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How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mekat.5012


1. Who here, still come to forums but play the game much less?
I rarely visited the forums previously, now I checking it several times a day… awaiting word from A-net. In the mean time, I’ve logged on a total of 3 times and didn’t stay very long…

2. When did you start playing less?
Let me put it this way… I started playing GW2 at the end of Aug, and I’ve only missed doing my daily achievements 4 times… and since the final event of Lost Shore… I done none.

3. Why / What caused the decline in time spent?
Honestly, it’s not just one single thing.

Ascended Gear – I’m not terribly impressed with the difficulty in getting then… I could live with it, under the assumption that they would eventually (hopefully) implement more paths to get them. I don’t agree that this immediately equals Grindfeast++, but I am concerned it’s the whole frog in a pot of slowly warming water situation.

Fractals – I actually love the dungeons… but detest the fact they’re gated… since I only do dungeons sporadically. I’m also not liking what it seems to be doing to the population of other locations in the game(ie. the lack of) . Again… if it were just this, I’d be annoyed but I’d shrug it off and adapt.

The One Time Event – The event was buggy as kitten, but I’m actually one of the people who actually enjoyed what I managed to catch of the final event. Karka roll attack is actually my favorite enemy attack ever (I lol’d at the massacre on the bridge building event in phase 2… I mean… they all saw the roll attack earlier, shouldn’t they have predicted that one would roll down the bridge?). That said… I had to leave the final event before it finished as it was 8:20am and I had to get to work… When I found out what I missed out on though…
I can understand one-time event. I’ve encountered them on other MMOs in the past. The set items and a high chance of very good loot? That by itself is not terrible… but the fact that they were available to such a limited time that pretty much excluded a good chunk of Asia/Oceania? What gives? At the response of much of the community? “Tough luck”? “You should have skipped work”? “Sleep is for the weak!”? “It’s your own fault your priority is taking care of your kid… what do you mean aren’t you happy?!”?

Community – One of the worse things is the split these things have caused in the community. There are those on BOTH sides that I feel have just gone nasty. Becoming more an more unsympathetic to each other. “Ban everyone who looted the chest multiple times!” “It’s all in your mind! Your concerns as invalid!” “GTFO back to WoW!”. No matter who’s right or wrong, the situation is becoming toxic… And A-Net response… “Here’s a survey” and “Oh yes! Btw there’s a SALE coming up!”

If it were just any one of these things, then I wouldn’t have been impressed… but I would have dealt with it.

All these things combined though. I got angry. I calmed down… now… I just can’t bring myself to enjoy the game. So until something changes… I doubt I’ll be playing much GW2.

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mekat.5012


One obvious thing to me would have been to have such an event on a ‘Saturday’ instead… which would have meant Sunday morning for people in Asia/Oceania.. It wouldn’t have solved everything, or even made everyone happy, but it would have reduced the amount of grief at little or no cost for sure. (most people wouldn’t be a work/school/etc and even if it were at 3-4am in the morning they would have been able to sleep in on the sunday)

I do admit this is hindsight, so I’m not going to say get all worked up and go all; ‘but they should have thought of it!’… but I figured I’d mention it as a… suggestion? recommendation? idea…? for the future…

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mekat.5012


Call me arrogant or whatever, I managed to get to work, maybe 20 mins late, but was still there.

Oh yeah? So what would you have done if the event had started 1 hour before work? You’d been what? Several hours late? Took a sicky?

Admit it, if the event had started in the middle of your work day, you’d be the one complaining.

New build available

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mekat.5012


To be fair, this isn’t exactly their fault… since the active overflow is obviously a workaround that players figured out on their own.

Mind you, the fact that people weren’t able to do the event properly in the first place is their fault.

No time to participate/different time zone [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mekat.5012


please stop giving these things billions and billions of hp, its not fun.

They have a billion hps because they’re scaled to 50+ lvl80s hammering on them at the same time… if they had their normal hps (eg.. with 2-3 people involved), they’d last what? 5 secs?

Also… yeah. I knew I had some time before I had to go to work this morning (event started at 7am for me), so I managed to join the start, but since there was no indication of how long it was going to take… I was forced to leave for work 1h20m in.

I like GW2 generally, and even enjoyed what I managed to catch of the event (despite not being able to see enemies past a certain range), but really wasn’t impressed with the overall management of the event.

Final Event Rewards

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mekat.5012


sigh… Had to leave during the herding the Ancient Karka through the steam vents… For some of us, it’s Monday morning… and there’s this unfortunate event called ‘work’ orz