Showing Posts For Mycro.4786:
I couldn’t care less about some extra karma/silver/tokens. I need 59 more Charged Lodestones from CoE, and at the current drop rates, the tedium is sinking in. Really, fix the acquisition of cores/lodestones first. Maybe have them drop in the bags, too, at least.
I have to agree with this, and provides the best potential “fix” for dungeons if what needs to be fixed is to get people to want to do them more than other things. I was actually going to make a topic in the suggestions forum about this if there wasnt one already. You already have different cores/lodestones attached to different dungeons and if you look at which ones are the most expensive, its the dungeons that no one typically goes to.
A great solution would be to make lodestones purchasable with dungeon tokens but the trick would be in setting the price right. It does no good to make them cheap, saturating the market and bottoming out the value as that would cheapen the items that use them.
A good way to look at it is to look at the exotic weapons/armor cost comparison. It costs on average 300 tokens for an item that typically goes for 2-3g for its crafted equivalent. I think if you set the price at 200 it would work out decently as that would mean one lodestone per full run of 3 now that we have the wonderous bags. That would still be a lot of runs for a weapon that takes say 100 charged lodestones. If you used that method alone you’re talking 300 individual paths. No one in their right mind would do that, however you do get silver per run and you get cores every now and again that can add to the mix.
I would add to that the idea that you take the cores out of the chests all together and make them an end of run reward. One core per path would make it so each set of 3 paths would give you 2.5 lodestones and 50silver plus w/e other stuff you get that could sell for silver or breakdown into mats. I mean even in this case you’d be looking at 30 days of all 3 paths being run on average to get 100 lodestones. That’s a lot of time to spend in one dungeon, now imagine how far off from that we are now it’s barely reasonable.
The OP is absolutely right, bags of wonderous goods will not fix dungeons, but is that what their intention is in the first place? The way I see it is this was put in for the people that are not fortunate enough to finish the dungeon so they don’t have to walk away with nothing but a terrible feeling. If you remember each boss used to drop 10 then 15 at the end for a total of 45. They switched it to just 60 at the end and nothing during. Now its 3+3+3+60 for 69 per full run or a lesser amount depending on how far you get. How is this a bad thing, they give you something for failure and they even give you a small cut of karma rewards for failure. For those of us who are not failures we just got more rewards.