Showing Posts For Mickey mb.8690:

Daggers is the best pve weapon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Pure dps
spite top-top-mid
blood mid-bottom-top
reaper mid-bottom-mid

For pure DPS his isn’t entirely true.

What would you change then. Because my testing and calculations suggests this. But if ive overlooked something please do tell.

Can you show those calculations to public? I’m interested how to calculate those parameters.

Day walker, night stalker…

Daggers is the best pve weapon

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690


I don’t like dagger at all but that’s my opinion…

This game isn’t based on holy trinity where u can exclude the viability of some weapons or builds, so don’t worry. Play what you like and how you like. Don’t let some people who are claiming they know everything (oh the irony) change your mind.

Day walker, night stalker…

Why does everyone think necros are bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

How can someone be so narrow minded????

Nemesis has a video proof. Haven’t seen anyone else put it on internet (how he does math not only numbers).

How can you go REAL SCENARIO vs THEORY? People open your eyes…Ask yourself what you will trust…theory or real scenario cases..because after all you will find yourself in real scenario, not in a case where everything will be as on spreadsheet. There’s no need to argue about this…just believe what you have seen and it will be enough.

Icebow (the reason of absurdity in DPS numbers) is past.
Spreedsheat is theory.
No one does 20k DPS.

Day walker, night stalker…

Necro vs thief tactic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Hey guys! I just want to hear what are your tactics against the thief in SPvP/WvW?

I ask because I’m curious since a lot of skills (that I’m using) are requiring a target…and if he’s in stealth what is the most effective way to get him?
I can kill many thiefs but it’s frustrating sometimes so I wanna hear what skill rotation are you using for this kind of situation?


Day walker, night stalker…

Necromancers, DPS making some things clear...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

This topic is created to make some simple things clear.

I’ve seen a lot of DPS discussion lately for the necros (Nemesis vs some ppl etc.). I watched his videos and he’s got an argument at least which is true in my opinion. (everyone has its own opinion so don’t start pls about that topic…)

But that doesn’t matter at all, I just want to say to everyone who’s advertising their builds and stuff :
– there’s no best class, only your favorite one
– the magic of guild wars 2 is in the build diversity system, so let’s say a healing/support necromancer should be treated and respected as anyone else (like berserker warrior in some cases —> this goes only for some people who can’t understand some simple things :P )
– “there’s no best build, only best at”
– play as You want and you will have the most fun possible, don’t let anyone tell you how to play
– post stuff on internet ONLY IF AN ARGUMENT IS BEHIND YOU AND IF YOU CAN PROVE WHAT U ADVERTISE (mathematically if talking about DPS for example (!)
– don’t trust those who say that necromancer is not viable, weak etc.

Those should be some rules that everyone should follow in my opinion.

My favorite class is the necromancer and I’m horrified how some can say that we are weak and people believe this nonsense. So, before you share something with the community, think twice about it.

And have in mind, I didn’t want to insult anyone by posting this I just want the community to respect everyone and enjoy the game as it should be.

There’s no point in arguing…and neither in lying…. ;)

enjoy in the beautiful world of the new expansion! :)


Day walker, night stalker…

Halloween 2015 -- Screenshots Welcome

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Here’s mine…my demon


Day walker, night stalker…

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

“The Black Wraith”


Day walker, night stalker…

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Fear “The Black Wraith” :>


Day walker, night stalker…

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Arres of Fire :-)


Day walker, night stalker…

Hammer/Greatsword WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Hi every1! I finally came back after a 6-month brake. Can somebody give me a good, effective build with hammer/GS that I can use in WvW, since I don’t know a lot a bout the changes in builds since I haven’t played in last months. I’d be very thankfull if someone could do that for me. Ty!

Day walker, night stalker…

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Oi every1! Here’s my new necromancer look. [Dye – midnight olive]


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

That’s not your business. I posted this because I have a problem, not because I wanted to show somebody what I’m selling.

That right there makes me question everything your telling us. Who hides what they are trying to get people to buy? Only one answer comes to mind.

I posted a whole picture (the same withouth blanks)…so pls don’t spam with this.

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?

Keep in mind, the more money you get at the end, the longer and harder the dungeon usually is. Not always the case. You can get gold from each path once per day. So you can get as much gold a day as you can play different paths. Good Luck

will do

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?

CoF and HotW are super easy and quick. Do path 1 of both for a few days, and you’ll get money.

Ok. I’ll do this. Thanks, cheers

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Well this is a mystery indeed. Thank you for following through on the joke

Now seriously, there could be various ways you are out +-30G

They are:
1.) You never had that much gold and you are probably misremembering
2.) You used that 30G on buy orders that were fulfilled or still pending
3.) You used that +- 30g while in a drunken stupor by moa gambling

Probably i bought something before i tryed to sell this and had about 22 gold (i don’t remember it right because I didn’t pay attention before this happened maybe right?!?!. lol now there isn’t a way to get that gold back isn’kitten ok ty anyways for sharing your interresting thoughts with me

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

With all the energy to post a thread over a few Gold, you could just do a few Dungeon runs with the new LFG tool. There’s basically no way for the Listing Fees to be refunded, so I would cut your losses while you can, and do some farming.

Ok, I’m new to this so, is there a dungeon where you get more gold than in the other?

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

What’s in your pick up tab? It might have some gold you’re looking for?

