Showing Posts For Mexamese.5163:

Need Question Answered Ascended Stat Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Guaranteed no. Don’t try it on jewelry either.

But back piece breaks when you die, and it says a part of your “Armor” breaks. CONFUSION!

Need Question Answered Ascended Stat Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Added a Mystic Forge recipe to change the stats on ascended weapons and armor. The recipe is as follows:
Ingredient 1: An ascended weapon or armor piece.
Ingredient 2: The exotic insignia or inscription for the desired stats.
Ingredient 3: Five globs of ectoplasm.
Ingredient 4: An Anthology of Heroes, purchased from Miyani for 10 spirit shards.
Result: A piece of ascended gear with the stats of the inscription or insignia of the same type as the piece of gear that went in.
Example: Zojja’s Claymore + Knight’s Orichalcum Imbued Inscription + Five Globs of Ectoplasm + Anthology of Heroes = Beigarth’s Claymore
NOTE: All upgrades are lost as part of this conversion.

Will this work with back pieces? not sure if that is considered armor. SORRY I’M NEW

Why the complaints about Dragonhunter?

in Guardian

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


1. “Dragonhunter” sounds like it came from the mind of a child no older than 8 yrs….

3. Thematically speaking, it’s basically a guardian playing ranger for a day. It feels very uninspired, unoriginal, and doesn’t feel like it’s going to bring anything new and exciting to the table like the chronomancer does.

4. The virtue rework is okay, but should really be baseline, honestly. Not only are they not adding a new virtue, but the reworks feel quite counterintuitive, to be honest. VoJ will no longer proc to allies by the looks of it, VoR will require a leap to heal alllies (as opposed to just, y’know, an instant 1200 radius heal), and while the block looks like it’ll be useful, we really shouldn’t have to trait an elite spec just for a duration-based block. If the spec is meant to be more backline support-oriented, then why are they making our virtues less effective support skills?

If the bow deals decent damage then I can maybe see myself taking it, but there’s no way I’m going to use wells, and there’s DEFINITELY no way I’m going to refer to my guardian as a “dragonhunter”.

I completely agree with this. Dragonhunter is such a lame name. Compare it to all names created for guildwars and it upsets me. Warrior, Ranger, Monk, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist, Assassin, Ritualist, Paragon, Dervish, Guardian, Thief, Engineer, Revanant and Chronomancer. NO WE ARE DRAGONHUNTERS. Might as well name the Necromancers specialization Deathknights, if you are naming guardians that.

Necromancer trait changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Feedback is always welcome, try to keep it constructive
If a Anet personal visit this forum thread I know you guys don’t have time to read a wall of text so i suggest just looking at One of the trait lines

I thought we established that Anet does read our forums when we saw the new class Revanant coming out.

LOL <3

A lot of good suggestions, hopefully one day some will get implemented.

Bottom-feeder League Spring GvG Invitational

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Sounds Interesting, [Wisp] may want to join in from GoM to spectate. Please PM me or send me mail to Mexamese.5163. I’ll send you mail adrielle.

GoM will most likely become ineligable next week.

Thanks, I will see what happens, kind of odd not to have 16 in if it is still bronze :/. But oh well, we might just have to sit this one out then, sorry for anyone that was thinking of GvG vs Wisp.

Bottom-feeder League Spring GvG Invitational

in In-game Events

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Sounds Interesting, [Wisp] may want to join in from GoM to spectate. Please PM me or send me mail to Mexamese.5163. I’ll send you mail adrielle.

Stability will Stack Intensity not Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Thanks for giving me your thought on it! I mostly WvW, so for me it will probably make me a little stronger against roamers when I roam, since they will have to get accustomed to the stability change. During zerg fights i can see spectral wall becoming one of those have to have utilities, along with wells. But I think the determining factor will be how many stacks we will get from every skill that applies stability. Hopefully low amount so people can understand what it is to play Stabless like a necro! I will be one of the first to take full advantage of people not knowing how to play with less stability if that is the case! Also, do you think this will create power creep to skills with alot of CC? Will CC be a more prominent thing for PvP and WvW? (Obviously hammer trains, but will we only see hammer trains in WvW) what do you think?

Thanks!!! Love you all fellow Necros!!!!

Changes that I would like to see

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


I would like to bump this because it has so many nice changes that would benefit necromancers.

ranger,BUFF ele,buff necroNERF?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Dude. Necro didnt get any nerfs, just didnt receive any buffs.
They are fine. Stahp whine pls.

Out of touch; "focus on survivability"

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Could not have said it better myself +1


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Thanks Flow! I have been working on it for a while now. I was actually thinking the same thing as you! I think 5 in death Is just ridiculous to pass up on, and I’m getting very nice crit hits and damage while in battle.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Haha you guys are funny. the build I posted is WvW! not PvP lol


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


^^^ LOL. not using it in PvP though! but thanks for the feedback!


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


I wonder how much crap I’ll get for posting my build. lol

Spectral Walk

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Why do you lose all swiftness when you jump into the water with spectral walk active?


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163



in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


The build I am working on is more WvW oriented. although I agree that axe and DS go hand in hand, I have been working on something else and I hope it works.

