Showing Posts For Mech.2905:

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Bug still present after skill balance patch on 2/22/2017

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Bug still present after patch downloaded 2/13/2017

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Bug still present after Head of the Snake patch

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Bug still present after patch downloaded 1/23/2017

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


bug still present after patch I downloaded on 1/19/2017

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Bug is still present after the patch I downloaded on 1/18/2017

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


This bug is still present after the patch I downloaded on 1/17/2017

Healer's Retribution - Purification bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Despite the tooltips saying otherwise, using the Guardian skill Purification while having the trait Healer’s Retribution does NOT grant retaliation like it is supposed to. Tested on myself and another Guardian, both in and out of combat, in the sPvP lobby. The trait seems to be working fine with the other heal skills.

Steps to reproduce:
-Log in as a guardian (dragon hunter)
-activate the trait “Healer’s Retribution” (first bottom trait under “Radiance”) and equip the healing skill “Purification”
-Mouse over “Purification,” notice that the tooltip says the skill grants retaliation
-Go into combat and use “Purification,” watch your boons and notice retaliation never shows up (neither when the skill is used, nor when the trap is triggered)

(edited by Mech.2905)

Players Grovel (and would pay) for 3 requests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mech.2905


“2) Tune the game’s instruments to be in the same key.”

This is not how instruments work. Different instruments are set in different keys intentionally.

While this is true, common real life instruments can play every note on the chromatic scale. Since the in-game instruments cannot play sharps and flats, it is impossible for them to be able to play together for most songs (few exceptions exist). Thus, for game purposes, the instruments need to be tuned to the same key in order to play together.

Drops Mic

Players Grovel (and would pay) for 3 requests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mech.2905


On June 17, 2014 a number of players swarmed an Anet Dev to grovel at her feet. These humble players were desperate and had only three requests:

1) Put the aviators back in the gem store

2) Tune the game’s instruments to be in the same key.

3) bring back formal and official GvG

While the latter two were a much requested items, the former was so enticing that players from all around the mists joined to make it become a reality. Anet has yet to make a statement on the issue, but the attached picture shows just how much support the requests have garnered.


Not getting Basic transmutation stones

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mech.2905


wow, can’t believe that worked! Thank you very much!

Not getting Basic transmutation stones

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mech.2905


I just spent 125 gems in the gem store on 5 basic transmutation stones. I used the “recent purchases” tab to do it quick. The store took the 125 gems and said the transaction was complete, but they still haven’t come in the in-game mail. I used a lvl 32 charr elementalist (named Jace Pyromancer) to make the transaction in the black citadel. I was able to make trading post transactions a few minutes before without any problems.

If I could get my transmutation stones or get a gem refund, that would be great!


EDIT: solved! Deleting some of my in-game emails did the trick. There was one with the subject (No Reply) that only had a “…” written in it. Deleting this one made my purchase immediately come up. curious.

(edited by Mech.2905)

Thief exploit in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Where: Eternal Battlegrounds keeps
What: Players are complaining that a thief is using Infiltrator’s strike to bypass the walls of the keep, causing the team to be unable to use the waypoint there. People are also claiming that this thief is using a hack to attack faster. No-one knows his name atm.

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mech.2905


Race: Charr
Gender: Male (though it seems to be present with females as well)

When a Charr character runs with a one-handed weapon in hand, they “choke down” on it. This happens with all weapons models, and seemingly only in the right hand.

This happens with ALL one-handed weapons, for both Male and female characters


(edited by Mech.2905)