Showing Posts For Mauvelence.6870:

Amusing GS swoop glitch

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


I’d prefer it if I could have the animation for swoop, maul, dart and man o war on at all times and run around as the master of animal spirits. But I’d be happy if I could have permanent swoop falcon at least.

The One Buff to Rule them All

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


this current condi or gtfo meta, but the build will absolutely become A LOT more viable!

Where exactly is this the meta? Tier 7? Open world? Because it certainly isn’t T1 or dungeons…
And it doesn’t make it any more viable than it was, which is to say that it is completely unviable for anything but giving out free loot bags and rallies to to the enemy.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870



Given Gnashblade’s established record of unleashing horrible lag causing worthless abominations like the Box o Fun, and being a crook (Black Lion), and the fact that charr are responsible for the searing; you’d have to be evil to have supported an evildoer like him.

The only way I, or anyone outside of the gw2 equivalent of renfair participants and charrophiles, would have voted for him is if he offered removing trading post fees for that reward/celebration period.

Stay posteriorpestered tho, gnashbums.

GS evade off the chain, on to swoop.

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Why would you remove the primary draw to GS and put it on a skill with 7.7x less activation rate? Why was this even considered instead of talking about giving maul a blast finisher, which is the only acceptable change possible to the weapon?

Especially if you’re goign to nerf endurance regen, why further reduce the number of evades we get per minute? Are you going to increase GS damage coefficients by a factor of about 5 in that case to compensate? And no, a whirl finisher on power stab is not any form of compensation whatsoever, literally no one will care or actively use it, to begin with whirl is unreliable due to its unpredictability in where it sends any bolts. Only with long whirls like whirling defense and daggerstorm is it of any effective use and even then only nominally due to chance.

(edited by Mauvelence.6870)

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Still waiting for RIOT vs AoN. RIOT please roam/stream sometime this week ty.

>thinking either riot or aon will ever engage anything more than isolated solos in the middle of nowhere

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


To the baddie human female KnT thief who tried to jump me and failed: next time, I’ll put on food and oil, make sure to put you face down in the dirt instead of let you break away, and put it on stream.

p.s.- Stick to NA timezone.

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Here Choc, I’ll help you clean up your server.

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


blobing as 10, half of them thieves, and only jumping on solos while roaming doesnt count!

Fixed that for you. And what can one say? They learned “roaming” from JQ, after all.

Buffs coming on Oct 15th? What buffs?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


>* Maul: Damage for this skill has been increased by 15%. Vulnerability has been increased from 3 to 5 stacks and the duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.

Would’ve much preferred a BLAST finisher, but at least a very meager scrap of a buff is better than a nerf.

>* Nature’s Voice: This trait no longer carries the effects of Evasive Purity as well as the on-shout swiftness and regeneration.

Eh? It does this? To be honest I’ve never even noticed. Evasive purity is such a useless trait to begin with, maybe if it did something useful like break immob and cripple upon commanding a dodge (in order to help prevent getting immob locked to death), then I would take it in my actual trait makeup instead of more useable things.

>* Protect Me: This skill no longer prevents capture point progress.

It’s technically an invuln so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work just like every other invuln but this only matters for spvp, yet no rangers in spvp run protect me to begin with, so. What an odd thing to even take the time to consider changing in the first place when there other things that need fixing so much more.

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Despite what you may think GE’s leader is still inexperienced in fielding borderlands. His role started to shift from EB to borderlands a few weeks ago. He’s testing out various methods and see what BG does. He’s not used to the 15+ superior carts that BG used last night, and I just offered some additional advice to attack bay (I’m also new from EB, started wvwing 1-2 months ago, glad to know BG’s happy in beating down the inexperienced).

When it comes to fair open field battles you guys didn’t win much, did you.

And hi [Coin], I think I saw you guys in TC bay.

