Showing Posts For Minh Map.1590:

report unethical party

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

I was booted from CM path 1 near the boss on 4/30/14 at around 9:25am. not sure how to report that or it could be reported.

rename harpies in fotm to herpes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

harpies in fractals have evolve to something like herpes… indestructible and no fun. you should rename them accordingly


AC explore path 3 boss less OP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

more red…

this suggestion is for the last boss in the ascalon explorable path 3. less red circles please.


AC explore path 3 boss less OP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

this suggestion is for the last boss in the ascalon explorable path 3. less red circles please.


warrior trait deep strike

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

+40 precision for each signet equipped. based on this hero menu, this trait does not seem to add extra stats when one equips signets for Warrior.

engineer off hand pistol skill #5

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

engineer off hand pistol skill #5 Glue shot: can’t use it, click on it, no nothing.

typo: modified ammo trait

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

XI under firearms currently reads: “blah blah when wielding a rifle OF pistol”

eternal battlefield stuck in doors and walls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

1) repairing outer wall in SM. walls spawns on top of me… can’t get out. tried typing /stuck multiple times.. mesmer portal… nothing

2) fighting in some keep. group caps tower. im gate spawns on me… stuck..

this is so annoying as it happens frequently. plz fix or make it so that /stuck does something productive in game.


special effects and visibility

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

the special effects in this game is awesome. unfortunately, it is also covers up much of the object and impairs visibility. so like.. if i’m a warrior doing melee…i can’t discern if im hitting the troll (tha is on fire) in the buttt or if its facing me…and gonna beat my face in.

i suggest that special effects either have a bit of transparency to them, or the silhouette the object could somehow be outlined through the sfx… or both. that way sfx does not come at the expense of game play.

ac path 3 ghost form no skill change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

ascalon catacombs path 3. once in ghost form, players cannot change utility skill

bought drink for city but no one can see it

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

hi. i bought guild influence…but apparently no one but me sees it…and it didn’t go through. from my end, it shows. 1000 influence..but it never made its way to the guild. "


Food Magic Find boons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

Food that increases magic find if you are under boon, like chocolate oranges, does not produce results under the stats section of the hero menu.

shadow behemoth no rewards

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

I’ve asked around in game and have no one seems to understand why I dont get rewards from doing the shadow behemoth event in Queensdale (anvil rock server), so i’ll describe the problem here.

This has happened twice. on 06/15/13 after the reset at 5pm (pst), I got on to play around 6-7pm ish. I encountered the event, did it, got gold completion icon for it, but I did not get a pop up chest nor a giant chest on map. On 06/16 around 2:30pm, i did the event again, got gold completion icon, but no reward chests of any sort.

I tried going into the Chantry of Secret story mode and exiting, but it did nothing.

When the shadow behemoth event starts, I relog on my ranger, who is posited in the event area.

fotm ascalon npc wont follow

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

when we party wipe.. we rez back at the tent..and npc just and around holding hands.

fotm ascalon npc wont follow

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

in fractal of the mist ascalon stage.. npc wont follow players..but run in the middle and aggro the infinite mobs. even after the mobs are killed. the npc are still resistant.

fotm harpies broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

invulnerable all the time. fractual of the mist level. jumping. harpries.

mini pick up loot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

mini pets or something in the gem store should walk around and pickup loot. help maintain the life of our F key. ty

southsun instigator no chest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

im on emery bay server. since the most recent update, the instigator event stop spawning chests for me after 2 runs. on the 3rd time, I also notice that my exp for the event is less, even though i receive a gold competition.

…maybe related. karka shells aren’t dropping as frequently from the karkas anymore…even with the event buff of +200 magic find. and my client has been crashing more in wvw.

Warrior shouts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

1) It would be nice if the Superior Rune of the Soldier could be combo-ed with shouts from non-skill variants, like the trait “Shrug if off” (Tactics VII).

