in EB BL tonight —
Streaming live tonight on JGBL —
(edited by Mauri.1496)
Streaming live tonight!
Pain Train Choo in JQBL
For obvious reasons, the stream will be on a short delay.
Pain Train Choo – Tier 1 Live Stream – NA Prime Time
For obvious reasons, there is a delay.
Good luck in your new server EMP. You guys were a tough opponent and I look forward to going head to head with you all again in the future. /salute.
TY random EMP for the “Howl.” Good fights in JQBL tonight. You all have been a lot of fun.
I for one am very much enjoying this patch. The removal of culling has been great. Its nice to see each server adapt to being able to see each other and the new movements that have come along with it.
Spent a little time in EB last night and came across this!
Haha, great screenshot.
I told our group not to push up because I wanted to watch BG and JQ fight it out. It was actually kind of fun to be on the sidelines. We pulled off while they were fighting it out and went to flip three of BG’s fully fortified towers. I do have to say that was better call than jumping into a three way zerg ball (at least at that particular moment). There were definitely some great fights in EB last night though. I know the 35 minute fight we had in BG’s back tower was some of the most fun I’ve had all week. Thanks for an awesome night last night guys.
I could not agree more. I shouldn’t have to be forced to see everyone’s titles. I mean, from an achievement standpoint, they are rather cool, but we definitely should have the option. I like it a great deal when I can simply select a player and see their information. I would much rather not have my screen cluttered with useless information.
Aside from that, I have always thought (much like people have mentioned in other forums) that names should appear in the color that server is playing during the week. Currently, our server is in the red position, so our nameplates would be red. Blackgate is currently in the blue position so their nameplates should be blue. Jade Quarry is in the green position so their nameplates should be green. Making this change and removing the “server name” would make the visuals of the game in WvW more appealing.
Currently, when a large group explodes onto your screen, all visuals are lost and are replaced with a massive blob words. If I wanted to see that much text, I’d simply pick up a book.
On a positive note, it is nice to have culling removed. Being able to see the zerg now is a plus in many ways.
(edited by Mauri.1496)
I agree! Being forced to see everyone’s titles is the worst idea Anet has had thus far. We need a hotfix for this immediately!
I couldn’t agree more.
Rome is burning…Rome is burning!
On JQ nowadays you have commanders that run from fights, hide in towers chastise people for engaging the enemy for fear of retaliation you have guilds passing out commander manuals to their officers that have business leading dynamic events muchless against real people then throw in those commanders thatthink buying gems thru gemstore and convertingto gold makes you a leader of men well thats the mess jq finds itself in.
All i can say is “WHAT?”
I tried inserting appropriate punctuation and re-reading it, but I came to a similar conclusion: Huh? Shrugs
I had no idea OCX was on their way over. They truly are a solid guild and will fit right in here on SoR. From all of us in [Choo], let me welcome you. It will be a privilege to fight along side of you.
As for the rest of this forum, I am rather disappointed at all the hate.
Overall, there are some great guilds on all three servers and I have had a blast fighting against them and along side of them. We are all in T1 for a reason. We all want the good fights and look forward to what WvW has for us at this level. Instead of the negativity, let’s make the most out of the fun we can all have out there.
While SoR may not have the extensive coverage of BG or JQ, we do what we can when we can. What we lack in numbers, we make up for in skill and try our best to pull out the PPT when have the presence to do so.
Either way, I give both JQ and BG mad props for rocking it out with some of the best guilds in the game. I could care less how either of them acquired those guilds, I merely care about how well they bring it when we meet head on in the open field.
I for one have really enjoyed having BG back in T1. Stacked or not, they fight hard and that’s what I look forward to most in WvW.
See you on the battlefield.
Thanks TSYM for some epic GVG last night in SOS BL. We had a blast and should definitely do it again from time to time. It was really fun to step aside from the whole tower capping mode of W3 and do something different for a change. It was really cool to have the other guys on your server hanging out and watching the action. It really goes to say something about your guild when you can get something to happen like that in the open field and nobody interferes. You guys are all top notch. See you on the battlefield.
Lawl, don’t kid yourself.
Hopefully you got some new NA talent before we meet again.Being that you are from [Choo] and I have become good friends with a number of your commanders from our weeks in Tier 2, I won’t flat out insult your guild for your jaded views. However, if you think that your NA was, somehow, unquestionably superior, you would be very, very wrong.
Early NA advantage went to SoR because you have a lot of EST players. Late NA advantage went to BG because we have a lot of PST players. In between, it was pretty freaking even. Don’t cheapen the 9 weeks that we spent together and make your guild look like they are poor sports, because I know otherwise and you are not reflective of [Choo]’s opinions.
For me, I want to fight SoR again. It will finally put to rest some of these statements like SoR NA steamrolling ours…
I would love to go against BG again. At the time, they definitely had more people than we did and better coverage in our off hours, but were always a great opponent when the numbers were more even. I have nothing but respect for them as a server and think it would be a blast to see how we match up with them currently. Overall, BG just outnumbered us in coverage during the oceanic times and that definitely made a huge difference. During NA prime time, I agree… SoR and BG were pretty evenly matched. Hats off to all of you in BG for week after week of well fought WvW. I look forward to seeing you again on the battlefield.
Just wanted to toss out a thank you to all the guys on TC. I have had a blast with you all over the past few weeks. Whether we were [D U E L]ing in southern supply camps or fighting it out in some (up until this last week) really hard WvW battles, I definitely enjoyed myself with you all. As a server, you guys are top notch and I don’t care what anyone else says, you all will be missed. Wishing you all the best wherever you end up and look forward to any future run ins that we may have with you.
The whole SBI thing has been a bummer, losing major guilds and whatnot, but you guys are equally awesome and have put up some pretty decent fights over the past two weeks. For those of you still hanging out there, fighting your faces off on the battlefield, I give you mad props.
I have nothing but respect for both servers. Thanks to all of you.
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