Showing Posts For Musik.8509:
Surprisingly disappointing. I feel like the trailer tricked me.
I’ll need to warm up to the new map. No waypoints is annoying.
Livias plan was stupid. Her attitude was worse. She comes across like a cheaper version of Anise.
But worst: My character acted stupid throughout the whole episode. The whole tone of the initiation was wrong, the reasoning behind it was stupid and the whole plot around it was badly structured and told.
Item: Flame Legion Wraps
Race: Charr
Sex: Female
Class: Elementalist
Wearing the Flame Legion Wraps disables any animation for the character’s hands. They won’t grip their weapons, idly move their fingers or move their fingers at all (for example while playing an instrument).
I noticed a problem on my female Charr elementalist regarding the animation (or lack thereof) of the hands while wearing gloves with the Flame Legion Wraps skin. The hands seem stuck in some kind of idle pose or in the first frame of their animation cycle, not gripping weapons, not moving when playing instruments and so on.
Problem still exists. Can’t finish HOPE if I can’t get to Gargantula. Kinda drives me crazy. Any tips on how I can still finish the collection?
This game does not have a mount problem. It has waypoints.
Second that. I really liked the ricochet dual pistol build. Not too happy about it’s removal, really. Rather unhappy, actually.
The problem is not limited to the whisper channel. While mutating ravens to candy-corn elementals in the bloodtide coast, my /say-chat got stuck just like the whisper does sometimes.
Why not go the simple way? Gems are the interesting thing. So why not implement a function that allows the player to chose how much gems to buy and how much gems to sell? It would be simple, intuitive and provide players with the functionality they actually want.
This bug seems to still exist, as my female charr’s hands don’t close around her daggers or staff. In fact they don’t seem to move at all, be it for running, holding stuff or playing instruments.
Same problem here.
Made the exotic version on sunday, had the seed in the characters inventory and when I checked today after the patch, it had turned into the pet seed.
@ Advent Leader: Thanks, helped a lot. Opt out makes this a funny April Fools joke.
It’s so funny how they mutilated my characters, that I wish they would have at least given me the option to opt out…
My guess is Abaddon. She gazed into the abyss and it looked back. Evon Gnashblade promised us to look into Abaddon’s case and I think it would have had to do with Scarlet’s story just as the Thaumanova Reactor was a project of hers. He was the god of secrets and scarlet seems to know a lot of secret stuff…