2) Also “Shrug it off” should also work with Vigorous Shouts (Tactics XII)

3) the shout from superior rune of the pirate should also be combo-ed by warrior traits.

thank you.

chat gui like gw1

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

i prefer the gw1 chat window over the gw2. it’s easier and faster to use. gg

quentin post bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

in eternal battleground, at Quentin Post. Mesmers can you their pulling skill (focus off-hand) to pull through the bridge. i was manning the arrow cart when i got pulled below the bridge, outside.

mystic forge take fractal rings

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

there is a huge surplus of ascended rings in my storage. it would be great if i can toss them in the mystic forge for either something else….like T6 mats or fractal weapons

Stygian Axe bigger plz

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

the stygian axe in gw1 is soooo much better than gw2. please increase the size of the axe in gw2 so it looks kitten.

superior sigil of purity not working?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

Anvil rock server.

I have the superior sigil of purity on 1 of the dual pistols for my Thief. Before the last couple of updates, I could hit the unload skill, and a condition would get removed (usually). Now, no conditions are removed. I assume this is not due to bad luck.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

i got the sound bug during a Fractal of the Mist lv11 instance. it was at the ice stage..with the frostbite. anvil rock.

gangnam style dance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

as a dance feature, we should have /gangnamstyle

chat supression

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

anvil rock server in LA.

I was looking for group to do AC and CM. I copied/pasted my LFG message a few times, using the up arrow key, and the game won’t let me type anything in map chat anymore. not cool.

Valiant Saeraquel's Armor. How do you get her looks?! T_T

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

anyone ever find that karma trader for this armor set?

targeting nearest enemy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

it doesn’t seem to work most of the time. sometimes, it even selects friendly moas…

armor icon bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

pants but icon of gloves


The Salvaging Kit Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

As far as I know, aside from quest bonus, salvaging is the only way of obtaining rare materials like gossamer. I believe the salvaging kit percentages are bugged if not misleading based on the following testing.

I want gossamer. I salvage light armor with masters and journyman kits. After a long period of testing, the amount of gossamer yielding from white, blue, or green light armor did not improve. I was getting roughly the same amount with the basic salvaging kit. Therefore, I believe it is a bug. If it is a bug, please fix, else ignore.

Also. i have like 103% magic.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

shield skills on a warrior are not meant to be spammed, otherwise, Warriors would be godly. You use it when you need to…weapon swap out..spam.

when you advance your Defense to the 2nd Tier, you can choose the trait Shield Masters: +90 toughness and 20% faster recharge

Underwater Reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

Most mobs underwater tend to reset themselves in the middle of a fight. They go invulnerable and heal up. Sometimes, this occurs only once or multiple times. For instance, the Veteran Giant Arctic Jellyfish in Grimstone Mol; it will keep on resetting….after the 2nd reset. I just give up.

On the bright-side, Barracudas and Shelks in the area do not seem to have this problem. The Drakes tend to also reset, but not as habitually.

Rune of the Leeching

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

The description says that when i switch to the weapon that has the leeching sigil equipped, my next attack will steal life; given that your health is full.

Issue 1)
Weapon set A and B both have major sigil of leeching. When I swap to weapon set B, no effect. It only works when I swap from B to A. Not from A to B, even though both sets have the sigil upgrade.

Issue 2)
Weapon Set A: Axe with Superior Sigil of Leeching, and Shield with Major Sigil of Leeching. Weapon Set B: Hammer with Superior. The effects of lifestealing becomes less predictable. When I switch from set B to A, sometimes it kicks in sometimes it doesn’t. Again, swapping from weapon set A to B yield no leeching effect.

Also, there seems to be a HP leech cap on my lv80 Warrior of 780hp, regardless of sigil is a major or superior.

Jormag bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minh Map.1590

Minh Map.1590

1) When the chain of events finally leads to the arrival of Jormag, the barrels of Charrzoka (missile launchers) are lit with a gear icon. However, I cannot pickup the rifles from the barrel. It doesn’t give me the “take” option. I have to restart my client to fix this.

2) Occasionally, the sound here gets bugged too.