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BWE 3 Guardian Feedback (Core/DH)

in Guardian

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


My biggest complain with the Dragonhuner is the skill 5 on the longbow. Its cast time and cooldown are way too long for something that functions essentially as a glorified immobilize. I would either reduce the cooldown and the cast time, or allow it to be used while moving. I really like the rest of the longbow skills a lot, especially #3, which is actually a fun and interesting skill to use now.

About the traits, I also have a few suggestions.

The first one is Hunter’s Determination which currently applies stacks of stability to the player depending on the number of enemies hit by True Shot. I think this trait would work better if a single stack of stability was applied to the player at the beggining of True Shot’s cast animation, for the duration of the cast time, making it a bit harder to interrupt. An additional functionality could be added here as hell, such as a knockback for True Shot if the enemy is below X range. This would be a more reliable way to get a knockback with the longbow without having to use the often random and unpredictable Heavy Light trait, which could be removed, allowing Hunter’s Determination to take its place as a Grandmaster Trait.

Bulwark is another trait which could use some improvement. Currently the cooldown on the new virtue of courage is a bit too high. Maybe this trait could be updated to offer a cooldown reduction for this specific virtue.

Pure of Sight should be removed with the 10% damage increase added to the longbow as baseline, regardless of range. This minor trait is very uninspired and could be replaced for something more interesting. A few ideas would be a passive movement speed increase, swiftness on critical hits, or the ability to 1-hit KO Wyverns!

Come on, Arenanet, make my skills super effective against dragon types

Ventari Tablet Art - Best bug of the beta!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


I was testing the Revenant class in Fireheart Rise earlier today and i stumbled upon a very strange and interesting bug. Somehow, while channeling the Ventari Legend, the game allowed me to summon and endless number of Ventari Tablets! I soon announced the bug in map chat and quite a few people came to see the massive number of tablets i was able to spawn. A few fellow revenants came along too, and soon they were able to reproduce the bug and summon their own tablets! It wasnt long before we had the idea to use it to draw something, so we could remember this moment once the beta was over. Here’s what we ended up doing, we drew the Revenant Symbol


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


My main is an asura guardian. This is how he looks today


Thanks for buffing Shield...

in Guardian

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


My main is an asura guardian and I actually use a shield in both PvE and PvP. I usually pair it with a scepter, which is our only weapon (for now) that is suited for ranged combat. The shield proves itself to be useful in certain situations when I need to interrupt and enemy, such as when a teragriff is charging towards me or to knockback an enemy palyer about to stomp a downed ally. However, I do find the shield to be somewhat lackluster, but I keep using it anyway because I enjoy the little advantages that it gives me. I also use a focus on the other weapon set, paired with a sword, should I need to swap.

That said, here are some suggestions that could be considered as possible improvements to the shield.

  • Skill #4: Inflicts 5 stacks of vulnerability on enemies it hits for each protected ally.
    This would preferrably be baseline without the need to be traited. The idea behind that is to encourage using this skill as a means to protect your allies against powerful attacks by an enemy, while giving the opportunity for your party to counterattack with the increased damage granted by the vulnerability. If the guardian manages to give protection for 5 other players, any enemy hit by the skill would be inflicted with 25 stacks of vulnerability for a short duration, not too long for it to be considered overpowered, but just enough for the players to hit it with theirs most damaging skills for an effective counterattack.
  • Skill # 5: Allies inside the dome are healed proportionally to the damage avoided.
    This change could replace the current shield trait, eliminating the cooldown reduction but keeping the 180 extra toughness.
    This would encourage skillful use of the shield of absorption, rewarding players that manage to time it just so that it blocks a large number of potentially devastating projectiles. Both the guardian and the allies inside the dome would be healed by the amount of damage (or a fraction of it, that scales with healing power) that the projectiles would have caused if they had not been blocked.

I think those changes would make the shield far more viable in both PvE and PvP, and would be in line with the intended purpose of the weapon, which is group support.

(edited by Mezorick.3610)

lightning bolt like zeus?

in Asura

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


Sounds more like a ranger wielding the legendary sword

Torch for Necromancers?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


With the recent Queen’s Jubilee update, a new torch skin was introduced, called Occultist Flame. While it is a very nice skin (the green fire is so cool!), it doesn’t really fit any of the classes that can actually wield torches. However, it would make an extremely awesome necro weapon. It’s smade out of bones, and green is pretty much the necro’s theme color. And since necros now have access to the burning condition, i don’t see why not allow necromancers to wield a torch in their off-hand as another way to inflict burning.

So, what do you guys think about this?

Hete is the skin for those who haven’t seen it yet:

EDIT: Here’s the other torch that really fits the necro:

(edited by Mezorick.3610)

GW2 Vanilla -> Collector's Edition

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


If you mean the collector’s edition with the Rytlock sculpture, soundtrack, and a couple of other goodies, I don’t think you can get one anymore. However, I believe you can purchase the Digital Deluxe edition via the gem store.

Asura cultural T3 Heavy dyes

in Asura

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


I use Burnished Steel as the main color, Silver for the lines and Stream for the crystals/glowy stuff. I think it looks pretty awesome!


(edited by Mezorick.3610)

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


try this:
it should help you find a group

Orr completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


there is a hidden area in the cursed shore where you go for the final story mission before arah. it’s near the temple of melandru if i remember correctly

change servers now - all un full!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


oh no, i wanted to transfer to tarnished coast but i missed the opportunity and now it’s full again

does anybody know if it is possible to transfer during off peak hours?

Suggestions & Constructive Criticism for SPvP [WIP]

in PvP

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


Nice post, i agree with most things you said, if not all of them. Especially what you said about defending points. There are currently no incentive whatsoever for a player to stand still and defend a point. A possible solution could be periodically awarding the player with some glory for stading on a point his team owns.

Recieving less glory for doing something that’s equally important to the team, or even more, is wrong, in my opinion. Defensive playstyles should be as encouraged as ofensive ones.

Healing Power is the most useless stat ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


I wouldn’t underestimate condition damage. It is awesome for guardians.
Even though we only have burning, it is one of the most powerful conditions in the game. It doesn’t stack intensity, that’s true, but it already uses 25% of our condition damage every tick. Poison only uses 10%, and bleeding needs at least 5 stacks to deal the same damage. Besides, we have A LOT of skills that inflict burning, and can easily keep the enemy burned during the whole encouter, with the right weapons, traits and skills.

Healing power is also very useful for support. When i tried it, my Merciful Intervention (despite it’s furstrating unreliability) healed for around 4k HP, wich is around what some healing slot skills offer. Combine that with selfless daring with a continuous source of vigor (warrior with warhorn, for instance), healing symbols, shield of absorption detonation, virtue of resolve, and our multiple sources of regeneration, and you’ll see that healing power is not as useless as you might think

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


Merciful intervention considers engineer turrets to be allies. I’m not sure if this is working as intended, but it sure is frustrating to try to use the skill to teleport to an ally in need only to end up in front of a turret somewhere else.
And i’m not even sure if the turrets are healed with this skill.