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Scepter DPS Tested To Equal GS DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Muircar.1259


Right but the whirlwind does more DPS than the amount of auto attack chains you could fit into its duration. That may not be the case with the Hammer and Might Blow. Like I said, I haven’t done the math, but that is the rationale.

in one rotation maybe, but then GS has another three autoattack chains worth of CD to wait through before another WW. with 2H mastery and a dodge thrown in every once in awhile, MB can be done on every autoattack chain. this is more talking about burst damage, not dps, which is by definition over a period of time.

Scepter DPS Tested To Equal GS DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Muircar.1259


My point was that this analysis ignores hammer’s 2-5 abilities, but it takes them into account for the other weapons. You can’t autoattack and WW at the same time with GS either.

Scepter DPS Tested To Equal GS DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Muircar.1259


umm… how does mighty blow not increase damage? it’s the hammer’s hardest hitter…

It increases total damage output but not necessarily damage over a set amount of time since you are not auto-attacking while using mighty blow. The main perk on mighty blow is the blast finisher.

by that rationale how are any of the skills other than autattack considered? MB has a 5-second CD, 4 if traited. you can get 4 off MBs in the amount of time it takes for 1 GS WW CD.

Scepter DPS Tested To Equal GS DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Muircar.1259


umm… how does mighty blow not increase damage? it’s the hammer’s hardest hitter…