Showing Posts For Milou.2701:
what’s the Cool down for the penalty upon hot-joining matches?
my progression for dungeon track has stopped.
I logged off for an hour or two and it is still not progressing, even though I quit hot-joining.
It should give a set, which means 6 pieces. (according to the tool-tip)
Why do I think so?
if we were to buy the Arah armor or weapons in PvE doing dungeons, Weapons would be more expensive.
Thus, completing the whole track for just 1 piece doesn’t seem reasonable.
Can anyone from Arena-Net Staff members give us an answer?
I just want to see if I should keep my tokens to spend them if you agree to add the vendors for 1 day or 2, OR to destroy those token, along with our precious time and sweat, if you don’t give us a chance.
I would like very much to have the vendors from the scarlet event back for 1-2 days.
Unlike many of the guild wars 2 community players, some people are busy, they don’t have the chance to login whenever they want.
I am one of those people who were busy with work, school, and many other life issues. As much as I wanted to login and spend my heirlooms, and found belongings before the event is gone, I couldn’t due to my circumstances.
Hello comrades!
I’m very glad you brought this topic, I’m a very experienced playing in MMOs, and Guild Wars 2 is the best game by design and character-wise uniqueness that I’ve ever played and enjoyed.
So I will also help improve this game even more and make it more epic and amazing. I’ll start with the most obvious and sensitive issue that needs to be addressed:
Rangers (oh yea..)
— Trapper’s expertise -> make it passive and improve its range (traps should have ground targeting by default, radius should be larger and the range as well, because traps are the sole signature of a ranger profession, they should excel at using them)
— Damage: it should be increased somehow, because it is very low. and condition damage can easily be dispelled in PvP, and it is not as good in PvE due to the lack of time in some dungeons.
— Pets: there should be more options to control the pets, and improve their survivability. Also, there should be 3 stances [Guard] [avoid combat] and [Assist] where the pet would only and strictly do whatever his master is doing. if the ranger attacks, he attacks, if the ranger does nothing, he does nothing unless commanded.
— Ranger’s Spirits, all 4 of them: it’s unfortunate to say, they are simply useless. Long CD with no real usefulness whatsoever. it would be better to add new skills that give boons to the party, it would make rangers more wanted for WvW and dungeons, as well as other places.
— Main hand sword: so buggy, it prevents you from dodging and avoiding attack, due to its structure. the ranger should have free movements when using the 1 hand sword.
— Off hand axe: [Whirling defense]: why do we have to stay still when using it? while all other classes, such as warriors can move while whirling?
— Short bow: [Cross fire]: keep the same skill features and add an AoE theme to it. [quick shot] should have a 3s stealth added to it since it’s an escape skill mainly. it would help us survive in PvE a lot.
— The animation of Short bow and long bow: believe it when I say this, but animation matters a lot. Wouldn’t it better to add alter the arrows animation? like a lightning arrow, or some cool things..
The most important thing: when you hear the word ranger, and when you read its description in the character creation screen, you get this notion that rangers are like hunters, they should excel in throwing traps, short bow and long bow ect..
So, why is it that Warriors have a better BOW skills than a ranger?
That is just some food for thoughts.
Thank you,
Your sincere player, Milou.
(edited by Milou.2701)