Showing Posts For Mo Killer.8095:

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

First off I’d like to say thanks Anet for the good things. Thanks for:

Free trait resets
Trait resets on the fly
Streamlined trait tiers
New traits

Having said that I can’t help but be upset with the implementation of the new trait acquisition system. I had a character that was at lvl 57 when the patch hit. She is now at lvl 72 and it just sucks how slow you unlock the traits. I can’t imagine playing another character from scratch. Part of what made the old system good was the sense of molding the character as early as lvl 11, working toward that first minor trait, then major and so on. It made you look forward to each level knowing the build was slowly coming together.

The new system feels like its a grind through 66 levels before there is even a semblance of a build. I understand streamlining the tiers of traits to 1 point per minor and major to make it easier to create a build for a new player. But making them wait to lvl 30 just to start a build is insane and what’s worse for the game is it’s boring.

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

I’m really disappointed in this one Anet. Let me just say that I don’t uber enjoy town clothes or outfits as some on here do, but I did pay for a few items I thought were fun over the last year and a half. This is all about expectation at the time of purchase. I purchased my riding pants set to use as town clothes and cruise around on my kittened broom. I’m not even upset with the change to the system, if it was needed to fix the backend systems of the game. The problem I have is that I have to ask for a refund. You knew you were going to drop this bomb on the community and that the new system would no longer meet those previous expectations. Yet we have to ask for the refund? You should have foreseen this and issued the refunds at the time of go-live for the patch. Weak sauce Anet…

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

Population falling ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

I see very little motivation to play what I have seen before, multiple times, for monthes and monthes.

Really! Its only been 3 weeks since the LS wrapped up and the feature pack is out on Tuesday. Months and months?

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

When will precursors be craft-able?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

If they announced that next week’s patch would change the way precursors were obtained, crafting mats right now would be so high that the average player couldn’t finish levelling alts or crafting ascended gear for weeks.

What? People would be forced to take their lvl 80 character and actually farm the T6 mats themselves. Oh no!

If they are that “average” a player that they can’t go get their own materials. maybe they should just give up the game now.

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

Getting a Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

Make a dungeon with different paths for precursors. Also make it so it cannot be speed ran. Force interactions that require a group to fight through the chosen path to the end and have some epic bosses at the end of each path that guard the precursor.

Yes that will still leave the crafting grind but at least it will be more entertaining to get the precursor.

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

It does suck that Anet is abandoning the dynamic event system. That was an epic change that really shined when GW2 launched. Unfortunately it seems that creating something truly new and innovative is getting replaced with something that saves a buck or two. I’ll give it all a shot when it rolls out but I’m not holding my breath. As much as I hate to say it, it’s definitely time to have another game on tap just in case.

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

Happy Hunting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

This is an actual tread? No way, this has to be a joke…

If you don’t like me hunting you in WvW, then stay out and massacre fluffy bunnies in PvE. Feel free to role play there as well.

But rest assured their will be face smashing and cold dead corpse looting going on and their is nothing you can do to stop it. MUHA HA HA…

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

Traits unleashed trait tier refund?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

I’m purely stating it on principle and I know no refund is likely. Just highlighting that they are going to be giving away something for free that we all paid for on previous characters. I certainly don’t need the money, your point about dungeons is definitely true.

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

Traits unleashed trait tier refund?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

From the march 20 news traits unleashed:

One fundamental change to the way traits function is that you won’t be required to visit a profession trainer and purchase a training manual to access the adept, master, and grandmaster trait tiers!

Will each of our existing level 80 characters get a 3 gold, 10 Silver refund for purchasing these books for the last year and half?

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR

(edited by Mo Killer.8095)

Skillpoint - Bear Shaman Marga - Broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mo Killer.8095

Mo Killer.8095

Still bugged on Anvil Rock. Using F or double click only gets the NPC chatter.

Brother Numsie [WTM] – Guardian – AR