Showing Posts For Moersel.1320:
So… if I don’t buy the expansion and the new WvW map is on in the rotation that means, I can’t play WvW for 1+x weeks?
I sure hope Blain’s running this hype train because in it’s words.
“Don’t ask me silly questions
I won’t play silly games
I’m just a simple choo choo train
And I’ll always be the same”This post is so good, yet nearly nobody will get it. Oh, I made myself sad now.
Because the hypetrain is also a pain?
Could be a litter box under there.
There will be no new classes, why do you guys keep asking for that?
Meaningful content isn’t worth their time as long as people still waste money on gems to buy the kitten stuff they put out.They have stated that while no new classes or races are currently in the works, there is nothing to say others won’t be added at a later date. I won’t expect such occurrences to happen for at least another year.
And by “a later date” they mean “when nobody is buying gems anymore and we have to come up with new ideas to make money.”
Moersel – before that they announced there would be 1 update per month. Before that they announced that there would be periodic ‘special events’ with some content available on-demand within a short time frame and some one-time only events (see Lost Shores, the first Halloween and to a lesser extent the first Wintersday too).
Are they supposed to stick to those announcements forever too? Or are they allowed to change their schedule only if they’re increasing the rate of releases?
Yes, you are right of course but at least the did announce that there would be 1 update/month, bi-weekly stuff.
Now they don’t announce anything anymore up until 1 week before stuff is going to hit.
And when they DID announce that the second half of Season 2 was going to hit on November 2, I’m pretty sure most people thought that they were going to at least release the WHOLE second half in bi-weekly fashion (which they didn’t renounce so I think it is fair to assume that they have not abandoned it completely).
And this is the main problem. People “think” and “assume” stuff and are angry when nothing comes out of it. And this wouldn’t happen if Anet wouldn’t deliberately keep everyone in the dark all the time.
This company needs to be more open about stuff. And I don’t mean the teasing they’re doing all the time: “Oh… there is so much stuff in development, this will be so awesome and it is definetly coming down the line. Might be in a month, might be in 20 years, but in the meantime buy some cool stuff of the Gemstore, that always makes ME happy.”
But this is nothing new, pla… customers complain about this for years now and the company is not willing to change. And I respect the work Gaile is doing here, but when it comes down to most of the questions, she can’t/won’t tell us more than we already knew.
(edited by Moersel.1320)
I agree it might be a bit naugty to have a break right before the last episode but if they didn’t manage to fit it into the schedule any other way then so be it.
Well, the schedule for Living Story was once announced to be “bi-weekly, more updates than any other MMO out there” and in 2013 that seemed to be no problem at all.
But this year feels like it consisted of more breaks, than times where we had updates.
It started with the (well-deserved) holiday break.
From January 21 to March 18 we had 4 Episodes and the “Aftermath” of Season 1.
After that there was a 3 1/2 month break until the Living Story started again on July 1 with 4 updates up to August 12.
Another 3 month break before the last 3 Episodes hit and now we have to wait another month?
Sorry, but that is far from bi-weekly.
And yes, the time between was filled with the re-used Zephyrites, the re-used Halloween from last year and the now (announced to be) re-used Wintersday event.
And also yes, in my opinion Season 2 was better than Season 1 so far. We got two cool new maps (and I don’t like Dry Top much, but that’s just my taste. Silverwastes is fantastic), way more nods to the Lore of both, GW1 and GW2. And this stuff may really take way longer to design, than one zergfest of content after another in Season 1 BUT with all these months and months of releasing nothing new, it should have been possible to start the second half of Season 2 two weeks earlier, so that the last episode does not colide with Wintersday and holiday-plans of developers.
So combine this with the fact, that Anet is far too silent about things they plan and do (“But we can promise you, there is SO much good stuff coming. We won’t tell you what or when but just wait a little more and buy something from the gemstore to keep you happy”), then I can understand the anger some people may feel.
I’m not happy myself but I also know that I will log in on January 12 and play Episode 8… I only wish I could have played it this year and with “bi-weekly” schedule I should have…
(edited by Moersel.1320)
With all these teasers not even showing up in the episodes and only one episode left this year, I begin to think that these might end up being teasers for an expansion that is set after S02E08. But then again it’s A-Net and I don’t want to get my hopes up.
Thank god that EotM is Player-vs-Door and not Player-vs-Player, so he is not breaking any rules.
I’m voicing my opinion, too. Yes, in a quite sarcastic way and maybe a bit harsh, but it isn’t really THAT much of an effort to press M and check on the map if there is anything under attack. And I get that you can’t even have scouts for most of your own towers, but if you lose it and no one wanted to defend the thing, than it wasn’t that important.
