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wow the mario tanooki analogy, would never have thought of that, and yeah they were unreasonable, but kitten don’t compare me to them, that’s just mean.
Yeah, they can close it, not much constructive feedback
But at least we managed to keep it quite civil, a rare thing on forums these days.
@Dungin, seriously ?
They must have listened to someone, otherwise I see no reason to implement ascended gear and FotM, I realize some people want that stuff, but it wasn’t expected from the advertised product I’d say.
@Bvh if this were any other game/product/developer I would agree with you on all accounts and you’d prolly never see me on those forums, thing is I placed Anet and GW on a sort of pedestal, I expected greater things from them.
Maybe their whole manifesto/insanely long promo led me there, maybe my love and insane amount of hours playing and loving the original did, I strongly suspect the latter.
The only reason I wanted a refund is because I don’t want to support them anymore, sure that’s unfair to them considering I wouldn’t demand it from other companies.
But otherwise all the QQ gets directed to someone’s board like grazingcattle said, which let’s face it, is what happened to most of the feedback they got that was negative, it got merged/deleted.
By asking for a refund I at least gave them a metric they will maybe use someday
Funny, you brought up D3, the other big disappointment this year in the gaming world, tbh I also loved D2, and of course I hated D3, and played it only for 1-2 months I think, still I didn’t even bother asking for a refund.
I wonder why ? maybe because I hardly ever ask for one
maybe because I don’t have the same expectations of a Blizzard product
Those are both true I guess, but the main reason is I just don’t care about Diablo the way I did about Guild Wars, it truly was a unique game, and I hope I someday find a worthy successor.
The reason I gave that analogy was to make clear that if you care for something, anything really, people shouldn’t disregard your outrage with QQ.
Btw I don’t think people who made that bill see it as infringement, actually they designed it against infringement, or at least that is what they wanted to make us believe they created it for.
I admit that analogy wasn’t the best I could have made, but the other one that came to mind seemed even more unjust to make.
it’s about the principle dude, when they give me the account they wouldn’t refund back, I’m giving it away, I just wanted to make them understand, and anyone who knows multinationals knows they speak only one language, namely money
I wonder, would you reply QQ to all the outrage there was towards SOPA and PIPA ?
When people care for something they should show their outrage when it is threatened to be modified in such a horrid way it’s not recognizable anymore.
Otherwise you get a bunch of jaded cats who refer to two letters on their board
Like I said in the first post people, some of you might not agree with the whole refund idea, but seriously, it’s the only way to make yourself heard, to let them know that what they are doing is not something any original Gw fan would stand behind, just try to find any resemblance to the original game, trust me it ain’t easy, hell it was pretty hard at launch.
The only reason there was such outrage and flaming towards them is because the fans cared, and ofcourse some people just love to complain, but they don’t make 11000 reply threads, well not usually
I really loved the original game, the main reason for me demanding a refund is that it doesn’t resemble gw in the slightest anymore, after I got to lvl 80 twice and devoured most of the content, I already knew that this type of gameplay wouldn’t keep me playing a fraction as long as the original did, but they still had my support, like I said, I loved guild wars, maybe they would improve on that somewhere down the line, they did the exact opposite though, /ignore_gameplay ,/bread_and_games_in_form_of_geargrind_so_the_plebs_will_stay_quiet
So that’s where they lost my, apparently limited, faith in them, and that’s the reason I want my refund, I’ll be kitten if my money goes to developing whatever this is now
In Europe there’s a 6 month window to get your refund, I made the window, but because of processing they made me miss it, they could have just refunded me on my credit card account as they did for my second account.
And I don’t think dead people should deem who is deserving of a refund, like I said in my first post, some of you might not agree with this, but it’s the principle of the matter.
