HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mudran.8105
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mudran.8105
The problem is, that this marketing decision shows unfriendly attitude to old players, so it may work for the new players, but you will get a lot of old players, who bought the core game and feel cheated… the outfit is fine though, that could work – to show how much it would cost in your shop :p
so to answer the OP – you will get a nice outfit if you bought the core game – if I am right
I would like to ask you to remove the message sms spam and to add – no, thank you, do not ask again, because this will show, that you can respect the players and that you will not go against their will. This issue was problem in all other applications, it wasn’t popular, so you can lose players because of that and players should choose options that are the best for them, esp. those who bought the game. Thank you.
I had problem with the last boss – mouth of Zaithan, where you should fight with gorillas. I know this is more about combat system, but when we can discuss the recent changes here – with a group I didn’t have problems, but solo, the gorillas around the object that I should destroy, have automatic stun with several skills and with no cd, they kept me on the ground untill I died. I had all skills interrupted and there was no way how to avoid this. I tried run away, but they run faster. I killed them in the end,but it was really annoying.
I am glad to see posts like this saying the game is too hard. Although i do realize there needs to be hard content for the hardcore gamers i do believe some parts of the story including the living story needs to be toned down a bit for casuals. Anet needs to realize not everyone can get high end equipment with real money or spend hours to grind the money.
I am actually worried a bit about how the expansion will be. If there are more hard content like we’ve seen with the living story it might be better off for the casuals to quit playing the game.
That is a ridiculous claim, you neither need to invest money nor grind for it, you outlevel gear too fast anyway in this game and bother only at 80. The problem is not casual vs. hardcore. No player needs to be “hardcore” in this game. People complaining that the game is too hard for “normal” players, claiming the game should not cater to the “elite” only, are under the misperception of being normal players, but usually they are very bad players. A game cannot cater to the 5 % percent most unskilled of the unskilled or it will be completely uninteresting for everyone else. Which GW2 almost is, so even lowering the bar seems to be a bad idea.
LOL. your claim is ridiculous… Sadly Anet listen to such players, so they will see who was right in the end…
Maybe you are right, maybe that is the main problem of Guild Wars2. Their quests are not really quests – you just do a few things and it is done. So players don’t have the feeling they accomplished anything. So they implemented hard mobs or their bigger numbers to compensate that. But I don’t think it is a good solution. The best solution would be to let a player decide what part of a quest he would like to do and make it a bit harder so you could also get more xps for that? Or make hearts repeatable? With a lot of events around it shouldn’t be a problem even for players who don’t like quests (=dealing with problems of others) and you could still level up the way you want and you wouldn’t feel forced to fight with annoying mobs if you don’t want to?
Jumping puzzle in level 1-15 zone that ends up with a tunnel filled with Oozes – ranged fire dps and that tunnel leads to a room with level 16 5-6 oozes who repop almost immediately and a veteran level 17. Because of ranged DPS, will be unable to flee in time, and it is impossible to kill this on level 15. It is a death trap and it is a horrible experience for a new player…
Why is it designed like that in a jumping puzzle where you could try 4-5 times before you finally come to a chest you are unable to loot? It is like a stupid, cruel joke…
The problem is the game starts as causual and around lvl 50 they add ridiculously annoying mobs – risens. It is not challenging – it is just lets say 50% more damage, higher hps and horrible annoying skills. I don’t think any story can excuse that kind of feature to be implemented into a game. I can understand challenging bosses or events, but mobs that you are forced to meet every kitten day in the game after level 50? Common it is seriously horrible. If they would tweak that mobs a bit down, even the story line would be less difficult.
About elementalist: I think it is also different in races – charrs are hard to coordinate – every jumping puzzle is pain with them because they don’t stand really stright, they have skew view, so a class that is based on speed of buttons can be pain with charrs.
It seems like it is not really tested so it just shows they don’t really care how many times you die in their game I don’t mind dying but I do mind annoying evening in a game, esp. when you are tired after a difficult day in your job and you have to deal with unnecessary annyoing features made by developers…
One more thing – do have all the classes the same amount of HPS in that instance? If all classes have the same skills, it could be unplayable with less HPS.
I’m not sure if I’m right, but there is still no stability for thieves – with 2 seconds of stealth and without power all the time I was ping-ponged around places by mobs, stunned all the time…
With a class that should be close fight – being interrupted / stunned all the time – because even the smallest attack is intrruptable – why is that? I don’t understand how it was meant to be playable and enjoyable class.