He’s inexperienced in more areas than that, however that isn’t even what I’m talking about in the first place, and don’t assume you have a clue what I may think. We never at any point had even 10 superior arrow carts at any given time, even before you trebbed and then died after rolling over them all, sorry to tell you. Also, what “fair” open field battles? Your full map blob vs our no less than 3 distinct groups running separately at any given time? In addition to the contingency of non combatants in citadel? And 20% of our main force’s group off sentrying our holdings in order to prevent the inevitable ninja pvtower/keep attempt from a handful of tkg/whatnot or occasional attempt from tc? Which of course we would then have to float off to respond to. Do you think you didn’t get anywhere near where you did no thanks to that? Nah mate. At every point after the first breach where you got back in outer it was only because our main force were too busy with our hands tied elsewhere to deal with you.

And don’t get it twisted Vash, I love the new, significantly less effective bulobbage. WOW so blob, much bags.

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Score update.
BG still ticking over 400ppt near the end of SEA….
Thank god they’re still recruiting, they really need it.

I hear Waha rage logged earlier?

If he did, it was probably because he couldn’t get his crew into bgbl while [ge] and the enthusiastic pugs were there trying oh so hard to take bay and wouldn’t move off so the man could do his work. I guess because ge thought they could do better or…they were just hard tunnel vision mode.

Whatever the case was, ge sure did us a service! It’s a lot easier to defend against them than Waha with his much more disciplined [ATM] military.

What do you wanna see...

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


I want the whole “stop to try and get behind the target” behaviour removed from pet AI.
I want, when I cast guard, for the pet to attack MY target when I’m attacking something, not the first thing it happens to see.
I want protect me to not be broken by CC on the pet, and for that matter not broken by ANYTHING aside from of course pet death/swapping or downing.
I want empathetic bond nerf and zypher speed nerf reverted back.
Also revert the guard z scaling nerf, would be nice to be able to actually be effective at helping take down siege again along with all the longbow warriors, staff necros, staff eles, scepter/focus eles, nade engis, turret engis, greatsword mesmers, focus mesmers, et cetera

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


We just finished dealing with FA spies, now we get to deal with BG spies? So many spies! What is this, TF2?

The ranger is a spy

Nah mate, TC doesn’t need any help getting run over, subtlety is not their strong suit to begin with. And, with BG having cut off some very malignant tumors, I can only assume the scouting situation there has only improved over the past several weeks.
Besides, I hunt after the outmanned buff these days.
;not stressed

Dreaming on a supportive Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


They mentioned ’Nature’s Voice to be looked at.

Nerfing Nature’s Voice will be the final nail in the coffin on this game for me.

Quick and Easy Ranger Buffs: Shouts

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Also, those two boons are more easily accessed and maintained by other classes anyway.

That so, eh? “More easily accessed and maintained” by what other classes? Using what skills and traits exactly?

Roamers in High Tier vs Low Tier

in WvW

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


well like when i fight against T1 servers they are all horrible roamers so I kind of figured lower tiers might be more fun since I like to roam.

You’ve faced a grand total of one single “tier 1 server” which is JQ and isn’t really a t1 server in terms of skill outside of waha’s loyal following which makes up one half of what keeps JQ afloat (the other half being dedication to serving SoR).
Furthermore, “roaming” on JQ amounts to no less than 10 baddies (half of which are gimmickstab glass thieves) blobbing together that do nothing but look for solo players who are traveling to a destination to gank and then pretend they’re any good at all and pretend that they don’tneed to take their garbage back to spvp where it belongs. In order to run into anything less than that is to run into some greenhorn hoping to freely PvSupply Camp.

So don’t go on thinking you know t1 or t1 roaming just because you’ve killed a few baddies on the cancer server of t1.

Magic Find [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Don’t know what you guys were thinking when you cooked this up.

Either give celestial: boon duration, condition duration, or increase its given stats. Don’t punish people who invested the time-grind to get the pieces (as every single individual piece requires a pure time investment that doesn’t exist for any other prefix) simply because you lacked the foresight to not include a stat you were going to later purge as a part of your many whimsical design flight of fancies.

