I liked this option in Guild Wars 1 and wouldn’t mind seeing it back in Guild Wars 2.
Because some jumping puzzles and narrow areas are hard to navigate with the current camera options, the camera often gets “pushed” which is very annoying.
And I like beeing able to go into first person view now and then.
CM hallways are another place that first person would be awesome. I don’t understand why this was not added. It would allow use to see what is going on in tight areas rather than fighting the camera.
Most RPGs have a first-person view for the exact reason mentioned above. Odd camera angles.
I’m sure the devs at Anet didn’t want to make a first-person view for fear of it being criticized as sub-par when compared to games such as Elder Scrolls.
But listen guys, if those people want a tailored FP-RPG, they can go play Elder Scrolls. Just put in ‘classic’ first-person view like any other MMO that doesn’t do anything outside of zooming you in to ‘head’ level.
Again. This would definitely help with the “bouncy” camera in many tight spots in jumping puzzles (when your back is to a wall, usually just under something solid). It also helps with the immersion when playing a melee weapon set. Most of the spell-effect clutter is less of a problem when you are looking directly at your target and only your target… and not the entire area around you.
Another option would be rework of the current camera angles when near walls, edges, low ceilings etc., but I imagine even that would be a significant overhaul.
hmmm i was wanting this the other night on a jumping puzzle. i was to lazy to look in the key mapping to see what the toggle was for it … guess this answers that question :p, it just doesn’t exist! …. would be nice, should be there.
In addition to getting a better view with jumping puzzles, I’d simply like to have a first-person view so I can take screenshots without my character in them. I love taking screenshots of the landscape, but when my character is posing in every picture it makes my screenshot collection look like a set of summer vacation photos.
I would really appreciate this as well, for all of the reasons stated above. The pictures idea is a really good one, but mainly because the camera angles in some parts of the game are frustrating! I bet the world looks beautiful in the eyes of the characters. I would love to see it!
Pretty please with sugar and cherries on top add this in. For the same reasons mentioned above in the previous posts. Like taking screenshots, making machinima videos is also difficult when you want to record just the landscape for a scene and be able to move the camera around without having your character jump up into the shot suddenly.
I also want it for taking screenshots. More camera control, just in general, would be welcome, but a first-person view is really needed. I can’t imagine why this would be so difficult to implement, especially since it’s been widely requested since BWE1.
I agree! It’s funny because it’s a problem I didn’t acknowledge I had until I read this post.
I already have enough issues with jumping puzzles. I’m not a bad player— I’m just bad at jumping!
I also agree a FPV would be excellent for screenshotting. GW2 offers so many beautiful places. I have yet to come across a single cave that is identical to one I have previously visited. That being said— I am leveling slowly and enjoying the lore aspects of the game, and have only done all of the low level zones and a few of the mid-level ones. I’m level 41!
Vistas are great but they can only show so much— there is more to the beauty of the landscapes than what the vistas show us.
Adding First Person View, like in Guild Wars 1 there was, would only be good thing. Also you can make cooler videos with first person view. Kind of sad its not there already.
I agree, I sent a suggestion ticket to the same effect. I would like to have first person available for scenery viewing and to avoid the camera ‘popping’ that happens mostly during jump puzzles – it gives me a pretty bad headache from the resulting flashing.
I also think being able to zoom out farther like we could in GW1 would also be helpful.
There are a lot of environmental things in this game compared to the first, a lot more things to see. Being able to zoom in and out farther with our camera would make the gameplay far more comfortable all around.
I bought this game knowing full well there was no FPV due to all the great reviews this game has and was hoping that would adjust to the game without it. I was wrong
IMHO in order for this game to be considered one of the greatest of it kind it needs to fix this problem as it a unplayable broken game at this time.
Whilst i’d hardly ever use it, where I would first person view would be a huge improvement. And that is inside buildings, or places where the camera in the game has a fit.
I see no reason why not to be honest. It gains no real advantage but some prefer it (I don’t). Add first person, at least for an easy fix to an appalling camera in places.
Most RPGs have a first-person view for the exact reason mentioned above. Odd camera angles.
I’m sure the devs at Anet didn’t want to make a first-person view for fear of it being criticized as sub-par when compared to games such as Elder Scrolls.
But listen guys, if those people want a tailored FP-RPG, they can go play Elder Scrolls. Just put in ‘classic’ first-person view like any other MMO that doesn’t do anything outside of zooming you in to ‘head’ level.
People aren’t wanting or suggesting FP GAMES. FP isn’t an either-or concept or game style. It is a position of the camera, just like all the other positions the camera can take in relation to your toon. We are saying, when we need to zoom in, why the bizzare decision to disable zooming in all the way? It’s more than useful, and utterly basic; inherent to the 3d environment. The answer according to them, wherein their opion is fact and superior to what the majority requests, was the decision that it enhances the bond you have with your character. Most people however, agree this breaks immersion within the game, and distances you from your character if anything, finding it more natural and desirable to identify with their toon instead of observing it and staring at their back all the time.
This is a lack of feature that i have yet to understand, it feels pretty ironic at times when your own body prevents you from looking forward, lol
LOL. Well said. For even more irony, check this out: it isn’t a lacking feature, it’s already there. It’s disabled. All 3d games allowing camera zoom to and away from the axis are capable of zooming all the way to the center. They just want you to enjoy your game their way.
They have been asking for FPS view (st least for the sake of screen shots) since Press beta….Good luck getting Anet to give a kitten…. Its been over a year now of asking for this.
Christ srsly why isn’t this in the game!!! One thing that made “the other MMO” so great is because of its great Machinima! GW2 is freaking Machinima unfriendly…. to few emoticons and NO FPV :/ really??I couldn’t even believe it at first! It is such a shame because it makes it really hard to film amazing scenes… PLZ fix this
Guild Wars 2 is an amazing looking MMO. I can’t help be be frustrated however that i can’t walk around Lion’s Arch for example at a first person perspective. While i may play 3rd person in battles i love to explore towns and cities and some other places in first person view. The immerse experience is lost when your forced to fly above your character. Also do not really notice height difference of different characters unless i zoom all the way in, playing in first person would eliminate that and you could get a real good feel for scale. Imagine how much larger and more immersed you would feel if your camera is at your character level! Come on please enable first person view toggles. Ever since i played Everquest 1 i always enjoyed walking around cities and areas in first person, and do so in all MMO’s i play due to the huge immersion feeling i get when in first person vs. birds eye view. Especially with the Oculus Rift craze going on, having a first person view will only make this game one step closer to eventually supporting the Oculus Rift, even if it’s just to explore the cities/areas in a non-combat sense it would be well worth it!
Also i noticed that tht suggestion for First Person view has been split up into hundreds of forum threads on forums. It’s a pain to know that you cannot search forums directly for the topic “first person view” or at least nothing happens when i do so. But i found these other threads asking for same suggestion. Seems like such a small but very important feature for a lot of people:
again this is only the posts with approx 20 or more replies. there is hundreds of more threads about this. Can we expect this to ever be added? It’s so important yet so simple of a feature!! why not?