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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mykle.5976


Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Guild: The Stalwart Brotherhood

Update on my guild issues: In WvWvW I have full control of my guild functionality. I also have access to guild bank and an ability to select upgrades. When I return to Lion’s arch, I am no longer able to access guild bank. The NPC tells me that my guild has not purchased that upgrade. I can no longer see the upgrades I have queued. This is my only guild of which I am GL. I was not having any of these problems prior to the most recent patch.

Kindori Ironborne

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mykle.5976


Hi, my character ‘Kindori Ironborn’ on the northern shiverpeaks severs is guild leader of ‘the stalwart brotherhood.’ As of the most recent patch, I seem to have lost the ability make changes in my guild. I am actively representing the guild. I am unable to promote members or change ranks. When I try to access the guild bank, the NPC states that we have not purchased a guild bank although guild stash does still show up on my guild panel. I also bought 4 x “drinks on the house” last PM yet no influence was added to my guild. Thanks in advance.

Guild: The Stalwart Brotherhood [BRO]
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks