Showing Posts For Myxo.7263:

Mesmer looks

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


purple is nice … but for a wedding you need to go white ^^
also @ Selan: i like the dress but would not dare to walk with that in front of your inlaws ^^

here my suggestion, it does not get more bridal than that XD

please note that the dress is torn at the bottom … someone stepped on the Train and it had to be ripped off …


Shattered Dragon Wing bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Myxo.7263


the Shattered Dragon Wing are bugged …

at least i hope its bugged and not a forced change of animation … the animation is kinda backwards, the puls of an wing bash is faster when it is rising, that is not how nature works! … NO creature with wings is able to lift into air with that.

pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese fix it …

Shattered Conditions, how does it work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


Shattered Conditions, how does it work?

the wiki: "Using a shatter skill removes a condition from you and allies around you. "
- how far is “around you”?
- is it one condition per illusion or always just one?

Buying Dragon Bash Festival Food in mass.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Myxo.7263


Here is how i do it:

go to game settings > change to play Game in window > make the Window long in hight and thin in wide > position the buy window in that way that the buy button is on top of the checkmassage > just have the curser in one position and spam you mouse ^^

… not great but resonable fast XD

Plea for help in choosing a profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Myxo.7263


“characters that are hybrids” “emphasis in utility or support” “higher than average skill cap” “degree of mysticism” “more as melee than as caster” "endgame "

I would sugest give Mesmer a try … ^^

Deleted Character Containing Dragon Helmets

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Myxo.7263


write a suport ticked (and ask very veeeeeeery !!! nice) but i doubt they will give you the helm back …
… watch what you throwing away ^^

sry to be the bringer of bad news XD

Why is better gear dropping my stats?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Myxo.7263


1. are you lvled down ? or are your stats in your actual lvl … with down lvlling it can get somewhat fishy HOW the stats drop … having said that it should not lower your stats … just to be save get to a zone where you are not lvled down

2. the only reason that comes to my mind ist that you are having a second Minor rune of flame legion on a other armor peace … in doing so you are not getting +10 power but +5% Burn duration … in that case your first armor would give you a total of +17 power and your second armor +10 (remember the second effect of your rune is applied if you stack two of the same on different armor pieces)
… it still would not explain why your stats diminished by 6 and not 7 ^^

Are we making any PvE balance progress?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Myxo.7263


I like Orr a LOT actully … some points to make your live more fun in Orr ^^

a) champions guarding a skill challange → making the skill point a challenge? → plasphemy ^^
- ask for help … almost always there is someone to help you (we are playing an mmo^^)
- use Stelth !! … if you dont have any, ask for mesmer and thiefs (we are playing an mmo^^) use spy kits …

b) respawn of what is to high? … i assume that is personal preference but outside from events there are almost never more than 2-3 enemys at your neck ^^ …
just my personal opinion … but never had problems wuth respawn rate

c) we are fighting in hell … in a dragon infestet area … at the end of the game … lvl 80 zone … there are waypoints that are always uncontested

d) use stun break, stealth, condition removal, speed, doge, your pet/minion/illusion/sumoning as aggro relieve …

e) i dont know if thats true … i do not say it isnt ^^ … but there are still a lot of people farming … so it cant be toooooooooooo bad

We are playing at the end zone, in a dragon infested hell, at lvl 80 … IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY ^^

have fun … and take a challange as it is … a challenge ^^

I've been playing mesmer for...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


sry Leo if i came on to strong … was not my intention … i am serious throgh

you played 2000+ hours since launch (about 250 days) … that makes for about 8 hours a day !!! … it does not matter what you do not like about your class or the game or whatever … it will get boring so my serious advice is still:

take a brake and come back

please keep in mind i do not want to “call you names” or have any hard feelings about you or how you play …

have fun ^^ …

I've been playing mesmer for...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


Sry Leo Paul but the fact that you dont even see your trolling is scary …

“you played 2000+ hours and are bored ALREADY”
… pls try and find out what is the problem here …

Serious (no hard feelings ^^):
- take a week of from guild wars 2 and come back … you will enjoy mesmer and the game probably more

What did you give up to go Phantasm and why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


Why would you ever consider going “Phantasmal Haste” ?

if THAT is correct:

than taking that Trait is quite useles ^^
in normal pve the enemy is dead before the second attack could trigger … besides the cooldown reduction is quite small regardless …

i get that i-warden becomes more usefull … but little more than 1 sec cooldownreduction? … is it realy worth it ?

“buuuuuuut if it works for you go with it ^^”

(edited by Myxo.7263)

Awesome mesmer look

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


if i am not mistaken XD … ?!

@ Ororo: how do you get the eyes like that?
@up Awesome! Can you post armor pieces?

Head: nekro start option (goooooooood old transform trick ^^)
shoulder: Arah dungeon
chest: exo Karma from Orr
hands: exo Karma from Orr
legs: Arah dungeon
feet: someone can only guess ^^

(edited by Myxo.7263)

best skin for gs in mesmer:)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


thats like asking what icecream is better: chocolade or vanilla … so i go with chocolade ^^

on a slightly more serious note … both are hideous

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Myxo.7263


@Stingz.7392 what dye is that? its almost glass like shiny^^

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


Here is my Mesmer ^^


Variable price for trait resetting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Myxo.7263


The cost for resetting 1 traitpoint is 5c … 70 (possible traitpoints to reset)x 5c = 3s50c … if you only paid 3s than you must had 10 traitpoints not used … therefore only resetting 60 traitpoints cost you 3s the day before

Level 17 Mesmer AoE (I think) help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


@Esplen: sword is possible, i ran Sword/sword Staff (shatter) from lvl 1-40 with no problem

@ Veetus: 3 ways vs mobs

1. kill them fast one by one power your illusions to tank there dmg
2. kite them ^^ (takes time but with staff your are rarly hit)
3. pull them close together and go sword (2) shatter

IMPORTEND mesmer arenĀ“t suposed to be hit … teleport, kite, doge, leap, stelth

(edited by Myxo.7263)

I want to like Mesmer, what am I missing?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


1. true … mesmer sucks at perma speed
2. true and false … with staff / greatswort or sword it is possible to tag mobs but it is way harder than on other classes … try melee mesmer with shatter combo ^^
3. absolutly false … mesmer are able to bring down 1on1 normal enemies 5-10 lvl higher and veterans of same lvl with no problems … in fact mesmers are in pve on of the strongest 1on1 classes (if you play condition staff it takes some time but your are nearly invinceble; if you play power krit … it is in fact easy)

New mesmer needs help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myxo.7263


1. PVE is simple … play how you like it. Just go for DMG as long as you dont die, … keep your armor/ weapon evry 5 to 10 lvl updatet.

2. Kaka event: use this side to look how your item you wanne sell is priced in the past: make your price acordningly.

3. sword main hand on both stets is not clever ^^ you lose 3 optional skills