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Guardian's shield needs Blast finisher!

in Guardian

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


I’ve played with shield a LOT. I’ve tried many different builds (from med zerks, to healing builds, to bunkers) just to try and get shield work. Although I’m one of those people that likes to find niche uses for underused or underrated weapons/builds, I’m going to have to agree with what has been said on this forum: Shield, even with reduced cds and traited, still seems only situational. I would really enjoy if they did one or more of the following for shield:

For shield #4: Increase damage, add a daze, short knockdown/interrupt, increase the duration of protection given, or keep shield #4’s protection buff at 5 seconds in pvp (no need for this nerf).

For shield #5: Actually increase the time of the bubble to 4 seconds… it’s still at 2 seconds, keep bubble time at 2 seconds but allow projectile reflection, keep bubble time at 2 seconds but allow us to block as long as we’re keeping the bubble up (this wouldn’t be op, we’d still be susceptible to conditions, + not be able to move), increase the scaling of healing power on the bubble detonation, gain a boon or even more healing if the bubble is not detonated (you wait out the whole time of the skill), or allow guardians to move after initially using this skill.

I feel that ANET has done certain things right: The protection buff on shield #4 is nice, and fits well with the theme of the shield on a guardian. It’s very nice that it’s team oriented, however 5 seconds isn’t very long if you consider the fact that we have a minimum 20 seconds cd, and a better trade off for protection would be hammer’s perma-protection. Shield #4 is also fairly weak, its damage component is nearly useless. I think that shield should do something other than just give protection to self and allies…. That’s essentially all it does right now…. 5 seconds of protection on 20 seconds cool down, and you have to carefully aim it too.

I really like shield #5. The knockback is really useful when trying to hold points, and revive allies, and the healing on detonation is very nice, but it unfortunately does not scale very well with healing, and the bubble doesn’t last 4 seconds as it promises. Also, the fact that the guardian must stand still to keep this skill active (while having no defence of his/her own) heavily cuts back on survivability, and damage out put. As is, shield #5 is only useful for that knockback + instantly detonate bubble for healing. There is hardly any point (in most situations) to use the skill, and keep the bubble up for more than an instant.

Ty for ur feedback…but your opinion is really…OP? yeah. It will crash GW2’s balance..I think.

Guardian's shield needs Blast finisher!

in Guardian

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


(Im so sorry for my bad English)

Hello guys. You guys know that Anet buffed Guardian’s shield skills. Their CDs are decreased. Anet mentioned that they want shield’s general usability improvement.

Yes, shield’s skills are good. Unlike Warrior or Engi’s shield skills, Guardian’s shield has dedicate skills for team. However, it is not enough.

If Guardian’s shield has blast finisher, Guradians will use shield more than now. I think, in WvW many guardis will choice shield. So, I sent a mail to Dev team and they replied me that need more players’ feedback.

How about your thoughts?

What is the meaning of 'Clone Death's Nerf'?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


is it meaning Shattering Damage’s nerf?

I can’t understand what is it…

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


what is the ‘Clone Death’?

does it mean Give enemy confusion when shatter clone?

A Major Problem

in Mesmer

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


Zerker isn’t only one build for Dungeon.

But I think that people who experienced gamer with zerker bring efficiency…..and many people who advertise their party on LFG wants to play dungeon with efficiency…LoL

Mesmer was only nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


Anet hates Mesmer….really…..

How About Housing System or Farm System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


I think, GW2’s name is Guild Wars 2. But there is no room for each guild.

So, I suggest that each guild has their own room…house? mansion? and so on.

The guild room will be upgraded by guild influence. I think, GW2 needs more guild contents.

And Farm system. Players can rent little farm and they can cultivate some vegetables or raise cattles or pigs. The harvest can be used for something special cooking or valuable material for Trade center. (The cooking which uses that harvest will have something special effects….like ascended items)

How about my opinion? I’m waiting for your(each gamer or A-net) opinion.

In Asian time, Where is BG?

in WvW

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


First, I want to tell you for my bad grammar. My mother-tongue isn’t English.

Like title, where are BG’s Asian time guilds? ND or WM or SUPR? I can’t find them.

I want to fight enemies but there’re no enemies. Just guards, scouts and lords.

BG, My lovely enemies, Where Are You?