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Guild Wars 2 First Person View

in Suggestions

Posted by: MichaelBaker.6541


The good news is gameplay and mechanics are unaffected by allowing users to zoom all the way in to the center of the camera axis. Rather than being an all together separate combat or viewing mode, we should simply be allowed to zoom in and out as desired, 1st person being “close enough to be inside.” aka, the camera’s central coordinates. This is not intended for combat, but why shouldn’t you if you wanna? Not only is this simple, it’s inherently in there. Always has been. There’s nothing to develop, they disabled it via creative decision making. They stated their position prior to launch that it creates a greater bond with the character as a separate entity from yourself. They don’t want you identifying with the character, or feeling a sense of immersion that you are experiencing the story for yourself. It’s your character’s story, not yours. This of course, completely defeats the purpose of “playing a role,” or playing the game at all. It’s absurd all the way around. I want to pretend that I AM THE NORN. I want to see what he sees. They don’t even have the decency 6 months after the official launch to address or even respond to the multitudes with logical, sound, practical reasoning as well as aesthetic. BACKPACKS. That’s what you want.

(edited by MichaelBaker.6541)

First person view.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MichaelBaker.6541


This is a lack of feature that i have yet to understand, it feels pretty ironic at times when your own body prevents you from looking forward, lol

LOL. Well said. For even more irony, check this out: it isn’t a lacking feature, it’s already there. It’s disabled. All 3d games allowing camera zoom to and away from the axis are capable of zooming all the way to the center. They just want you to enjoy your game their way.

(edited by MichaelBaker.6541)

First person view.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MichaelBaker.6541


Most RPGs have a first-person view for the exact reason mentioned above. Odd camera angles.

I’m sure the devs at Anet didn’t want to make a first-person view for fear of it being criticized as sub-par when compared to games such as Elder Scrolls.

But listen guys, if those people want a tailored FP-RPG, they can go play Elder Scrolls. Just put in ‘classic’ first-person view like any other MMO that doesn’t do anything outside of zooming you in to ‘head’ level.

People aren’t wanting or suggesting FP GAMES. FP isn’t an either-or concept or game style. It is a position of the camera, just like all the other positions the camera can take in relation to your toon. We are saying, when we need to zoom in, why the bizzare decision to disable zooming in all the way? It’s more than useful, and utterly basic; inherent to the 3d environment. The answer according to them, wherein their opion is fact and superior to what the majority requests, was the decision that it enhances the bond you have with your character. Most people however, agree this breaks immersion within the game, and distances you from your character if anything, finding it more natural and desirable to identify with their toon instead of observing it and staring at their back all the time.

First person view workaround: tonics

in Suggestions

Posted by: MichaelBaker.6541


1st, let me just say thanks for your whole mentality and attitude. The world would be a better place if everyone was like you, and you’ve made my day a little brighter just from recognizing there are still lots of good brilliant people like you in the world. I logged in just to thank you for your approach, and ask you to continue being like this in all areas of your life, as the older you get, the more you realize how futile it is and you eventually stop trying to help. It would be a rush to be instrumentle, and gain notariety in the community for a developer to embrace a contribution. However, that’s just not going to happen. World Of Warcraft, Aion, Terra are evidence enough that 1st person is not a technical issue or capable of creating any kind of problem. Nothing can break, it is in fact already there, it’s just disabled. The fact that certain objects in the environment can force the camera down into 1st person will prove that to you. You are obviously a brilliant and good natured person that doesn’t need anyones advice, but there it is. Give up your hope. They are not interested just because they SAY they are. Their decisions on just about everything is 100 % creative, not technical. Think about it. They are willing to sacrifice immersion and serious gameplay issues caused by this because? So if it’s not creative, they are just not capable of figuring it out? And after 6 months of complaints and requests they have addressed this issue where? They’ve said what? 1st person is inherent to all 3d gaming systems using a camera. I bet you anything they would ban someone who figured out how to turn 1st person back on in game if they exploited nothing else. That’s how these developers want me to see them. It’s ALL OVER the internet that this is preferred because it’s logical, practical, and many other good enough reasons. Most people are just too embarrased in front of the community to voice up it’s significance, and that they like it because it’s non-essential, and they don’t want to be considered silly, or outsiders over something that seems so petty. I was just online at other sites, and it’s abundantly clear the vast majority of players greatly desire this, find it immersion breaking not to have, and get frustrated situationally, when it would actually assist in game-play.