Showing Posts For Mosc.8927:
Uh, DB won reset night and basically dominated all hours over the weekend. Those are times traditionally thought of as being the most even and fair. Say what you want of our weekday NA presence since then, the weekend was a solid victory for us DB NA players.
….. so Db, if you think you’re ready for T2, this is your time…. …
I guess we’ll find out here soon. There’s such an obvious and huge coverage/population gap between us (DB) and TC/FA that I just can’t see us staying in T2 for longer than a week. Most likely DB and Kaineng will be flip-flopping T2/T3 for awhile
I think it would be cool if outmanned let you carry double the supply, repair walls for half the cost, and/or build siege at half the cost. I never liked the attack/hp buff you got in WoW for being outmanned, it was really lame if you ever got into a 1vs1 (or 5vs1…) with a buffed player that you knew you just couldn’t kill. Not a lot of fun. It makes sense that outmanned would affect supplies though since you have less people to carry and provide for your side.