Showing Posts For Molmoch.4126:
Wow Targren – that is indeed worse. At least my dye can be transformed with 3 other useless dyes. Glad (?) to know others are sharing my pain.
@Nymph – I like idea 1 in theory. Not sure how to implement it with my work addled brain. One of the big things I like in GW2 is that I can tag along with a bunch of folks and do content that other games would require me being in a competent guild to do. Dont want to infringe on that at all. Idea 2 seems to me more a general problem that comes with any non instanced event in any game. As for your third point – I was not aware that a second person, no matter how insignificant currently affects your drop quality. If it does, than I would suggest they change it. I dont care if someone tags a guy as I am killing him and gets bonus as long as my drop is unaffected…
Anyone have thoughts on the Guardian issue? I really feel that the class is underpowered comparitively.
I love this game. I really do. But I have two major (and a slew of minor) gripes, and wanted to vent. I know some of you are going to hate – whatever.
1. Major Event loot tables. I know how RNG works, and that someone gets the sucky roll every once in a while. But I might take the prize for worst Mad King Chest Loot ever. 50 Candy Corn, 2 Loot Bags, and a Unidentified Dye. Candy Corn? With a level 80 Guardian (see below) and another player, we two manned it. (Long story). It was my second time doing it, and had been over 24 hours. I wasn’t expecting an exotic or skin (although it would have been nice), but this was ridiculous.
I also just killed both champions in the Mad King Laborynth, and the family sized candy corn also dropped a loot bag instead of an item.
Unless those loot bags have stuff in there I dont know about – I dont think they should be on the table at all for champion level drops. Further, I hate opening a super chest and getting a bunch of blues.
Idea: Ideally, there should be a minimum currency (even if its at vendor prices) for total loot drops on group event major rewards based on magic formula of zone level, mob level, and character level. Barring that, at least remove the loot bags? Also, I dont think its reasonable to have multiple blues replace one green. I would even suggest a minimum of one green item per epic chest.
2. Guardians. I know that guardians are supposed to be defensive and support focused. That sounds like a tanky paladin to me. I know – no tanks – every profession can do every role. I call BS. I honestly dont see why I would ever play one again – and I regret that its my only 80.
Having played my fledgling lvl 40 warrior at level 80, the difference is amazing. My warrior easily puts out 2 -3 times the damage, and has almost twice the hit points. With only 30 points in traits as opposed to 70. I know my guardian can heal for about 70% of max hp, but in dungeons and high end content, its more about not getting hit than taking the blow. Now, the support can be helpful – I dont doubt that. But with no “taunts” or ability to manage aggro, Id rather have a warrior any day.
Idea: I might stink at my build but Im in all crafted exotic with vit stats and have 20 trait point in vit. I dont know why my hp is so low compared to others. If the classes have different scaling per point for hp and toughness – that makes sense. But the difference in toughness for a guardian doesnt seem to be enough of a shift to make me want to play. I still can get smacked around in dungeons and die all the time. When silver ringed mobs in CM can hit you for 20% of your max hp, and you are fighting 3 at a time…