Showing Posts For Moxitus.6180:

Returning player looking for PVX guild (JQ)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


I’ve been playing MMO’s for nearly a decade (yup 30+ year old guy here), and after almost a year of not playing Guild Wars 2 (my friends and I checked out FFXIV and got hooked, so… blame FFXIV), I’ve decided to return and see what Tyria has to offer once more!

I’m looking for an active and friendly PvX guild to basically relearn the finer points of the game (mostly the PvE part). I’m looking to run Fractals, Dungeons and Guild Missions (if possible), oh and WvW too if you guys wanna have at it. Back when I was active, I basically ran everything, knew all dungeons and fractals (AR 45 level 36 I think) in and out, and actively participated in WvW with my old small guild. We used to run 3-4 nights a week doing WvW alone. They pop in once in a while, but they’re not really active anymore. I’ve been playing again for about 2 weeks now, 3/6 done with my ascended armor, and basically just checking out all areas of the game.

If anyone is interested in having me, please send me a PM or whisper me in-game. Cheers!

Kiel: Direct Support Achievement Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


Same problem here.

My guild took me along to do Gnash’s Tier 2 (my first attempt at the trials) and finished it. Got 1/2 achievement. I then tried to downgrade it to get Tier 1 solo after, but it wouldn’t give me the achievement. Did it twice; both times not dying, both times not a single bag was stolen. The panel still says 1/2.

A word from ANET would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


Well, the suggestions didn’t really help me fix it, but the effort to help is much appreciated. I just sent an in-game support ticket. I do hope it gets fixed soon.

Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


Thanks! I’ll try this right away.

Trading Post Font messed up (too big)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moxitus.6180


Dunno where to post this, if it’s in the wrong section please transfer it. But yeah, my trading post window has been acting funny the last few days. The fonts are too big; they appear to be in bold text and the numbers signifying costs appear like 00432, for example.

Tried everything from restarting the client, the computer and the modem. No progress.

Here are screenies:

Top – Buy screen
Mid – Sell screen
Bottom – Picking an item and setting amount of purchase
