Showing Posts For Meesor.7243:

Add a chase cam to siege projectiles

in WvW

Posted by: Meesor.7243


Like when a trebuchet lobs a cow or rock, camera follows the lobbed projectile until shortly after it lands. SPVP allows observation, why can’t it be implemented in a lesser extent for players to siege projectiles? and since their is a siege limit, it shouldnt lag the server that much, and the siege limit can be adjusted even if it it does. Adding a toggle for a feature like this would not only would increase siege accuracy, it will make players on siege feel far more involved in battles when manning siege from afar.

Your experience with Spectral Grasp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Meesor.7243


its bugged, sometimes it pulls, sometimes it does not. sometimes pulls half way or one step forward for me as well. dont have this problem underwater though, if so its not noticeable

Solo tournaments are free wins, needs fix now

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Meesor.7243


Only one side is getting filled out in solo tournament matches, and players are ending up 5v0 and getting free win + stuck in boring match. Thought it was a fluke the first, but 2 games in a row this has happened. Needs to be fixed before it destroys the leaderboards.

Add a .5% damage req to WVW gates to contest

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meesor.7243


pretty much explained in title. Thieves and other classes in wvw are able to keep a tower/keep/castle in a permanent contested state, boredom and extreme manhunts being the only limiting factors. Adding a damage requirement would also give gate guards more importance since dealing damage will take a bit of time, and letting guards attack you while doing so would probably result in death.

T2 - Deso / SFR / Kodash 24/5/13 - ???

in Match-ups

Posted by: Meesor.7243


Another thing, why do people always interrupt a 1v1 or 1v2? If it’s clear as day a small skirmish is taking place then just carry on doing whatever you’re doing and leave them be.

If your having a skirmish and do not want to be interrupted, there should be plenty of almost safe spots around the borderlands. Other day I was passing by a sentry n ran into a group that told me to stop attacking the people that they were dueling, even though the enemies they were dueling were killing any passing dolyaks. And if it wasnt something prearranged, its more annoying if you DONT help your teamates, not everyone is interested in forced 1on1s/2on2s, its a team affair after all.

(edited by Meesor.7243)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Meesor.7243


And you think zerg’s, skill delay etc will magically disappear when you move to another server? hardly. As for proof, do a forum search. If you think tier 1 is the only tier that suffers from these problems, you are wrong.

You realize you are talking to the guy who already moved to another tier and already had a number of raid runs there, right?

And who was talking about your concern about the ladder? Do you even read what you reply to?

I’ll break it down for you then.
You are saying that “we” are sore losers who ran away from the victor. I’m saying that we are not because what you see as a measure of victory/defeat doesn’t mean kitten for us and does not correlate with how we feel about fighting vs “victor”.

Clearer now?

And there is no blobbing or skill lag there huh? Good one. And if you arent in one of the many that ran away because of losing to viz, then why are you arguing about it with me? GH isn’t the only guild on this forum.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Meesor.7243


And you think zerg’s, skill delay etc will magically disappear when you move to another server? hardly. As for proof, do a forum search. If you think tier 1 is the only tier that suffers from these problems, you are wrong. And who was talking about your concern about the ladder? Do you even read what you reply to?

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Meesor.7243



Your words have meaning only inside your head.

How’s that for ipse dixit?

I will phrase it in a way im sure you understand then, you are sore losers using skill delay and blobs as an excuse to run away from viz.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: Meesor.7243


Viz = bad. The fact viz has lowest point tick after resets and is last to get waypoint only proves this further. Only until night raids is viz able to to gain an advantage, sugarcoat it however you want, borderlands, eb, all the same. Numbers are their only advantage, and without it, their general skill level is WAY below tier 1. The misplaced pride of viz over their placement is tier 1 is pretty pathetic, and has turned them into a bunch of arrogant lemmings, unable to function without a blob. Even so, you people that left DESO and SFR to run away from viz are even worse. After seeing how pitiful viz have become over time due to their extreme population, you guys wanna take their place in tier 2? Your making things worse, and no matter where you run off too, no matter what tier you decide to hide in, your gonna have blobs, your gonna have lags, and you might have night raids. Your jealousy of viz owned you, and helped destroy the WVW population that helped to coddle your insecure desire to be in VIZ’s place in tier 2.

(edited by Meesor.7243)