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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


- Add the option to add keybinds like mousewheel up/down.
(I know you can bind them in a way through the Razer Naga macro options, but not everyone knows about that program)

Being able to Trade with people

Being able to send Mail to your alts.

1v1 Skirmishes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


1v1 Arena Style map with a few pillars.

3 Rounds

Winner of rounds gives extra glory/rank.
- A small rewards would be nice even for the winner of each rounds. This is to give players a reward for playing the game, but not big enough of a reward to make players so focused on these skirmishes. This idea is primary just for fun and to practice builds or vs certain classes. (Other suggestions would be nice)

3 Minute timer each round
- So people do not face each other forever. (Other suggestions would be nice).
- If timer is hit, both players get a draw.
- A draw counts as lose for both players. (Other suggestions would be nice).

Down state
- Immediately lose the round

Players do not know the name of the person they would be facing. (Just like WvW)

Random match making.
- By this I mean no specific servers to play on, it would be strictly random kind of the way the free tournaments are at the moment. This is to discourage people exploiting the system and just losing really fast to give some rewards to players.

Even though Guild Wars 2 is about teamwork and strategy both the pve and pvp, the 1v1 in this game is really intense and can help a player change builds according to classes etc… It also can help a players skill increase individually, since there are times in SPVP that 1 v 1 situation can definitely change the tide between who is winning or losing.

Some Classes are OP or are they…?
A lot of people complain about this and yes it is true some builds have really high damage or seem braindead. Other classes have too much support or are “tanky”, but in the end 1v1 is a lot of fun, intense and the match outcome can ultimately be determined by the skill of the player. This does not mean this game is entirely balanced, it just means sometimes a change of play style to certain builds can change the outcome of the match entirely.

I for one came across the glass cannon warriors who charged and killed me in one hundred blades attack. I then approached the same warrior differently and noticed his animation before his charge dodged it, kited repeatedly blinded his aoe, interrupted the heal and eventually won. Instead of just jumping to the OP bandwagon, I changed my play style for those certain builds. Throughout the game I became aware of whenever that warrior would charge and who he would hit, so I would immediately dodge his charge or blind/interrupt his hundred blades if I see him on a ally.

I know a lot of people have experienced being demolished by a high damage pistol whip/quickness thief, only to face again ready for him and kill him because you knew what to look for. Or how many people go around looking for that one rematch who bested you before just to see what changes you can do against his style/build.

I would really like to hear people’s thought about this, and if there is already a thread about this please let me know. (I did try to look for one)

I also know for sure, that I am not the only one going on low pop sPvP servers and getting duels going on or looking for them.

Also add dueling! at least in the heart of the mists zones!

TL/DR: 1v1 Skirmishes add them!

Bring back the lovely capes...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


Capes like in the concept art from the SPVP maps (The plate human wearing a red cap vs the charr) would be amazing in game.
Totally support this idea especially later in game after they get the games feet on the ground.

Psy-gangnam style Dance in Game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


Agree I would love custom dances purchasable off the Gem Store or somehow implemented in this game. I WOULD EVEN LOVE CUSTOM DANCES DROPPED OFF BOSSES OR REWARDS FROM SPVP OR WVW, make a huge incentive for me and I bet a lot of people.

Hidden Mechanics Affecting Player Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


The Dynamic Event cap applies to ALL events everywhere. You can’t switch maps.

Wow really?… It has to be a mistake.

Dynamic Event deminishing returns too stringent

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


I posted this same response in another thread, but I feel it is more appropriate here.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the current issue with and MAJOR gripe about the Dynamic Events diminishing is that they affect the entire map NOT just the singular events that are being repeated over and over, and the events DR super fast.

Now if I am right, it is a major problem because players who are just trying to enjoy the map and complete the 100% completion are hitting this cap from just chaining events from following NPC’s after the event has ended or just exploring and finding a bunch of centaurs attacking a village, and their reward for exploring the map or just enjoying that map’s events because of story or just because they are fun is 121xp/19karma/1 for each event.

Now a diminishing reward for events being “farmed”. Eg: A spot one knows where many events occur and you circular that area repeating those events over and over to farm Karma/XP/Gold. Now creating a diminishing rewards systems for the SAME events being repeated are definitely expected and reasonable.
Diminishing rewards for repeated events would be a much better system since it would actually promote map exploration, without having to cap your rewards on one map after 20 minutes then porting to another map to complete random events cap out on that map and repeat. That does just aggravates players since that takes out a lot of what the game was suppose to be. Exploring a map finding random stuff, triggering random things.

Please Arena-net let the community know that the current Dynamic Events Diminishing rewards is either a mistake or just a temporary fix. Having to switch maps back and forth is really not engaging story wise, and penalizing a player for enjoying a maps story and/or events is demoralizing.

Edit: Just got informed in another thread that the Events diminishing rewards applies to all maps and you can’t switch maps to do different events for better rewards?

(edited by Mellowz.3728)

Hidden Mechanics Affecting Player Behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


I posted this same response in another thread, but I feel it is more appropriate here.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the current issue with and MAJOR gripe about the Dynamic Events diminishing is that they affect the entire map NOT just the singular events that are being repeated over and over, and the events DR super fast.

Now if I am right, it is a major problem because players who are just trying to enjoy the map and complete the 100% completion are hitting this cap from just chaining events from following NPC’s after the event has ended or just exploring and finding a bunch of centaurs attacking a village, and their reward for exploring the map or just enjoying that map’s events because of story or just because they are fun is 121xp/19karma/1 for each event.

Now a diminishing reward for events being “farmed”. Eg: A spot one knows where many events occur and you circular that area repeating those events over and over to farm Karma/XP/Gold. Now creating a diminishing rewards systems for the SAME events being repeated are definitely expected and reasonable.
Diminishing rewards for repeated events would be a much better system since it would actually promote map exploration, without having to cap your rewards on one map after 20 minutes then porting to another map to complete random events cap out on that map and repeat. That does just aggravates players since that takes out a lot of what the game was suppose to be. Exploring a map finding random stuff, triggering random things.

Please Arena-net let the community know that the current Dynamic Events Diminishing rewards is either a mistake or just a temporary fix. Having to switch maps back and forth is really not engaging story wise, and penalizing a player for enjoying a maps story and/or events is demoralizing.

(edited by Mellowz.3728)

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mellowz.3728


Just saw the video preview for it and it looks very amazing, that’s exactly the type of combat that will just make it for fun. I definitely want to try that out. Please reconsider Anet.