(edited by Mudran.8105)
Can I ask why they don’t offer this service? They have all kind of services (not really important) in their shop, why they don’t care if someone wants to have his deleted character back – where he invested his money and time?
to OP: LOL ROFL – it was exactly thoughts of my friend and when I started LW2 – 1st chapter – I was like WTF are those freaks (all of them!) so horrible sentences, acting – they are just wierd. And when the fight started, they just tried to revive you which is useless. So yes, thanks for them! Im not sure why they are there at all … maybe to annoy you even more if you die in slaughter or of boredom…
to OP: exactly my thoughts.
I don’t understand only one thing at all – why to create so beatiful living RP world, why they invested money to make the level 1-15 zones so good, if they didn’t want to make the whole game RP? Players who don’t like RP will just run through and RP players, who love them, will be frustrated later only.
For me the final battle with Zhaitan was the best part of personal story lvl 80.
It was the reason I didn’t quit the game after all the unfair fights in previous chapters and horrible Orr.
Why? Because it was all I wanted to have in Orr instead of horrible killing machines – It was spooky, mysterous, atmospheric and surprising. Also Zhaitan had really cool image.
But on the other hand if they would make it the opposite – more spooky then dangerous island and more dangerous boss fight – it would be even better for me. I wouldn’t mind to have more dangerous boss fight in the end of my personal story if my previous lvl 70-80 gaming experience wouldn’t be full of unfair fights and slaughtering. Obviously – both RP and fighting players would be satisfied.
If they would have better pacing of how the danger of the hell island grows – as it would be in a well made horror game – for example – walking corpses are spooky enough because you never know when they would notice you, so they would attack randomly – it would have more cool effect. Or if more of them would come with fog only – you would feel strange – asking Where are they? and then they would come with fog in great numbers and event would start. I really loved the island when I saw it within the dream with Pale tree avatar, I’m so sad it ruined my game experience when I was trying to enjoy it
I think I can understand what OP meant. It is not lazy – it is just fast made zone none paid for. This is that kind of quality you get when it is for free.
Sadly the latest zones of Orr (even though it was meant as RP horrible zone) pushed the barriers too far away. Every new zone just copy from that and it is carried on and on.
So the company created something that turned against them in the end. If they would make Orr more spooky, mysterious and chilly instead annoying horrible and slaughtering, they would have more free hands to do more creative staff later on. I really hope they will see it one day how big mistake it was and how it mislead the original concept of this otherwise great game.
Thank you for this thread. It is important for me because I couldn’t understand how such great RP game could have so different style in higher level zones.
I wish it would be possible to choose this RP path of personal story.
(edited by Mudran.8105)
I have to say that my friend quitted this game yesterday because lvl 40 storyline was too hard for his elementalist and he couldn’t imagine how he would do even harder later chapters – esp. Orr. What could be soloable for some classes is not with another one. And they want to make the new content even more challenging.
What I was told the elementalist has low HPS and range of his attacks it too close with only one heal a and big CD on skills. Also the close ranged skills are not instant, but anyone can interrupt them, Staff, which would have higher range have no real DPS, so the class is really painful. With a lot of fighting since lvl 60, it is 1/3 of the game that is constant dying in the most annyoing way. I really wish developers would listen to ordinary players who want to have just fun and make personal story challenging according to the will of a player.
I’m no expert but what I see as the biggest problem of this game in fights is that mobs are designed to use all skills with conditions, interrupts and stuns as players, but devs don’t realise that while a player have to think before he does something, the ordinary mobs do everything instantly and without any mistakes, so yes in the end it is just 100 ways of dying – it is not a challenge because the fights are not fair. I think that if they would fix this kind of behaviour of ordinary mobs then half of the fight would be much more pleasant.
I tried first battle in LW2 1st chapter with my thief and the small golems were constantly stunning me when I tried to fight with knives, so I had to use pistols which have no AOE and small damage = long and annoying. I will never have ascended gear and a legendary weapon so I guess it is better for me not to continue? I don’t understand the reason why the mobs have that kind of constant and unavoidable attack.
After dying like 20 times when I was completing Malchors Leap because of such unavoidable annyoing mobs in both PVE and some story missions ( like combo: spiders/AOE shooters who was doing dmg for 5k when I was spinned on the ground without power for dodge and with CD on shadow skills ending in deathtrap quite often, with champions hiding next to skill challenge, etc) I came to this and it is even worse, so I feel really horrible.
I agree too with OP. After constant battles in endgame zones it was hard for me to enjoy battle events with another lowbie again and to have the same fun as I had before. Everything can be “too much”.
I can understand it was needed for the last 3 zones, but I really hope it will not become standard. I really miss the RP feel of starting zones level 1-15.
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