Are necros OP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


I hope no Motive Because I’m sure everyone here thinks necros need more love. <3


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Thanks Guys! I just have been working on a cool build and I wanted to know whether to go dagger or ax after the patch. I still like ax just wished the animation for ghastly claw was so insert word here that makes sense because people always dodge it. Maybe ill share it one day and get some of your info on it!

Are necros OP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


No. Look at the party comp and what the Engi and Guard are doing. They are just a good group with specific roles IMO.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Rending Claws – Aftercast of this ability has been reduced by 0.25s. Meaning that you can activate new ability or repeat Rending Claws at a much faster rate than before.

Ghastly Claws – Damage increased by 10%

Can some one please explain what the after cast will do to the axe auto attack? How much of a damage increase will it mean for Rending Claws if any?

Ghastly Claws animation made it very east to dodge, will the 10% damage increase make it any more useful?

Also is there suppose to be a change to the animations of these attacks? and what impact do you think it will have on the axe?

I know dagger is a better weapon in power builds, but I have always liked axe better since it is a ranged weapon.

Mega Servers, and Recruiting from your Server

in WvW

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Hello all!

First of all the search feature sucks so I could not see if anyone else has had this issue. I have been trying to recruit for our WvW guild, and it seems that there is no easy way of recruiting, or finding people in your server ever since the mega servers. What are something some of you have done (besides bluntly asking) to recruit people from your server for your WvW guild? I am looking for advise to pick up people from PvE like we used to do, not from EB or borderlands since on those maps we obviously know they are from our home server. Thanks in advanced! See you on the battlefield!

Heal Skill Sometimes Doesn't Work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Just wanted to update that on my elementalist and guardian I do not have this issue.

Superior Rune of Scavenging - Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Changed to Undead because of this bug. please fix and let us know about it!

Heal Skill Sometimes Doesn't Work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


When I am on my Necro I have this issue with my heal skill. When I am in combat, and I press my heal skill, even when no other skill is pressed, it just wont work. The skill is Consume Conditions. I am sure I am not interrupted or being interrupted. I am not clicking another skill at the same time, I am not dodging, It just wont work sometimes while in combat. Next time I am in battle on my good computer I will try to record (not the best computer so probably won’t be able to). Could this be a bug or is there any other reason why this would be happening? I hope I am not the only one having this issue… If any one else is having this issue or any comment for me to try to test please let me us know!

Thank You!

Changes in the Sept 2014 Feature Pack (WOOT!)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163



Our focus for necromancers in this balance update has been on improving their survivability through utilities and traits as well as improving the overall effectiveness of their melee and skirmishing weapons. You’ll see that the dagger auto-attack will now hit two targets, while the axe’s animations have been tuned to be more fluid. Along with weapon skill updates, your utility skills have been updated to provide more survivability over time.

(Quoted from the GW2 site

Im excited for these changes, and hopefully everyone else is! Can not wait to see what else is in store!! I wanna see what everyone else has to say about this!


I don’t see what’s so exciting about this. Necros are already highly survivable. What they lacked was a cleave, and two targets isn’t a cleave. What they lacked was some kind of group utility that would make them desirable in a PvE party, and there isn’t ONE SINGLE WORD about such a change. The only way this news could be worse is if they were announcing a nerf.

From a pvp perspective, this is all good news, and necromancers aren’t super survivable there.

I’m excited because so far no talk of NERF. As long as we don’t get nerfs I’m a happy Necro!

Changes in the Sept 2014 Feature Pack (WOOT!)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mexamese.5163



Our focus for necromancers in this balance update has been on improving their survivability through utilities and traits as well as improving the overall effectiveness of their melee and skirmishing weapons. You’ll see that the dagger auto-attack will now hit two targets, while the axe’s animations have been tuned to be more fluid. Along with weapon skill updates, your utility skills have been updated to provide more survivability over time.

(Quoted from the GW2 site

Im excited for these changes, and hopefully everyone else is! Can not wait to see what else is in store!! I wanna see what everyone else has to say about this!


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Just wanted to let everyone know that commented on my post that since the last update my lag has been fixed. So whatever Anet did helped with the last update. I will keep you guys updated though.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Then I ask once again, why did it just start after the patch? before the patch great, after patch bad. My regular internet and other internet games are the same just GW2. My VoIP phone works fine even when GW2 is hogging all the bandwidth, but for some reason GW2 doesn’t work great anymore. I will leave it at that and see what people say, hopefully it is my side, I will plug a different computer in on my side and see how its working if I’m having the same issue then I will have at least isolated it to something beyond my computer. Either ISP or GW2. i will update once i have done so.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Interesting, seems people are noticing it . anet won’t tell us why its happening and how we can get it working again. Since I did a fresh install of my os, and the only thing on the computer was gw2 that clearly pointed away from my computer being the issue. Ports are open, my mac address from my computer has priority 5 on my Cisco router, and I’m sending it out to the ISP as a priority packet ( which they ignore) point being I’m doing everything to help the problem and it still is laggy after the ddos attack. We need more people on this so anet sees this issue!

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


I used to only get slight lag in world events or in a zerg, now in al dungeons or places that have player population lags me after the ddos attack, I don’t know why and its bothering me to the point where I almost don’t feel like playing anymore. At first I though it was my computer, so I defragged, ran virus check, cleaned out computer to find it didn’t help. Then reinstalled os and gw2 and it still didn’t help. Gw2 team better do something about it because I know ALOT of people in my server of gates of madness are experiencing this.