Nope, only a few materials for crafting that I’ve bought recently

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

As you wish… (the first on the list is the latest package of 10 giant w. boxes that i sold for a normal price btw)


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

ROFL “mysterious items” … you’re funny…you want that picture without that blank items…you think I started this because i wanted to cheat on you? o.O There you go…now please don’t joke because i wanted somebody to help me if possible…(the picture: unedited you can belive me or not but its the one that i posted in my 1st post…)


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Small calculations:
10 boxes at 1g0s59c -> 50s20c listing fee
10 boxes at 5g1s59c -> 2g50s80c listing fee
3g01s00c total loss

You had almost 30g so lets assume 29g.
You have 3g81s5c left, lets round it to 4g.
You spent roughly 25g on listing fees.

Now the fun part to mysterious items:
25g is 5% of your total listings value.
If we take off that 3g (rounded) you spent on boxes, we get 22g.
Now since that 22g is only 5% of what you spent on listings, the value that you listed the other items is: 440g
So whatever you’re selling on other stuff is worth roughly 440g.
Don’t complain and threat that you gonna leave the game for 20 something gold when you’re waiting on over 400g of profit to come in.
Ok to be fair, considering 10% closing transaction fee you’ll end up with just below 400g.
I don’t feel bad for your .75% of your total future gold you practically “lost”.

Wait…You said I’m waiting for a profit of 400gold?! lol Will somebody buy this for this price i listed that thing?

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Here’s what i did in steps: 1. picture explained


Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

i don’t belive i want to farm anymore…ok thanks everyone that tryed to help me. cheers

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

without buying something with money pls

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

lol for every1 these other things are like sold for about 1 silver max (some minor sigils and 8 slot bags).
No, I didn’t notice that because i didn’t pay attention on anything there…i just listed it and done…and btw I didn’t notice that because I’ve never sold anything that costed a lot of gold.
Nevermind. My quetion was: Is there a way to get that gold and cancel this thing? pls anyone

You can get your boxes back, but you cannot get your listing fees back.

Can you please tell me how can I get about 10 gold asap?

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

you have worked an entire year for 30g?

NO, i didn’t play the game for about 3 months then I came back and i had about 26-28 gold (I’m not sure). Before that 3 months break i had much more gold, but I was buying stuff randomly and only 27 of the gold got left…

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

lol for every1 these other things are like sold for about 1 silver max (some minor sigils and 8 slot bags).
No, I didn’t notice that because i didn’t pay attention on anything there…i just listed it and done…and btw I didn’t notice that because I’ve never sold anything that costed a lot of gold.
Nevermind. My quetion was: Is there a way to get that gold and cancel this thing? pls anyone

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

That’s not your business. I posted this because I have a problem, not because I wanted to show somebody what I’m selling.

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

idk exactly but i know i had about 25 gold and after i tried this i just checked and i had only 3 as you see in the picture.

Day walker, night stalker…

Lost gold - Help please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Hey every1! PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS: I had about 30 gold and i wanted to sell some giant wintersday gift boxes. I wrote a STUPID amount of gold (about 5 gold per box, i had about 40 boxes). It’s clear that nobody will ever buy this…So I realized that i had only 1 gold. And i was so mad that i almost broke my computer, because that day i was farming and grinding glory like a fool, so I can buy the orrian armor in the hearth of the mists from the glory rewards vendor. So, basically, I just LOST MY ENTIRE GOLD BECAUSE I LISTED SOMETHING (for a stupid price) THAT NOBODY WILL BUY?! So, the money goes nowhere?! Please help me someone if there is a way to get my gold back…I played this game for over 1 year and I simply didn’t know about the listing fee ( 5% or something like that) which is kinda weird but…Actually this might be the reason for me to quit if nothing can be done, because I worked too hard for over 1 year to get the wanted amount of gold and now everything is lost in a few seconds…PLEASE HELP ME((


Day walker, night stalker…

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Hey every1! PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS: I had about 30 gold and i wanted to sell some giant wintersday gift boxes. I wrote a STUPID amount of gold (about 5 gold per box, i had about 40 boxes). It’s clear that nobody will ever buy this…So I realized that i had only 1 gold. And i was so mad that i almost broke my computer, because that day i was farming and grinding glory like a fool, so I can buy the orrian armor in the hearth of the mists from the glory rewards vendor. So, basically, I just LOST MY ENTIRE GOLD BECAUSE I LISTED SOMETHING (for a stupid price) THAT NOBODY WILL BUY?! So, the money goes nowhere?! Please help me someone if there is a way to get my gold back…I played this game for over 1 year and I simply didn’t know about the listing fee ( 5% or something like that) which is kinda weird but…Actually this might be the reason for me to quit if nothing can be done, because I worked too hard for over 1 year to get the wanted amount of gold and now everything is lost in a few seconds…PLEASE HELP ME :(((

Day walker, night stalker…

PvP balance, bugs & the necro (dec 10 patch)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Hail Nemesis!
The video you made is completely true and honest.
And btw, can you pls tell me if your " the ultimate necromancer damage hybrid build v2.0 " is still usefull, because i want my necro to be lvl 80 soon (play some WvW with him), and I’m watching your tutorials for necromancer, because you make the best ones clearly.
Keep up with the good work!

Day walker, night stalker…

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Here’s my ranger. Lvl 38


Day walker, night stalker…