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[MotU] Messengers of the Underworld (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mizako.6731




[MotU] Messengers of the Underworld (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mizako.6731


Hiya, as the title says, we’re recruiting. To ease your choice I’ll be leaving you some things for you to read and make an informed decision:

- We are an Underworld based guild and as such, we’ll be mostly organizing events in that server;
- Both me and my co-leader have been playing since the beta weekends started rolling out;
- Our motivations to build this guild are the following:
(-) We’ve been hoping from guild to guild since launch because we just couldn’t find a guild that would suit our desires;
(-) Basically, we want to be a bit of a Jack-of-all trades guild. While we prefer PvE and WvW content we won’t abstain from sPvP (and if there are people interested, we might run some tournaments);
(-) What really turned us away from other guilds was that they either started to take things way too seriously or didn’t care for content at all. We wish to achieve a pleasant medium;
(-) We want people from every level to join us. Be it level 2 and no experience at all or level 80 veterans with skulls adorning their home instance. Although, keeping that pleasant medium feel, we understand if we take things too casually for most;
(-) The main pet-peeve of my buddy is that guilds often neglect helping their lower leveled/under-geared members get to a nice spot (i.e. exotics). He will personally see that everyone has a helping hand getting to that spot;
(-) We like running EVERY dungeon path (story included) and would like to get a frequent fractals team running. We really like to pve.
(-) If interest arises (and the guild gets big enough), we would be happy to buy ourselves commander status and conquer the WvW maps. We would like to restore Underworld’s lost WvW fame :P ;
(-) Create a friendly community that helps anyone who’s in need of help;
(-) Have fun!

If that’s what you are looking for, feel free to send me a message and I’ll make sure you get an invite to join us.

Until then, have a good one
~Mizako (or any of my many names)

[Poll] Should the SAB stay permanently?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Mizako.6731


Game Over… man?

To the ones saying 1UP and generally saying this should stay forever:
Do you really think that the novelty of this “mini-game” is going to last? Short answer: no. Long answer: Nooooooooooooo, it’s not since you’ll get quickly bored of it. You may run it w/e times you want for the skins/components but after that you’re not going to do it anymore (unless you want to restock).

Novelty is good but it only works as long as you keep it short. Would you really hold the Christmas event until today? No, you wouldn’t. It would get boring after the first month (and it would be tacky). The same will happen to this. Sure, now you find it fun, cute and innovative but like all nostalgia trips you have to remember that nostalgia puts rose tints on you and that it should be shortlived for it to be good.

On another note, it seems like it was a success and I’m glad people are enjoying it yet, I doubt this will keep the community interested since it’s only a distraction on the stale road to nowhere that the current content we are getting it is :V

Why do Sylvari have genders?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Mizako.6731


Wait… how do you guys know whether the Sylvari have sex? Was that actually in the lore??

Word of god:

“Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both […]” – Ree Soesbee, Dream and Nightmare

Also as food for thought (hidden in multiple spoiler tags due to being a rather long text):

“Sylvari fall in and out of love, just like other races do. They have a romanticized view of devotion, and they’re curious about passion in all its forms. There are male and female sylvari, but none has ever produced a child as other races do. Because of this, traditional human-style gender roles have no meaning to sylvari, either in their society or in their romantic relationships. Often, a sylvari’s ardor is expressed with courtly zeal—emotional, empathic, personal—and is not necessarily defined by gender.” -Angel McCoy, The Sylvari Soul

“[T]he sylvari do not segregate by sexual preference. To them, the idea of distinctions for gender, or sexual preference, would seem as odd to them as a distinction based on creamy vs. chunky peanut butter to humans here on earth. Love simply is. If you love someone who is of the same gender, and that love ends, and you begin again with someone of a different gender, there is no distinction; the sylvari simply celebrate that you have found love within your life, and that you are seeking mutual happiness. A sylvari probably wouldn’t even think to ask the gender of your lover if you mentioned that you had one. Sexuality is simply a natural part of life, and so long as it is entered into with good will and joy, the gender doesn’t make a difference. -Ree Soesbee, GayGamer Interview

“To a sylvari, love is about inspiration. Physical touch, ardor, and sensuality are beautiful things, but what the heart feels, what gives joy to the spirit – these are most important, and that has nothing at all to do with the physical form. Love is not bound by gender. It does not ignore the pairing of hearts simply because the bodies are alike. Indeed, the sylvari feel free to love (and love openly) regardless of the physical qualities of their beloved. It would surprise them to hear that someone of any race felt differently. They would say that love is too precious to be passed over simply because someone’s eyes are blue, their hair is dark, or because they are of the same sex.” -Ree Soesbee

“Because of their physical design (male-female gendered), the sylvari are typically ascribed to ‘standard’ gender roles by the other races. This does lead to awkwardness, a bit of confusion, and some eye-rolling on the part of the sylvari, who whisper among themselves that the other races of Tyria are a bit ‘backwards’ when it comes to gender roles. However, most of these misinterpretations are good-natured, caused out of ignorance rather than bigotry, and thus both sides use them as a means of learning more about one another.” -Ree Soesbee, GayGamer Interview

“Within the sylvari, all forms of benevolent love are encouraged. If love makes you and the recipient stronger, if it encourages you to positive action and heroism, then it should be respected and celebrated. The sylvari see this as only natural. The other races are curious about it, true, because many of them aren’t used to seeing that kind of relationship.” -Ree Soesbee, GayGamer Interview

Credit where credit is due:

"Warriors are viable"

in Warrior

Posted by: Mizako.6731


Well, I for one don’t think warriors bad at all!
For some reason most of the speed runner dungeoneers like having 3 warriors (who are specced for massive damage) in their party. I mean, there’s no other class (that comes to my mind right about now) that can be as efficient in pve the way the warrior can. Champs and other mobs that are affected by that adorable -CC effectiveness are what makes warriors a no brainer in pve. I guess that’s to blame but still, they wreck like no one has ever wrecked before.
Open world pvp and Spvp is a different matter but they are FAR from not being viable. You probably won’t be pulling the same stunts you can in pve but you’re a force to be feared. That said. there are bad players everywhere and that’s why every class in the game has a bad tag attached to them for some reason or another.

Play w/e you feel like playing. In the end having fun is what really matters.