Showing Posts For Minitopo.3124:


in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. we recently upgrade the guild hall up to lvl 25, with the hard working of Hexxed guild members. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust lynnaras, in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

If you can also speak english to keep in contanct with everyone on the guild we are on NA Jade Quarrry server!

Looking for a guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


If you are still interest in lf a guild on NA servers lemme know.
Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. we recently upgrade the guild hall up to lvl 25, with the hard working of Hexxed guild members. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust lynnaras, in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

New player searching for friends, guild, etc

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. we recently upgrade the guild hall up to lvl 25, with the hard working of Hexxed guild members. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust lynnaras, in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

Hope to see you soon!

LF Casual NA Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. we recently upgrade the guild hall up to lvl 25, with the hard working of Hexxed guild members. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust lynnaras, in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

Point me in the right direction

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. we recently upgrade the guild hall up to lvl 25, with the hard working of Hexxed guild members. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust lynnaras, in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump bump bump Hexxed activity on the forums is back!

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump bump bump back to bussines BABYY

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump bump bump back to bussines BABYY

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bumpy bump bump peepscome and join us iam cooking cookies!! :P

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Bump we got the kill on VG!!! WOOT WOOT

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump GH lvl 25!thx for all the Flax donations guys!! love you all peeps!

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


come on ppl we almost got VG lets do this!!!

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump lots of new members! we are almost done with tavern lvl2!! yay!! thx everyone for helping on the flax farms.

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


still looking for ppl who want to really raid and show up on raid day times!!

Looking For Guild Family

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand or lynnaras,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759, Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump hexxed is now lvl 24 new market and lot of new members for raids and pvp and pve content.

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump new raid members added to the grp..

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


VG almost done on last night atempt! making a lof of progress in our second week of learning VG boss Fight.
Thx to everyone for the positive actitud and the desire to learn and make progress as a guild!! My guild members are kittening awesome!!!

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump the guild is going really well, lots of new members, come and joind us be a part of the fun with us!

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Bump hexxed is looking for ppl like you! active and and looking to have ton of fun and do end content with friends!

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


still looking for more new raiding members! we got 2 last week lets get 2 more this week!

[Hex] Hexxed is looking for raid members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Tired of getting kicked out from raids because you dont have the experience or nobody give you the chance to actualy learn the fight to Defeat the boss, Hexxed guild is looking for you we are looking for active Raid members with or without experience in Raiding in GW2 who wants to learn and progress together without getting kicked after the first wipe and avoiding those pesky persons who rant and quit because ppl didnt born knowing everything for some reason.
Check us out and find your place to learn and have fun in the process.
Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand or lynnaras,in-game to keep in touch (Drakoblade.1759 or Aidan Solaine.7536 )

(edited by Minitopo.3124)

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump Hexxed is looking for active raiding members who want to learn and progress.

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


3 new members gh lvl 23 making a new pvp grp for the next SPvP season come and join us, we are also looking for raiding member for the PvE grp.

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump bump bump —-————

[LF] New Player in Need of Large Social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand or lynnaras,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759, Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

LF guild NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand or lynnaras,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759, Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

Looking for guild For Pvp.pve and wvw

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand or lynnaras,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759, Aidan Solaine.7536 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them).

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Bump, Hexxed is looking for raid members who want to learn and progress on Raids.
we have 3 to 4 spots open for the raid grp. 2condi 2dps or 1dps1healer 2condi.

(edited by Minitopo.3124)

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


bump gh lvl 22, new members, also looking for 3 more members for our raid grp.

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


BUmp 7 new members and just missing 1 more geared member to start the first grp for raids

LF guild ( casual, focuses on raids)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

Looking for a serious guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

LF Guild | NA | PvE | Casual | Lost Precipice

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

LFGuild to help me learn group stuff

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Bump Hexxed is looking for raid members! Veterans with experience or new ones with the desire to kill the Raid bosses and learn the fights!

Active player LFG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

LF mix pve/pvp guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

[lfG][pve] looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

LFguild on NA (PvE focused, casual)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

Looking for aussie time zone guild [SPvP/WvW]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

Scheduled Fractals

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

Active player LF Adult Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

Looking for casual clan

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

looking for guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)

Looking for Fractal Based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST. We are also looking for active members focused on raids (knowing the fights or wanting to learn them)
We do fractals every night and we want to keep going on them some us are already ready to run fractals over 50+ and 60+.

[EU] LF Casual Close-knit Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST.

Looking for a guild for noobs :D

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST.

Looking for Guild [Any server, Will Xfer]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We recently took our own guild hall and everyone on Hexxed is working really hard towards making it better. We have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize raid groups in the future and lots of guild events with awesome rewards for the winners. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. Feel free to add me or my officer of trust Janus Silverbrand,in-game to keep in touch (minitopo.3124 or Drakoblade.1759 )! We currently run Guild Missions on Fridays 9pm EST.