Showing Posts For Min Orocko.6852:
Looking for a fun goofie guild that does dungeons and some mission. Im on TC and focus on pve i dont have a mic tho but who cares. Been around from the start and will be around till the end. I like scenic walks in dungeons and killing random things while working on some achivements, as well as collecting wepons and armor. Currently got spirt crafter on the go then another lengedary, thank you Zommoros.
So if your guild is recuriting and is fun a little goofie and likes to dungeons aslo lotto would be awesome then pop me a line, would love to be appart of something good again.
Same here but only on a few of my alts, and only when i wp
We are a small casual guild looking for more adventurers that will partake on dungeons fractals world bosses and guild mission. We have bounty training unlocked right now and some buff like +10% magic find which is always on the go. But with your help KP will unlock rushes and puzzles and we can all find a place where we can call home.
Any one is welcome to KP a warm and helpful group of players that want to relax and play a game to forget the stress’s of every day life for a few hours a day. If you are a new to the game or just want a new guild to chill with PM me in game.
See you in Tyria
New guild looking for some cool members that can have a good time and understand misspelled words and bad use of grammar. Cant offer much right now, since well its just starting out, also we are pve based but dont worry all forms of the game are welcome.
So if you are new or a vet player and want a new home to forge a legend grab a pbj sandwich and sit around the camp fire and enjoy the land of Tyria.
Looking for an active guild that does a little of everything. Also fun since its just a game and fun should be taking seriously. I rep with one guild at a time and on TC. I like to chill or give a hand and do some world bosses, but i really want is some dungeons, im mostly do pve but will do the other parts of the game cause we all should take part in all aspects of the game. Mind ya if im not that great at those i warned ya so. So if give me a shout in game and lets run a few
See ya in game