Showing Posts For MortalPanda.4268:
Just curious, are you playing an unrank or rank battle? Maybe you should try practice games first to get used to the flow of PVP first.
I just choose a server from the pvp browser. The name of the server is MAD (dailies).
It’s not a ranked match nor an unranked one.
Here’s my stats to prove it.
Are you capping an empty point with more than 1 ally? If at the beginning of the game you see that 1 ally is capping a point and there is no enemy there don’t sit on the point. 1 player is enough to capture the objective.
No, I just go take a point with my necromancer setting traps everywhere and I wait for players to set them up then I go for the kill. It just seems like they don’t want anyone to capture a point somehow.
I bought the game 4 days ago. I tried pvp today. For some reason when I take control of a point people get really mad at me. I’m really confused. I’m just trying to help my team.