Showing Posts For Mordicon.4530:

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Mordicon.4530


The concept of tiers has little meaning at this point and you should try to stop thinking of matchups in those terms. Servers are matched up by proximity of rating, not proximity of “tier”. If the tiers have ratings that are within the range of the random adjustment, they can end up fighting each other. This is going to result in blowouts, no doubt about it. However, we are not going to make changes to this after just 2 weeks of the system. There are things we can do. We will almost certainly end up adjusting the total added to each server rating to group the matchups a little more closely. First however, we need to let the ratings adjust by having more varied matchups like these. If you look at EU, which is using the exact same system, you can see matchups with numerous surprising results. The same will likely be true by the end of the NA matchup.

TL;DR: We are going to wait at least a couple more weeks before changing any of the math behind the new system, but it is very likely we’ll decrease the size of the variation at some point.

I would have to say, you will need to set a new Commercial on Tv to get new players in the time your talking about. The match ups are so unfair not many of us will remain for another 2 weeks of this. You broke the system, only the higher Ranking servers are enjoying your change to Wvw. I know I will not be here if it gos another week like this. Hope you enjoy your test project on live servers.

Killing WVW For low Pop Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Mordicon.4530


Well after a full weekend of this getting Steam Rolled and My guild as well as others no longer even loging in. Time to Say enough is enough. Not even a Word from Anet. Here was there chance to say something, but would appear the forums are for community only and not for them to listen to us. The Unfair Imbalance we are being pounded with has killed what fun was left in Gw2 for us. Time to move on.
Good Job Anet, well done. I will take my Guild to another game. option to transfer is not a option to all you ready to say such a thing, I will not drop another dime on Anet. I can now truly see they don’t care. They are feeding the Low Ranked server’s to the high ranking servers.

Has been fun Cheers!

Killing WVW For low Pop Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Mordicon.4530


Population count is based on who declared a world their home world.

But this means that every inactive player rotting in the cellar of your server still counts for your population.

And if a server has more inactive than another you will see a difference everywhere. And as soon as you are a low ranked WvW server people interested in WvW will not join you.

Concerning WvW-balance ANet could only do the following:
- Reduce Map capacity, such that less people of a world fit into WvW and the queue on servers with many WvW-players become horrible. (They get a reason to change to low ranked servers)
- Change the World transfer costs such that WvW- lower ranked servers are cheaper for WvW-player (WvW Rank > X), e.g.

But I am not sure if I would like it, even if the reduced map-capacity also means less skill laags.

In the end you cannot force people to join a server where they do not want to be

None of what your saying here even comes close to applying. After Tonight and we had probably the largest turn outs in history on our server for Wvw, and we still got Double teamed and face smashed all night. 9 hrs of this none stop, I would post some pics but I have lost interest at this point. I will not feed a dollar to this company. I speak for alot of people. Tonight sucked bad after the week we just had. We are done. Congrats Anet Good Job…

Killing WVW For low Pop Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Mordicon.4530


I would like to thank you for killing your own game. You hit our Server with another server 3 ranks higher than us. We are totally Farmed for a week. Thanks and yes we lost alot of Commander who will now no longer Sig up because you made it imposable to have fun or win. Now our new week starts. What do you Do. You match us with someone 1 Rank even tous and the second server is 7 Ranks higher than us???. WAKE up!! This Random system has failed. I am not QQing here, I have 5 L 80’s and love the game. We need some VERY FAST Balance or else we are going to have another Purge of good player Quitting playing all together. We went though this a month ago where no one from our Server would even think of going into Wvw. We turned that around, now we have this Your Killing your own game. We play 10+ hrs a day because we really like the game play. Not like this.

(edited by Mordicon.4530)

Botters winning?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mordicon.4530


Community wants to know what’s being done about all the Botters who are destroying the economy, causing server issues, creating so many problems in WvW. You have hackers out there selling there programs to Hack GW2 using your name to make money. ‘Goggle it’ Makes me sick people cant just play the game.
What is ARENANET doing about it? We want to know!!

Dungeon Patch Discussion: 4/30

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mordicon.4530


Ascalonian Catacombs path 2

So now you have killed anything fun about this path, now you have made the ghost eater AOE SO hard and do a DD that does so much damage I don’t care what kind of group you have mixed with you your going fail and pay so much in repairs its no longer worth even going in. This is a L 30 Dungeon Get with it, either tone it down or your going to end up with no one playing it at all. I do not enter a Dungeon to skip content because you made it so hard we cant win. Do you even play your own Dungeons? with out GOD gear on?
You have a Pve fan base that’s just about had enough of the MASS AOE Kill all Dungeons. Paying over and over for repairs kills the fun. It would be ok if there was a good enough way to make gold in the game, but there is not.
This is not a FTP game you get us when we buy the game and you get us every time we buy something from your market.
Your sucking us dry with Gems prices. Your game is not good enough to keep us paying like this and destroying the fun in the dungeons. Every single time you patch you make a dungeon that much harder to stop the farmers. So now AC is out and our guild will not go back tell its fixed and play able.

Enjoy Your Fix’s Content thats not worth playing