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WuvWuv Elite [Apex] Recruiting on CD

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

Sooo this is a bump, dem bumpitybumpbumps

Apex took SMC just last night under commander Heavensent (myself :p) and there were ~30 people in our guild channel, join in the fun!

WuvWuv Elite [Apex] Recruiting on CD

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

We are WuvWuv Elite [Apex], a WvW oriented casual guild based out of CD that is focused on quality over quantity. After playing in large guilds like [Insert zerg tag here] I found that I was nothing more than another person with a commander tag in a sea of acquaintances.
Join Apex in fixing that. We hope to form a close-knit family of around 100 players that are very active, skilled, and fun – don’t be just another face in a crowd.
Though we focus on WvW many of us such as myself (almost 6 legendaries) are more than willing to help with PvE at any given moment
What we can offer:
- Guild missions
- 100% buffs, access to any, at any time
- Exclusive random events and contests made by members
- Nightly WvW (running havoc groups and trolling, mostly)
- We are awesome.
- Tons of influence, access to anything members are in need of
- Like, we are really, really flipping awesome.
- Many opportunities to grow in ranks

WuvWuv Elite [Apex] Recruiting on CD

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

Whisper me in game for info

Hope to see you

WuvWuv Elite [Apex] Recruiting on CD

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

We are WuvWuv Elite [Apex], a WvW oriented casual guild based out of CD that is focused on quality over quantity. After playing in large guilds like [Insert zerg tag here] I found that I was nothing more than another person with a commander tag in a sea of acquaintances.

Join Apex in fixing that. We hope to form a close-knit family of around 100 players that are very active, skilled, and fun – don’t be just another face in a crowd.

Though we focus on WvW many of us such as myself (almost 6 legendaries) are more than willing to help with PvE at any given moment

What we can offer:

- Guild missions
- 100% buffs, access to any, at any time
- Exclusive random events and contests made by members
- Nightly WvW (running havoc groups and trolling, mostly)
- We are awesome.
- Tons of influence, access to anything members are in need of
- Like, we are really, really flipping awesome.
- Many opportunities to grow in ranks

graphic armor fusion, funny nudity bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

this happen when i have equip magic find armor, and this is the result… a global skin fusion of t3 armor skin and rare craft skin.


really, WTF ? XD

Dem pants too big for yah bro!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

My beef is with the Guild system. Guesting between guilds is ruining the community. If you’re not a Youtube start or a world-wide famous guild you’re more or less in the crapper. In a simmilar way, bigger, national guilds overshadow small(er) guilds of the same nationality, forcing them to either leave behind a unique guild name/tag or die out.

My suggestion -to rid GW2 of these problems- is hence the following:

A-net, go back to your roots! Guild alliances from GW1 was (and still is) an EXCELLENT system. Here’s how I see it working in GW2:

1) GUESTING: Guilds could join in alliances where players would have a “home” guild but could guest between the guilds in the alliance (a maximum of 10 guilds could join the alliance).
There would be a “home” roster and the “alliance” roster, so you could easily team up with either players from your or allied guilds (if whatever you’d be doing should require more people).
2) ALLIANCE LEADER: The alliance leader would be the person that would form the alliance and invite the guilds into his marry band of players. A permit for doing so could be bought from the Guild trader for 20-50 gold (or something like that), the costs of which could then be divided between the guilds joining in the alliance – this would of course be a matter of personal arrangements. One would have to buy the alliance permit in any case.
A similar system to the current Guild panel could be implemented to be seen in the alliance roster, where the Alliance Leader would have the optimal control and could update the -let’s call them- Guild Lords on the roster (leaders of other guilds in the alliance).
3)INFLUENCE POINTS: As one of the leading guild currencies, these would still be earned within the guilds, which would translate into this: guilds would earn their own influence points which they could use for upgrades of their guild or consumables (such as banners, buffs etc.) BUT they could also donate influence points to the alliance – so the bigger the alliance the better – ATM it’s like this: bigger guilds = more influence; same thing could be done with alliances: bigger alliance = more influence. The alliance leader (or players that he would appoint in the alliance roster) would then make the guild mission upgrades and trigger them.
If you want an influence “farming” alliance to run guild missions all the time you can do that; if you just want an alliance of guilds to enhance cooperation and player base, you can do that as well.
Upgrades could be triggered or set in queue by people that the alliance leader sees fit for the job, hence the alliance roster, which would serve in the same way as the guild panel.

PS: If you REALLY want just ONE guild and if you are that famous world-wide known guild or a Youtube star with more than enough players, you would just do these things within your guild. The alliance leader and donation of influence points doesn’t apply to such examples – these guilds would just carry on and play just like they currently are.

All of the features mentioned aboue would make guild missions a LOT easier -not in the sense that you would do them with ease but rather being able to do them with a relatively normal ammount of players (because truth be told, a normal guild will have a really hard time finishing guild bounties with i.e 10 steady players).

At the moment the situation is as follows: if your guild is small, or medium-sized, you have LITTLE chance of finishing the bounties or whatever missions you’re doing because you cannot build a steady base of players, or at least it’s bloody hard as kitten. Random players DO NOT join your guild in your cause, rather the opposite. People stand next to bounty targets just so it scales up and watch others fight and gradually die, so things are more or less disappointing, to say the least.

What do others think? I would love your opinion on my suggestions.

Stabby Raa

(edited by Mr K.3126)

Screenshot Thread

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

Here are some PSs of my mesmer – njoy


Bug in Citadel of Flames - exploit, perhaps?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

Right, I’ll try to answer all of you.

Jezath.7395: & Parvati.5780: People like me make A-net money. We continue to farm the dungeons after all of YOU (since you’ve put a label on me, I’ll stick one on your a s s) have stopped because it got monotonous. We maintain the population of the active players.
Also, the rate you are talking about… it’s just about the same now as it has been before this jumping puzzle way. I like to farm because of the reward it brings. I like the CoF armor, if that’s so wrong, then /insert cliche/ I dont want to be right

Kougeru.4369: My point wasn’t that because I couldnt, NO ONE could. I actually agree with you that it is possible to run through, it’s just impposibru hard. But as I have said before, the end-game point is to farm the dungeons… A-net just doesn’t want us to do it in a month hence the ridiculous buffs to the NPCs…

But as you’ve said yourself, you can’t blame people for wanting to get the carvings, that’s what the dungeon is for, right? So "over"farm isn’t really a sensible term for something that is actually meant to be farmed to the extreme in order to recieve all armor pieces. Just think about it; 20 pieces every run and full set requires 1200 carvings…

Bug in Citadel of Flames - exploit, perhaps?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mr K.3126

Mr K.3126

I see that many are using the word “exploit” and that really chops my assberry.
The dungeon is NOT DOABLE in its current state. We have groups with full exotic gear, food buffs and whatnots and cannot manage to complete it.
That’s why we jump across the gate, not for exploiting but for FINISHING and gettin the charr carvings to get the f****g gear. It’s not an exploit but merely a means of actually finishing the dungeon.

The end-game content is PvP, WvW, jumping puzzles and gear farming. Take that away and you have nothing, buff it too hard and you have no players willing to throw 3 hours away for 2,60 silver and 17k xp and 25 charr carvings.
I myself am an upright guy. Random people sent me their email by mistake with AWESOME material and I returned it, because that’s the fair thing to do. If I had the feeling this was an exploit I wouldn’t have done it. I want to finish CoF, that’s why I jump.
Fix the impossibru level over 9000 status of the dungeon and all will be fine and we wont have to jump.