Similarly what’s to become of giver’s trinkets? Are they going to end up with just two stats or are they going to have boon duration like they should’ve had from the start? dat planning, smh

*SERIOUS RANGER BUGS* Requires Urgent Action

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


They’re working as anet intends them to, if you want a class that can hit 5 targets at once with their skills you need to play ele or necro.

8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Agreed. Without TW blobbing on the forums and in the battlegrounds BG would have nothing to fight and would quickly break apart.

8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Never realized TC had so many thieves camping Obsidian Sanctum.

(edited by Moderator)

Everytime i see a Ranger using a bear.....

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


ATTN Forum mods(or Forum designers): If you’re gonna delete the OP in a thread (or if the OP deletes his own post in a thread), please be sure it deletes the rest of the thread with it, because as it stands this thread makes absolutley no sense since the first post shown is obviously a reply to the OP.

Coherence, it does wonders. The More You Know.

WvW role for a GS ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


GS/SB, 0/0/30/10/30, TU, Flame Trap/Spike Trap/SotW, Rampage as One, Jungle Stalker/Jaguar, Full Cleric’s, 4x Altruism 2x [Fire/Strength/Hoelbrak], and Blood sigils bunker here.

In a big fight my role will be either holding the line, preventing any attempted pushes from the enemy, or charging in, breaking through, and disrupting their line, forcing them to divide their focus between me and my allies and two different directions. More often than not, the latter will completely reroute, thin out, or outright wipe zergs, especially because the attention I’m given is generally a panicked one, with everyone who’s targetting me blowing all of their CC cooldowns and throwing their conditions at me (which my pet then removes from me). This reaction is natural considering I’ll generally do this charge in once I’ve downed one of their squishies with my shortbow/maybe pet while holding the line, and then pop rampage as one, [Swoop] in, swap my pet, go for a quickness spike, and then continue from there laying my traps, cleaving,, blocking, dodge rolling, and Troll Unguenting through their focus.
Or [Swoop]ing back out if necessary, but generally I like to stick with a feverish tenacity that throws off those who are unfamiliar with me and inspires my allies to join in the fun.

In a small fight, nobody can chase down and subsequently lock down a target into downing while simultaneously garnering and sustaining focus as effectively.

When it comes to a sieges, it seems they’ve patched pets climbing walls so the usefulness has dropped there, but that really just makes me more available for building and operating rams (something squishies just get downed doing, and most people are playing squishy because they want their coveted damage), defending catapult arrays, and quickness reviving downed (not defeated) allies.

With roaming, at this point single people will just run, they know they can’t take me solo unless they’re a Necro with boss quality skill (or if they’ve never seen me before, in which case they die if they can’t get away). A good d/d ele will know that neither of us can kill each other no matter how hard we try and how long we fight. Thieves will try and then run for their lives when their burst only brings me to half health, yes even the best of them, their level of skill in this situation is determined purely by whether they can get away in one piece or not after they make their move.
Mind you this is speaking on terms of land combat, in the water you run no matter who you are, unless you have about 5 guys with you, otherwise you will be dying

Zerg surfing is a lot of fun with this but solo capping camps, bulding/destroying weathernodes, and capping Temple of Storms is probably the thing I’d point to and say that ranger outperforms every other class in, and those things generally get the least focus from the playerbase. Either they’re too scared of running into a couple (dozen) people while doing them, or they simply can’t even handle the mobs alone, or they just want to follow the zerg/a commander tag around because “that’s where the action is at”. So most usually, I will see these objectives getting ignored and proceed get right to them while the zergs do their thing. Due to this, there’s always something for me worth doing at any given time that I am very effective at.

The high mobility that Swoop grants also make it great for snuffing out yaks across the map, there’s a reason why I can spearhead any traveling zergs.