At launch the game seemed like a fading shadow of the original, but hey this is Anet, I could accept the compromises they made to attract a bigger crowd, but my line was drawn at the stat cap. The only thing left that I enjoyed was the lore, which isn’t that plentiful and imho the Gw2 story doesn’t live up to the original campaigns nor the first book
P.S. My main was a ranger, so yeah I think I deserve a refund just for that
Still, not cool of them, telling me all is in order and then I find out it’s the opposite,
than again their bait and switch scheme doesn’t float my boat either.
Wish all these 180’s made me feel like I’m in a halfpipe, at least that’s somewhat fun.
So after that whole ascended debacle I demanded a refund, I know some of you won’t agree with this, but it’s the principle of the matter, I even waited a couple of days (in vane) for an explanation as I was still within the 6 month period, so eventually I sent support a mail on the 17th demanding a refund, I purchased my first copy the 21st of may.
Of course they hassled me with a couple of “are you sure” mails and if I wanted to close both my accounts, so eventually I get a positive answer for both the credit card bought account and the one I purchased with paypal earlier:
“We have also processed a refund for order number 26608813. A €54.99 credit has been applied to your PayPal® account and should appear within the next 2-3 business days.”
So, couple of days later, no money, no word from Anet, I mail them to ask if they could look into it and they have the brass little cats to write me this:
“Thank you for contacting us back.
Unfortunately PayPal® will not accept refunds over 180 days. Your order 26608813 was purchased on May 21, 2012 and as such falls outside of the return window.
I am sorry but we are unable to refund this purchase.”
Thanks for the refund.
“The spawn of some demon type cat” you for murdering your own manifesto, and all of its wonderful promises, wish you could have stuck to them.
A lot of people are bringing up the argument because there is a slight increase in stats it doesn’t count as a treadmill, I guess these people have never witnessed an avalanche.
It’s like if you were being mugged and they would slice you with a knife, sure you could laugh it off, say it’s nothing but a scratch, just don’t be surprised if they stab you in the gut on the following jab.
unless it is genuinely fun or challenging, which current dungeons aren’t.
You give your own answer, if Anet would give us genuinely fun or challenging, I doubt we would have ever seen equipment with higher stats, well tbh, I suppose there will always be some people who have this uncontrollable need to see their numbers rise.
Needless to say I don’t think very highly of those people, but come on there are plenty of games that cater to them, they shouldn’t complain about GW2 because it was advertised as different from other MMo’s in this regard.
I’d love to see Cantha or Elona again, but would I like to gain 10 more levels there ? No, I wouldn’t, if you really have this desperate need to see numbers get bigger, you could always monitor your electricity consumption in real time
@johnson, I completely agree with you, I play a ranger, so u bet your kittens I do, but this is a thread asking for a REAL answer to the removal of gear ceiling and the general direction they are taking because of that
@Iruwen, I actually write the word kitten, like in small cat, somehow that’s funnier to me than calling them names
Guys, before this completely derails and some "mod"has the brilliant insight of closing this thread, let’s just remember why I made this thread, it’s for a real answer from Anet, so in case u wish the same, say that, +1 it or say you don’t think we deserve an answer, but lets keep it at that.
If only part of the player base thinks they are wiping their kittens with the manifesto, the least they could do is answer us in a way that doesn’t make you sound like you are doing damage control for some politician, giving no clear answers in the process
@ Jezath, you are talking about a gap in acquisition, not quite the same as a gap in stats, which they plan to add as soon as they role out ascended weapons
Instead of constantly deleting posts and infracting people who are concerned with the direction this game is heading in, how about someone over at Anet finds his/her kittens and give us some real answers.
The replies we had from them so far would even make most politicians ashamed.
So come on, Anet show some brass kittens and explain why you’re abandoning the gear ceiling, and saying it’s to bridge the imaginary gap between exotic and legendary doesn’t qualify as an answer
Whoever does the PR at Anet seriously dropped the ball on this one, if you aren’t going to give real answers to people who feel betrayed by your “180 degree change in direction of the manifesto” rage inducing blog posts, than don’t make them kitten /p>
Come on Anet, give us a decent answer to our questions, not some deliberately vague answers that just raise more questions, what is this, “Lost” ?
