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Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mightili.2514


Yes, patch notes said if you can complete all 3 chains in one day you will recieve 180 tokens. So something is wrong

Maybe thats exactly what they meant – ONE DAY. So if you run three paths one after another you won’t get 180 but 60+45+15 or something like that based on DR system.

So i guess run one path, take 2 hours break, run another, take 2 hours break run third… Hmm. Is that how it works?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mightili.2514


I like this definitely:

2) Dungeons reward 20 tokens for completion and now reward an additional 40 tokens for the first time they are completed each day.
This should be in addition to what you receive in chests.

But Anet developers seem to be narrow minded. Its like the only thing they do is struggle to disable any ability of people to speed run dungeons and try to fight it FIRST OF ALL. Instead of thinking of overall game mechanics and players as a whole they first think:

“Hmm what is it we can do to prevent people from grinding dungeons and from speed running specific paths” – ahh here, lets disable everything until you reach the very end.

You know whats next exploit people will work on – lets find a way to get to the end as fast as possible without doing anything else.

Anet will keep trying to prevent exploiters from exploiting and in the process will severely affect game experience for everyone else who just wants to play the game and be rewarded for spending time in the dungeon.

I agree with OP. Daily bonuses for completing a path are good. That way we will look into completing all paths. But really what if group disbands after trying for say 1 hour. Dont play PUGs? If you dont have a guildies to run with dont play dungeons?

Just get back to your initial plans Anet. Last boss supposed to have % of dropping actual dungeon armor piece. Or at least add those items to the last chest, or to every boss loot table. You are trying to make dungeons less grind, so MAKE IT then. Tokens = grind. Keep tokens, but add the % of looting the actual armor/weapon piece and have it Bind on Equip so we can sell it on TP if we can’t wear it.

By giving us tokens you are simply saying – “we want you players to spend more time in dungeon because we don’t want you to have that armor too soon. So instead of giving you on armor piece per the whole dungeon like we promised in the beginning, we want you to spend at least 2-3 days running a dungeon to get one piece of armor or one weapon”.

Justify the trash mobs in dungeons. Add something significant into their loot tables. Don’t make these trash mobs feel like a mechanic to only slow down the player.

Thanks for adjusting rewards though. Hopefully I’ll be able to talk my guildies into doing dungeons again. They were really turned off by recent crazy nerf and stupid diminishing system that is BROKEN and only adds frustration and turns people away from doing anything other than playing alts.