Showing Posts For Minas.8701:
Ever since Friday 29/10 I lost 5 fps WITHOUT making any changes in the hardware or software of my PC.
I can also confirm at least 2 other guild members that also lost fps since Friday.
If the goal is to keep scores closely together even if coverage differences exist than what the game needs is a catch up mechanic.
My suggestion for such a mechanic uses the newly introduced Bloodlust buff.
Let’s say we have three servers currently in a bracket.
Server A is leading the score.
Server B is following.
Server C is last.
Server A gets +10 all stats for every stack of bloodlust and 1 points for every stomp.
Server B gets +20 all stats for every stack of bloodlust and 2 points for every stomp.
Server C gets +30 all stats for every stack of bloodlust and 3 points for every stomp.
This accomplishes the following:
- It’s easier for server B to catch up to server A and it’s easier for server C to catch up to server B and A.
- If a server gets a lot of points by holding stuff in the off-hours, but doesn’t cope as well in prime time, they will be at a disadvantage, since the larger the population playing the more stomps occur so it’s easier to catch up during peak hours.
- Bloodlust stomping being important encourages small and medium groups (that can actually take the time to stomp) over large groups (that dps the downed because of their sheer numbers).
- The ruins gain an extra significance encouraging solo and small team play.
This mechanic aims at helping servers with strong prime times catch up or stay close to servers with a night crew. It is not very radical in the sense that it uses an already existing mechanic (“bloodlust”) and it doesn’t give the losing side too much of an advantage.
It also helps smaller population servers catch up to larger population ones. A large zerg might still kill the losing server players but a) they will not stomp them because everyone will be trying to tag and b) even if they do they get less points for doing it.
In general, I believe “catch up” mechanics is what is needed at this time to help servers with less coverage and smaller numbers compete without giving them too much of an advantage. If the system I’m suggesting seems too little to change anything, other types of catch up mechanics can be added (more ppt for the losing sides, capture bonuses for the losing sides etc)
tl;dr: Make bloodlust stomps award more points on losing servers.
(edited by Minas.8701)
It really feels like the spec does a great job at stacking might but not as good a job at utilizing the stacks. Do you think going into illusions instead of inspiration would make delivery a bit stronger? Something like that:
Keeping all the might creating stuff and going for longer and more confusion and extra bounce on staff instead of shorter cooldowns.
Am I missing a big part of the specs damage dealing methods? Correct me if I’m wrong please.
I am sure noone disagrees that the trait needs fixing.
Can we please have it COMPLETELY REMOVED from the game while anet works on that fix?
Just make it do NOTHING at all till you fix it. Just take it out. Remove it. Make it disappear.
And then when and if you manage to make a decent version of it put it back in.
You know a trait is THAT BAD when people would rather have NO TRAIT at all in its place than have it.
Honestly Last Refuge kills you far more times than it saves your life and the fact that there is no way to disable it and that it is located in one of the most important.traitlines for stealth makes it even worse.
Since the main regions of your service are the US and EU I strongly believe that when making official announcements on the forums you should include both a US time and an EU time (for example PST and CET).
I know it’s easy to convert time from one time zone to another but including both times will give users of both regions the ability to immediately recognize the time frame (is it in the morning here? is it in the evening?) and really costs nothing more than typing some extra characters.
This reduction is ridiculous. Pistol whip is a major tool for thief PvE, either soloing or dungeon run and it’s being struck down to oblivion without any counters to keep the thief viable in PvE.
Thieves already have a hard time being picked for dungeon runs and s/p was pretty much the only viable melee combo in dungeon situations where aoe is required. Bringing high damage output was one of our very few advandages and anet decided to throw it down the drain just because of a once every 50 seconds spvp imbalance.
This is NOT how problems are solved.
What’s the point of having an LFG system if it’s only map wide???
If I want to find people that are already on this map all I have to do is /m LFG
What purpose does the system serve?
The LFG system needs to be GLOBAL! and it needs to have a comment part that you can dictate what you are lfging for. And even after that it would be an LFG system from 8 years ago.
If you want me to waste 1 hour to find a dungeon group Anet, then I don’t want to do your freaking dungeon. Simple as abc.
The more times goes by the less people are actually interested in pugging the explorable dungeon content so it becomes increasingly difficult to LFG. Using /m to spam will cause you to get an “excessive messaging” error and traveling from dungeon entrance to dungeon entrance just to see if people are waiting there is costly and ineffective.
My suggestion is that there should be a global LFG channel that people can CHOOSE to join whenever they are searching for a PUG. You can spam your LFM/LFG there without disturbing the general populace and you can still be looking for group while exploring or playing dynamic events without having to just stand still in a city or a dungeon entrance.
I understand that Anet mainly intended dungeons for a guild activity but I still feel that people that want to pug this content should be given a helping hand too. It doesn’t take much to implement and it doesn’t interfere with non-puggers game style.
It’s the least thing we can ask, tbh I’m not standing outside a dungeon door anymore I’d rather just skip the dungeons all-together.
AMEN to this!
We need a GLOBAL LFG lobby/channel/tool. Any sort of acknowledgment or promise that you plan to implement something like this will definitely make my day.
Dungeons are one of the hardest ways to get exotics and on top of that people are already kinda reluctant to do them due to their very nature. We need at least a tool to make sure that IF there are people willing to run a dungeon we can find them without waypointing all around Tyria.
AMD phenom II x4 B55 3.3Mhz
AMD HD6850
4 GB ram
10-15 fps on WvW regardless of graphics settings
25 fps in LA regardless of graphics settings
Turning off shadows gives me a small boost but other than that all other settings just make no difference.
If you ask me it’s obvious the game has issues with AMD processors. Same priced or even lower priced older intel cpus seem to be running way better.