Could you 2 get a room, to debate in of course, wouldn’t want to get another infraction for what I consider to be humor, I actually had some good, fair points in this post, and was demanding an answer from someone at Anet regarding them selling out on the core principles that made GW the game it was.
@ArcTheFallen, read the post next time, I already mentioned this when someone else suggested I’d put it in the trashcan
“I’d say this is more a thread asking what happened to their ideals, a lot of people, myself included, loved the original guild wars for those ideals, we had to watch them go down a slippery slope of lets add jumping, lets add a bigger level cap, and now let’s add a new tier of gear, at this point it’s fair of me to ask a friggin’ explanation from someone who works at Anet”
No by all means, make it insanely hard, but this part : “poll the party’s levels when you enter, scaling the dungeon to the highest common attained level.” bothers me because of this part: “as you hit higher and higher scales, the dungeon will get more and more rewarding.”
What do you think this will lead to, seriously, “GLF 1 more scale 50+ ascended pink kitten chasing after carrots” maybe
I think it’s a very real possibility, let’s just go ahead and call it an inevitable reality
Latest update from Anet contains this about the FotM Dungeon:
“The dungeon will remember your progress, and will poll the party’s levels when you enter, scaling the dungeon to the highest common attained level.”
“It’s a true challenge, but as you hit higher and higher scales, the dungeon will get more and more rewarding.”
Seriously Anet, are you guys smoking kittens or something ? I agree there should be harder content that is more rewarding, but gating it like this is just . . .
well, if my damage was 9999 it would be over 9000 I can see the attraction in that, suddenly I also have an urge to kill panda’s with all that DPS
But seriously, some dev please answer me, why are you guys selling out on one of the core principles that made GW what it was ?
As much as I loved having the ability to combine professions and a myriad of skills I can understand it was murder for the balance of the game, but the low level cap and equipment ceiling were revolutionary and brilliant, you already chucked one of those out the window, please don’t murder the other with pink gear
There’s a plethora of things you could do that haven’t been done before in any MMO, sure they might fail, but at least the WoW comparisons would stop
I’d say this is more a thread asking what happened to their ideals, a lot of people, myself included, loved the original guild wars for those ideals, we had to watch them go down a slippery slope of lets add jumping, lets add a bigger level cap, and now let’s add a new tier of gear, at this point it’s fair of me to ask a friggin’ explanation from someone who works at Anet
Really ? If you are a gamer there are tons of MMO’s that think the same way, go play those please.
If you are a developer, please resign from Anet.
I don’t even get why this is a discussion, the most core aspect of Guild Wars should be a gear/level ceiling, they already upped the cap to 80 and will probably increase it further in the future, now an extra tier of gear, where is this to stop ?
If anyone from Anet could tell us why we shouldn’t consider this as them selling out, I would gladly hear it.
I agree the game needs to have some kind of progression, but bigger numbers ? really ?
I think I might know a way to make this whole ascended gear + agony type deal acceptable for the entire player base,
it’s quite simple really and I can only pray it’s what Anet had in mind all along, create a third type of “clothes set” like armor and town clothes,
only (auto)equipable in the fractal of the mists instance, makes sense u need to be ascended to go there and some defense against an effect like agony couldn’t hurt.
Keep the effect and said armor confined to the parts of the mists that are PvE related, from a lore PoV this would make some sense at least.
As for the legendary weapons they could get a different visual appearance in these PvE mists locations as well as the stat boost to ascended levels.
But for the love that some of us have for the original guild wars, keep ascended items and agony out of the rest of the world, which is in need of different things, like more lore, more content to go back too, maybe some climate changes (thinking of waves/storms/tornadoes that pick up dolyaks and throw them at players passing by) there’s tons of fun innovative stuff that can be done, please do so with this game
A Guild Wars fan