Granted, this build and playstyle does posess a steep learning curve, you need to have your keybinds right and have quick decision making reflexes and have a good sense of what both you and your pet can take both separately and as a whole. It isn’t for anyone who wants a simpler approach.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Crystal Desert has no keeps/garrison at the moment in their own borderland…


obviously taking advantage of those leet bonuses to pve and/or craft before reset today……..duh!
so go ahead and knock yourself out. We need to enjoy the bonuses while we can as somehow I doubt we will have that much this next matchup since it seems CD is always the server that is double teamed or ganged up on.

edit: looking closer at that screenie I see we didnt lose SMC last night as the servers went down mid fight. I bet that just chaps the heck out of both MAG and EB hide as both had a good fighting chance to take it there although I think EBmade it into lord room more times and died than MAG did.

(edited by Mauvelence.6870)

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


So TC just cheesed their way thru the back wall of Redbriar which is laughable being they outnumbered us defenders at least 2 or 3 -1 there. It is stuff like this that will hurt you guys in tier 2, you cant be afraid to fight equal or your 2 to their 1 guys. You need to step that game up if you hope to compete up there. Just saying..

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


Oh so that is it, you guys are really all sore about CD camping the jumping puzzles? Well maybe that is all we have left, we have to use what we can I guess. I dont know how you guys come to say I am being a sore loser, I am not, I dont respect the double teaming, it is a cheap tactic on a weaker server to try to get ahead but whatever, I am only dishing out advice to both servers as you guys are the ones working so hard for tier 2 which we have been in long ago so we know the score. We have also been up against SOS and SOR at once with our poor numbers. I am thinking you are the ones that are being sore. I am just stating what I see and you are getting mad cause you cant handle the truth. I cant help you there. I am fine where CD is. We could really care less about advancing to tier 2, we are loving the short que times and have a much better chance of small man fights in lower tiers. You guys are the ones with the mass numbers, just go in the jumping puzzles with your 50 man zergs and overwhelm CD if you want it that bad, shouldnt be that hard should it?

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


i don’t think anyone is moving up to tier 2. its a 100,000 point difference between TC and IoJ and this weeks match up is very tight fight for points. It could be possible but its going to be hard for TC to pull that off. YB will probably stay red as FA has a pretty sizeable gap that is going to continue to grow destroying tier 4, they might even end up top of tier 3 next week because they got this week easy will rack up quite a few points more than TC will.

Which is why I say I am looking forward to the break that tier 4 will give CD. We have fought hard the last 2 weeks being outmanned on NA primetime. We can use the bi week for some rest and check out the new content without wvw pressure added in. I was hoping to get my 100% map completion before the patch but have spent so much time in wvw I probably wont be able to finish before Friday.

11/9 Tarnished Coast/Crystal Desert/Yak's Bend v2

in WvW

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


All I have to say to our opponents this week:
Yak’s Bend- Be careful who you accept as bed partners in this war, dont sleep with your back to TC as you just might find a knife in it in the morning. Oh and have fun next week with their 50-70 man zergs on your lands.
TC- You guys are only effective because you outnumber everyone 5 to 1, but in combat you are weak and even weaker in the seige department. You should be thankful CD is teaching you something in that department cause when you get into tier 2 you will get spanked hard for having bad seige tactics.
I for one am looking forward to the easymode of tier 4. I am thankful we wont have to deal with Tarnished Zerg next week. Have fun with that Yaks and FA.

Pact Requisitioner Hargrove does not exist...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mauvelence.6870


I just finished doing Arah story mode again and yeah you can access him in the locked room but he will not talk to us. I am not sure why. We talked to Trahearne like the quest said and then went to talk to Hargrove in the room that is open in the instance and he would not talk to us at all. Please fix this and please make him be out of instance so we dont have to do this dungeon again. It is not anyones favorite. Just have him be an NPC in Fort Trinity that can only be talked to by peeps with these tokens to turn in as there are literally hundreds that need to do this.