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How long will the event be on? Please answer!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mythrindir.8534


@thesalesman the 5th? really, I must have missed that because on that page all I find is 11/1/12.

Must have been mistaken then.

Thank you A-Net. (not all of us are displeased)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mythrindir.8534


+101 This event is awesome I love the festive decorations, and I can’t wait to see the next one. GW2 Rules!

How long will the event be on? Please answer!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mythrindir.8534


I’m kind of disappointed that this whole Halloween event spans such a short amount of time, and considering most of US east will be without power for the next few days, its seems unfair to them that they have noway to play the 4th act. Maybe next year this event will actually last a minimum of 2 weeks :O