On a more constructive note: I really think it would be quite annoying when every time someone attacks a camp/a sentry/a dolyak/one of the ruins/any tower (belonging to my side or not) there would be a voice “xbriar is under attack”, “southcamp is under attack”, “southcamp again”, “insert ruin is under attack”.
Yes, you could make it an option for the players to mute the thing via audiosettings but come on…
Pvp is a much quicker gamemode, it’s over in a matter of minutes, so for this it really is far more important to be up to date on stuff. WvW match ups are on for a whole week. It really isn’t that important to know if every little stuff is contested.
+1 Great idea!
It would be even better, if the voice would defend the stuff for us and just hand us over the bags.
That way we wouldn’t have to actively play WvW, because obviously we can’t even be bothered to open up the map every once in a while to check if there is anything contested. And think of all those poor people who actually have to stand in a tower/keep to defend it, when they could be on the TP making the real money!
(edited by Moersel.1320)
Yes, but Guild Wars is not named because of GvG.
It’s named because of this:
And as Mental Paradox pointed out, the original Guild Wars didn’t even feature them.
They did fix it. It’s now called bloodlust.
People didn’t want the buff, they wanted the “mini-game”. What they gave us was the buff, now acquired by even more standing in circles.
(edited by Moersel.1320)
Let’s see, how this whole ley line business is developing. The character Scarlet isn’t as bad, as the story written for her. The problem with her was, that she had no freaking purpose. Maybe that’ll change in the near future.
Also it looks like the Nightmare Tower-business is not quite over, too. That would actually be the first alliance that wasn’t just introduced, disappeared within the next four weeks and then reappered as random trashmob.
So I just wait and see how it all plays out. Maybe Anet finally puts more story into the Living Story. Not that it could change the opinion most people seem to have on Scarlet but it could help for future characters.
Why should she spoil it? She invented the whole thing. What people don’t know is, that last winterday we saw her first alliance – The Crazy Toy Alliance.
Molten Pirates incoming!
Elona had him down to 1% for the third time now… that’s the end for us today. But tomorrow the kitten will die!
when I check the timestamp i see elonareach killing him before desolation?
this screens are taken from: if you calculate it with the time difference of one hour
Elona-Event failed. We would have needed maybe 5 more seconds. The try afterwards was horrible…
But you can see in the screen that the player got the achievement “Makellose Verteidigung” which is german for “Flawless Defense” where you need to kill the dragon.
I know ^^ (ich bin auf Elona). Wouldn’t be the first achievement that’s bugged. Officially the event failed and we were kind of disappointed, because we first thought that we had killed the kitten with 0:00 left.
when I check the timestamp i see elonareach killing him before desolation?
this screens are taken from: if you calculate it with the time difference of one hour
Elona-Event failed. We would have needed maybe 5 more seconds. The try afterwards was horrible…
2 %…kitten! Ten more seconds…
Congrants @ Deso for European first kill!
Which is better anyway. If they start giving a kitten about what the community thinks and answering too much, they will get silenced by the powers that be.
Screw the PvE population. If you want to join the winning team, go ahead. They definitely need more winning team joiners on SFR, so guilds start leaving again because of the queue.
Am I the only one who thinks it’s stupid to play an Online MULTIPLAYER game and absolutely refuse to play with other people?
I like to do things on my own, too. But refusing to play content, just because it requires you to come off your high horse… sorry… because it suggests to you to come off your high horse and play with some of the people around you, is just plain stupid.
Maybe you’re better off playing Super Mario Bros. Oh darn… “Bros” must mean, that there are at least two of them, so this is another game you will never even look at.
Queen Jennah: “I’M SPARTACUS!!!”
Having recently seen Roger Waters with his “The Wall” show, I vote for “I’M SPARTACUS!!!”.
It has to end with a big wall collapsing! So… it seems like we’re finally getting the Tengu. ^^
You must have miscounted. It’s SFR! They consist of small scale roaming groups only. With a maximum of 5 players/group. That you came across 60 of them is either a) really bad counting on your part, or b) pure coincidence, that all twelve of those groups just happened to cross their ways at that moment.
Either way… it’s not your fault. Those moments and plenty of the exact same countingmistakes happened during our last match-up against SFR. You’ll learn to count more accurately during the week.
Greetings from Elona
There is an updated version of the matchups in my post at the top of the forums. This should all be working correctly at this point.
But it IS NOT working! Wishful thinking won’t help with the problems.
But it’s not working yet. Elona is still fighting against Vizu and Jade…